Public Safety and Facilities Announcements
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Teaching and Learning
General Announcements
Event Announcements
Keeping Track of Auggies
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Auggie Athletics
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Public Safety and Facilities Announcements
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Teaching and Learning
Spring Break Hours in the Writing Lab
The Augsburg College Writing Lab will be open as follows during spring break:
Friday: March 12, regular hours (5-7 PM)
Sunday: March 14, 4-6 PM
Tuesday: March 16, 4-6 PM
Thursday: March 18, 4-6 PM
Sunday: March 21, regular hours (5:30-8 PM)
Please contact Kathryn Swanson, English, if you have questions (x1010).
Life of the Mind Retreat
Spring Faculty/Staff Workshop
The Chemistry of Well-Being
March 12 (1:30 p.m.-6:00) and March 13 (9:00 a.m.-12:30) at Augsburg College!
Join noted author Henry Emmons, MD, author of The Chemistry of Joy for workshops on the chemistry of joy and the chemistry of calm. Special breakout workshops will feature the benefits and practices of yoga, mindfulness meditation, breathing strategies and research and Native American Spirituality and wellness. Please contact Terry Martin, Center for Teaching and Learning at for more information. Leave your name and an e-mail address so that further registration information and workshop schedule can be sent to you.
International Internships and Study: Summer or Fall
There's still time to apply to intern or study abroad this Summer or Fall (CGE, International Partners and Exchanges and affiliate programs)
1-2-3 Steps to Study Abroad
1. Attend a Group Advising Meeting.
2. Choose a program.
3. Apply by the deadline.
*March 15 (summer and fall)
*Oct. 1 (January + Spring 2011)
Questions? or stop into Murphy Place 200.
General Announcements
Additional Religion 300 Section Now Available
Attention WEC Students,
Due to a high demand, we have just added a new REL 300 section to the Spring WEC schedule. The new section is Religion 300 C.
To register for this course, please check out Records and Registration.
Thank you!
Kathy Kelly on Campus Friday, March 5
Kathy Kelly, three time Nobel Peace Prize nominee will be speaking on campus--
Friday, March 5th at 1:20pm-2:20pm
Minneapolis Room, Christensen Center.
The title of her talk is, "Where You Stand Determines what you See: Firsthand experiences in peacemaking in the Middle East."
All are welcome to attend!
(Kathy Kelly will also be speaking at the Peace Prize Forum on Saturday.)
For more information contact Mary Laurel True, 330-1775 or
Augsburg Dining 2nd Annual Vendor Food Show
On Wednesday March 10th Augsburg Dining will be hosting its 2nd annual Vendor Food Show. Come up to the Commons during lunch and and sample many new products from local vendors and tell us what you think. It runs from 11-1:30.
Sign-Up to Save a Life - Donate Blood
Don't forget Memorial Blood Centers will be on campus on Wednesday, March 10 from 10 - 4 the East Commons for the annual spring blood drive. Several time slots are still available for donating so please call the CCHP office at 612-330-1707 to get your donation time.
Walk-ins will also be available but we need to commit to a specific number of pre-registered donors, too. So before you head out or back home for spring break consider donating one pint of blood.
Any questions, please call the CCHP office. Thanks for helping save lives.
Graduating or Looking for an Internship?
Enterprise Rent-A-Car representatives will be on campus holding an informational session for all students who are interested in sales and/or their management trainee positions. Enterprise is a multibillion-dollar industry and they offer wonderful benefits, salary and training for their employees. Mark your calendar and stop by on Monday, March 8th at 4:30 p.m. in the Oren Gateway Room 114. If you think you may attend email Sponsored by: Strommen Career and Internship Center.
Event Announcements
Peace Corps Information Session
Peace Corps Information Session
Tuesday, March 9th
4:30-5:30 p.m.
Marshall Room, Christensen Center
Stop by and learn about the Peace Corps and ask a recruiter your questions.
Staff Appreciation Event Monday Afternoon
Staff Appreciation Event
Monday, March 8
2:30 p.m., East Commons
Please join us for a celebration of Augsburg staff. We will honor those who celebrated their 5th, 10th, 15th, 20th, 25th and 30th anniversaries in 2009 as well as Staff Recognition award winners.
