Public Safety and Facilities Announcements
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Teaching and Learning
General Announcements
Event Announcements
Keeping Track of Auggies
Auggie Athletics
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Public Safety and Facilities Announcements
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Teaching and Learning
Life of the Mind Retreat
Spring Faculty/Staff Workshop
The Chemistry of Well-Being
March 12 (1:30 p.m.-6:00) and March 13 (9:00 a.m.-12:30) at Augsburg College!
Join noted author Henry Emmons, MD, author of The Chemistry of Joy for workshops on the chemistry of joy and the chemistry of calm. Special breakout workshops will feature the benefits and practices of yoga, mindfulness meditation, breathing strategies and research and Native American Spirituality and wellness. Please contact Terry Martin, Center for Teaching and Learning at for more information. Leave your name and an e-mail address so that further registration information and workshop schedule can be sent to you.
Fall and Summer Book Request
This year the bookstore is requesting Fall 2010/Summer book orders by March 15th. While this may have seemed like a very early deadline, it is part of an effort to provide more used books for our students as well as pay higher prices for their used books.
Turning your book order in promptly allows the bookstore ample time to source as many used books as possible in order to offer the best value and save the students money. Since many campuses nationwide source from the same wholesale company, it is critical we get your order in on time.
Knowing early on what books are going to be used for the following semester means we can pay higher prices at buyback (up to 50% of what the student paid for the book) and source the books from used book distributors.
Because of your cooperation last year we paid students over $206K in buyback. However, we have a tremendous opportunity as this was $87K less than the amount we paid the previous year.
The faculty and staff at Augsburg College play a significant role in the success of this endeavor by getting the book orders in early. Final exam week last May we had received 65% of the book requests. Last December we had 98% of orders in hand before finals week. With your help, we look forward to do even better this semester.
We are asking for fall 2010/Summer book orders by March 15th and anticipate having 95% of the book orders in hand before finals week. Again, this may seem early, but please remember, the earlier the book requests are in, the better the outcome for our students.
Upon this due date, we will share with you, a list of book orders still outstanding so we can make sure that no book orders were missed as well as assist you in getting your orders placed.
Finally, effective in 2010, the Higher Education Opportunity Act will go into affect. One portion of this act states that institutions of higher education are to inform students on how they can save money on textbooks (including used books, cash back programs, etc.) at the time of registration. Submitting your book orders promptly, will assist in ensuring our campus is in compliance to this portion of the HEOA bill.
Once again, we would like to truly thank you for your help and cooperation in trying to keep costs down for our students. The solution to high textbook prices is faculty, staff and bookstores working together. We cannot meet these objectives without your help.
If you need any more information, please give me a call (612.359.6492), email me at or stop in the bookstore anytime.
International Internships this Summer and Fall
There's still time to apply to intern or study abroad this Summer or Fall (CGE, International Partners and Exchanges and affiliate programs)
1-2-3 Steps to Study Abroad
1. Attend a Group Advising Meeting.
2. Choose a program.
3. Apply by the deadline.
*March 15 (summer and fall)
*Oct. 1 (January + Spring 2011)
Questions? or stop into Murphy Place 200.
Surrender to the Luxury of Doing Only One Thing
Mark your calendar for the spring retreat: "Remembering and Renewal" to be held at the Mount Olivet Retreat Center, 25 miles south of the Twin Cities. Come for the day (9-4) on May 12th, or stay overnight until noon on May 13th.
We will use spring themes to examine how we and our students can lead lives of commitment in a complex world. Selected readings, poems, video, music and nature will serve as catalysts helping us to slow down, to hear ourselves, and to have significant conversations with others. Join us for thoughtful conversation, generative questions, and a wonderful opportunity to get to know your colleagues.
If you need further information contact Ron Petrich 330-1593 or; to sign up RSVP to Bev Stratton 330-1063 or
Scholarly Writing Retreat
May 17-19, 2010
Dunrovin Retreat Center
Faculty: do you wish you had uninterrupted time to write / work on scholarship? The Committee on Faculty Development and the Scholarly Writers Group is sponsoring a short scholarly working/writing retreat at Dunrovin designed to allow faculty some time away from campus to focus entirely on scholarship. There is no schedule attached to this retreat - it is simply time and space to work on scholarship.
The retreat will take place Monday, May 17 at 1pm (after lunch) through Wednesday, May 19 at 1pm (after lunch). Six openings remain.
*The Academic Dean and the Center for Teaching and Learning will cover the cost of the retreat. There will be no charge for participants
General Announcements
Faculty Cap and Gown Rentals
If you need to rent a cap and gown for the upcoming commencement please contact me by March 26th. email is
Garden and Green House Plots Still Available
Dirty puddles means it's time to think about gardening. The community garden spaces are filling up, so if you're considering gardening on campus, please apply soon. You can apply here:
Also, this year we'll be offering mini plots (4'x4') in the greenhouse. Perfect for getting your seeds started or maybe getting a head start on your greens. Please email directly if you're interested in green house space either for yourself or even for a class.
Enterprise Rent-A-Car Is Hiring
Enterprise Rent-A-Car representatives will be on campus holding an informational session for all students who are interested in sales and/or their management trainee positions. Enterprise is a multibillion-dollar industry and they offer wonderful benefits, salary and training for their employees. Mark your calendar and stop by on Monday, March 8th at 4:30 p.m. in the Oren Gateway Room 114. If you think you may attend email Sponsored by: Strommen Career and Internship Center.
Augsburg Yearbook Needs You
Hey Everybody,
The Augsburg Yearbook is still looking for one person to be a writer for the rest of the semester. We are looking for talented individuals who are committed and turn things in on time. If interested, contact Jessica King at .
Exploring the Earthquake in Chile in Spanish
Practice your Spanish as we examine information about the recent earthquake in Chile. We will watch several internet news clips in Spanish and discuss them in our group. The setting is very informal and you don't need to speak Spanish well to join us. All language levels are welcome - we promise there won't be any grammar lessons! Please join us this Thurs., 3/4, from 11:00 - 12:30 in the Augsburg Rm., 2nd fl Christensen Center. Drop in for 10 mins. or for the whole session, whatever works for you. Bring your lunch if you wish. If you have any questions, contact Emiliano Chagil, ext. 1309; Anita Fisher, ext. 1082 or Kate Reinhardt, ext. 1081. We hope to see you there!
Remember, every time you join us in conversacion, you get a raffle ticket for a movie or a music CD in Spanish!
Blood Donations Needed
This is a reminder that Memorial Blood Center will be on campus, Wednesday, March 10 from 10 - 4 p.m. in the East Commons for our annual Spring Blood Drive. Many time slots are still available that day. If you are interested in signing up, please call the CCHP office at 612-330-1707 to get your time slot.
Volunteers are also needed to staff the canteen area serving refreshment to those who have donated. This is a great opportunity for those of you who cannot donate but still want to help.
Augsburg has always been a great donation site and we have high expectations for an exceptional turnout. Please consider calling the CCHP office today for your time to give on Wednesday, March 10th.
Event Announcements
Reception for Bishop Kameeta from Namibia
All are invited to meet Bishop Zephania Kameeta, Evangeical Lutheran Church in Namibia.
Century Room
Thursday, March 4
3:00 p.m.
Refreshments provided.
This is an excellent opportunity to hear Bishop Kameeta's vocation story and life experience as a member of SWAPO in the struggle for liberation, as a deputy speaker of the National Assembly, and as a pastor and Bishop of the ELCRN. He is committed to addressing the reality of poverty, domestic violence, HIV/AIDS and need for racial reconciliation in his country. Bishop Kameeta will be on a panel at the Peace Prize Forum on Saturday forenoon, but come hear his vocation story at this reception. Bring a friend.
Staff Appreciation Event
Staff Appreciation Event
Monday, March 8
2:30 p.m., East Commons
Please join us for a celebration of Augsburg staff. We will honor those who celebrated their 5th, 10th, 15th, 20th, 25th and 30th anniversaries in 2009 as well as Staff Recognition award winners.
Celebrating 5 Years
Mollie Thompson
Sandra Fevig
Tina Brauer
Thomas Carlon
Juneal Colburn-Lay
Anne DeYoung
Carly Eichhorst
Mulu Erana
Kevin Healy
Susan Hecker
Greg Holker
Christine Matthews
Verlon Moses
Shelia Nally
Dulce Oliva Monterrubio
Maria Tavera
Erin Voss
Tony Weiland
Lori York
Celebrating 10 Years
James Brost
Beth Carlson
Karena Jones
Anne Lynch
Marissa Machado
Michael Navarre
Jane Ann Nelson
Sharon Wade
Celebrating 15 Years
Judi Green
Lawrence Handsuch
Mary Jastremski
Kristen Kraft
Jennifer Posch
Devon Ross
Patty Park
Celebrating 20 Years
Susan Certain
Raymond Doehling
William Schneider
Mary Stimpson
Mary True
Celebrating 30 Years
Sally Daniels
Paul Grauer
Staff Recognition Award Nominees
Margaret Anderson
Janine Borchardt
Mark Chamberlain
Paul Grauer
Susan Hecker
Regina Hopingardner
Sherry Jennings-King
Patricia Kinner
Scott Krajewski
Leslie Larson
Nathan Lind
Brian Noy
Sara Schlipp-Riedel
Carrie Shidla
Jennifer Simon
Howard Weiss
Lori York
"With Our Eyes" Exhibition Opening - Friday
"With Our Eyes"
March 5 April 1, 2010
The Gage Family Art Gallery
First level, Oren Gateway Center
Opening Reception: Friday, March 5, 5:00 7:00 p.m.
Artist Discussion: Saturday, March 6, during the Nobel Peace Prize Forum seminars
"With Our Eyes" is a series of over 30 black and white photographs that offer an intimate view of the Karen community in the Twin Cities. The photographs were created during a five-week community project that paired Karen high school students with seven Augsburg College students. Connected through their interest in photography, the students met last summer to explore the technical and creative sides of using a camera as they documented the daily activities of the Karen community. Led by Susan Boecher, photography instructor at Augsburg, the project created a learning environment that fostered an understanding between the students as they explored the idea of cultural identity.