Celebrating 5 Years
Mollie Thompson
Sandra Fevig
Tina Brauer
Thomas Carlon
Juneal Colburn-Lay
Anne DeYoung
Carly Eichhorst
Mulu Erana
Kevin Healy
Susan Hecker
Greg Holker
Christine Matthews
Verlon Moses
Shelia Nally
Dulce Oliva Monterrubio
Maria Tavera
Erin Voss
Tony Weiland
Lori York
Celebrating 10 Years
James Brost
Beth Carlson
Karena Jones
Anne Lynch
Marissa Machado
Michael Navarre
Jane Ann Nelson
Sharon Wade
Celebrating 15 Years
Judi Green
Lawrence Handsuch
Mary Jastremski
Kristen Kraft
Jennifer Posch
Devon Ross
Patty Park
Celebrating 20 Years
Susan Certain
Raymond Doehling
William Schneider
Mary Stimpson
Mary True
Celebrating 30 Years
Sally Daniels
Paul Grauer
Staff Recognition Award Nominees
Margaret Anderson
Janine Borchardt
Mark Chamberlain
Paul Grauer
Susan Hecker
Regina Hopingardner
Sherry Jennings-King
Patricia Kinner
Scott Krajewski
Leslie Larson
Nathan Lind
Brian Noy
Sara Schlipp-Riedel
Carrie Shidla
Jennifer Simon
Howard Weiss
Lori York
AISA Presents Augsburg's 2nd Traditional Powwow
Augsburg's Indigenous Student Association (AISA)'s
2nd Traditional Powwow
Saturday, March 20, 2010
Si Melby Gymnasium, Augsburg College Campus
Grand Entries (Start times): 1:00 PM and 7:00 PM
Community Feast: 5:00 PM
NO Admission fee - FREE!
There will be several vendors (craft/products and non-profit organizations) as well as a concession with Indian Tacos for sale by AISA.
Please note for those unfamiliar with a Powwow that a Grand Entry is the 'start' of a session where all the dancers come into the circle together. A session typically goes 3 hours and people are welcome to come and go throughout the day, however, if you have never experienced a grand entry I would suggest doing so. It is truly a cultural experience. We will take a break for a feast, in which all are invited, and the second session will start with the grand entry at 7:00 PM and will end around 9:30 PM. Within the sessions, there will be a variety of dances by category or
Augsburg hosted the first Powwow on campus last March, having close to 3,000 people throughout the day and hosting 14 drum groups and over 200 Native dancers. It was a huge success and we are looking forward to year #2.
Any questions or if you would like to get involved and/or co-sponsor this year's Powwow, please contact Jennifer Simon, Director of American Indian Student Services and Advisor to AISA at 612.330.1144 or
Art Receptions - TONIGHT
Please join us for the opening of three art exhibitions tonight from 5:00-7:00 p.m. Food and refreshments will be provided.
"Life on the Border: The Karen People of Burma"
Robert Gerhardt
Christensen Center Art Gallery
Opening Reception: 5-7 p.m.
Artist Talk: 6 p.m.
"With Our Eyes"
Karen Community Photography Project
Gage Family Art Gallery
Opening Reception: 5-7 p.m.
"Nobel Peace Portraits"
Doug Knutson
Student Art Gallery, Christensen Center
Opening Reception: 5-7 p.m.
Women's Resource Center Brown Bag Lunch Wed 12-1
Please join us for lunch and conversation in the WRC, 207 Sverdrup, on Wednesday, March 10 from 12-1. All are welcome!
Auggie Student Health Summit
MPIRG and CCHP are hosting an event Wednesday, March 10th in the Marshall room from 6:30-7:30. This event will inform students about their health options on and off campus and allow them to get their questions answered. Information will be provided about clinics surrounding the area and what services they provide and what insurance they take. This event is open to all students.
Keeping Track of Auggies
No postings
Auggie Athletics
No postings
MN Twins Baseball and Help to Fight MS
I am selling tickets to the Minnesota Twins game against the Kansas City Royals on April 17th. The cost of the tickets is $22 (normally $24) and $6 dollars goes to the MS society's scholarship fund. To order tickets, please click on the link below. Print and fax or mail it to the contact on the form. The Twins have a new ticketing system this year. They are still trying to work out some of the details and are unsure how far in advance the tickets will be printed and sent out.
The deadline is March 29th and the Twins have told us these events sell out very quickly so if you are interested check it out ASAP!!
On the form indicate my name (Bridget Robinson-Riegler) for the participant who receives pledge and for Team name put "Scholarship Fund" No need to circle an event.
Come see the new ballpark and help fight MS!