The Karen are an ethnic minority in Myanmar, formerly known as Burma, that have been in civil war for decades. Suffering from malnutrition and disease, many have left the refugee camps on the Thai-Burma border to come to the United States. One of the largest Karen populations in the United States is in the Twin Cities.
All events are free and open to the public.
The Gage Family Art Gallery
22nd Ave. S. at Riverside Ave.
Minneapolis, MN 55454
Student Group Workshop - Creating Access
Creating Access: How to Make Your Programming More Accessible
Presented by Laura Cannata and Sadie Curtis
Thursday, March 4, 2010
OGC 113
There are attendance requirements for student groups, have you fulfilled yours?
Tickets for Four Walls
Tickets are now on sale for Four Walls, guest directed by Luverne Seifert.
Meet Rathcamp, a 27-year-old computer analyst spends her day watching film noir. Lives at home with mother. In this multimedia marriage of recorded video and live theatre, Four Walls places the audience in a swivel-chair center enabling them to follow the action without leaving their chairs. Ponder real life and fantasy in this work-in-progress production.
Four Walls will perform on March 9th, 10th, 11th and 12th at 7:00 and 8:30 each night. Tickets are $1 for Augsburg students, $4 for ACTC faculty/staff and $5 for general public.
Email to make a reservation.
First Wednesday Gathering Today
Please join us for First Wednesday Gathering today, 11 a.m. - 1:30 p.m. in the East Commons.
The security and custodial night shift employees are also invited to the Wednesday Evening Gathering at 8 p.m. in the Minneapolis Room.
The first-Wednesday-of-the-month gatherings support our commitment to building community and practicing common work. They are an opportunity to get to know one another, exchange ideas, and collaborate in new ways. We hope you will invite your colleagues and plan to join us!
Nobel Peace Prize Forum
Online registration for the Nobel Peace Prize Forum has closed, but you have NOT missed the opportunity to attend the Forum. 2008 Nobel Peace laureate Martti Ahtisaari will deliver the keynote address on Friday evening and many other excellent speakers are scheduled for Saturday. Registration is free for Augsburg students, faculty and staff. You may register in the lobby of Melby Hall on Friday and Saturday.
Click on the Nobel Peace Prize Forum icon on Inside Augsburg or go to: to see the program and this wonderful opportunity to learn about peacemaking in a troubled world.
AISA Presents Augsburg's 2nd Traditional Powwow
Augsburg's Indigenous Student Association (AISA)'s
2nd Traditional Powwow
Saturday, March 20, 2010
Si Melby Gymnasium, Augsburg College Campus
Grand Entries (Start times): 1:00 PM and 7:00 PM
Community Feast: 5:00 PM
NO Admission fee - FREE!
There will be several vendors (craft/products and non-profit organizations) as well as a concession with Indian Tacos for sale by AISA.
Please note for those unfamiliar with a Powwow that a Grand Entry is the 'start' of a session where all the dancers come into the circle together. A session typically goes 3 hours and people are welcome to come and go throughout the day, however, if you have never experienced a grand entry I would suggest doing so. It is truly a cultural experience. We will take a break for a feast, in which all are invited, and the second session will start with the grand entry at 7:00 PM and will end around 9:30 PM. Within the sessions, there will be a variety of dances by category or
Augsburg hosted the first Powwow on campus last March, having close to 3,000 people throughout the day and hosting 14 drum groups and over 200 Native dancers. It was a huge success and we are looking forward to year #2.
Any questions or if you would like to get involved and/or co-sponsor this year's Powwow, please contact Jennifer Simon, Director of American Indian Student Services and Advisor to AISA at 612.330.1144 or
Keeping Track of Auggies
Fulbright Roving Scholar in American Studies
English Professor Colin Irvine will be serving as a Fulbright Roving Scholar in American Studies in Norway during 2010-11. The Fulbright Foundation and the Norwegian Department of Education and Research co-sponsor this program. Each year, the Fulbright Roving Scholar travels to secondary schools all over Norway and gives seminars and training sessions to teachers and students on a variety of subjects, including American literature, politics, history, film, folklore, geography and current events. The English Department congratulates him on his appointment.
Alison Rapp Wins 2nd Place Trophy
Congratulations to communication studies major Alison Rapp, who won a 2nd place trophy at Tuesday's Twin Cities Forensic League tournament held at Normandale Community College. Her 2nd place finish in the event called Communication Analysis was based on a Burkean interpretation of President Obama's inaugural address. Augsburg students Megan Henley and Jacob Steffen also participated and finished 3rd and 4th, respectively.
Auggie Athletics
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Roommate Needed
Hello, So we need one more roommate for a 4 person/4 bedroom in Luther Hall...WHO'S interested?? Junior status or above please. Right now we have 1 male person and 2 female people...we're real chill...
Contact me at