Public Safety and Facilities Announcements
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Teaching and Learning
- Scholastic Connections Application Deadline 3/1
- Instructional and Course Design Summer Stipends
- Help Identify Participants for Zyzzogeton
- Spring Faculty/Staff Workshop
- Travel Opportunity for Faculty and Staff
- Urban Agriculture Classes
- "Remembering and Renewal" Spring Retreat - May 12,13
- Affordable Travel Opportunity for Students
- Call for Zyzzogeton Abstracts
General Announcements
Event Announcements
Keeping Track of Auggies
- (No listings)
Auggie Athletics
Public Safety and Facilities Announcements
No postings
Teaching and Learning
Scholastic Connections Application Deadline 3/1
Scholastic Connections is a scholarship and mentorship program for undergraduate students of color (American Indian, Hispanic/Latino, Pan-Afrikan, Pan Asian) at Augsburg College. Students who are successful in their application process and are selected to participate receive a $5000 scholarship, renewable annually, and are paired with a successful alumna/alumnus of color that serves as Mentor for the Scholar.
Five "new" Scholars will be selected for the program for 2010-11. Please note this is a highly competitive process. Applicants are encouraged to submit comprehensive, thorough applications providing the Selection Committee as much information about them as possible.
Eligibility Criteria:
Continuing Augsburg student or advanced standing transfer student
Demonstrated financial need as determined by the FAO
Demonstrated leadership ability or potential
Demonstrated community involvement, on or off campus
Minimum GPA of 2.5
Applicants must have a completed financial aid file in the Enrollment Center by 3/1.
Application deadline is 3/1/10.
Applicants can apply on-line or download a pdf version of the application at the Scholastic Connections web page by going to the A to Z Directory at Inside Augsburg and clicking on Scholastic Connections. Please read the Application Requirements carefully.
ATTENTION FACULTY & STAFF: If you know of a student who could benefit from working with a mentor and receiving scholarship assistance, feel free to nominate the student for Scholastic Connections. On-line or pdf nomination forms are available at the Scholastic Connections web page accessible through the A to Z Directory at Inside Augsburg.
Questions? Contact Cindy Peterson at 612-330-1754 or
Instructional and Course Design Summer Stipends
Call for Proposals - Summer 2010
The Instructional and Course Design initiative in the Center for Teaching and Learning invites proposals for design-based course creation or revision projects to be undertaken during Summer 2010 and completed by the end of Spring term 2011. Proposals are Due March 15 and funding decisions will be made by March 25. Faculty who are creating new learning experiences or revising existing ones are encouraged to submit.
Program Description.
Funding levels are intended to provide a realistic alternative to teaching summer courses in order to re-direct faculty effort to design questions and have a direct impact on the effectiveness of mainline academic year courses. The program supports both design-based critique and revision of existing courses or programs and design-based creation of new courses or programs. The stipend amount is $4000 and the expected time commitment during the summer is one full-time month equivalent.
Submission, Selection Process, and Selection Criteria
You are encouraged to attend one of the two Design Proposal Guidance sessions offered in early March (dates and times TBA) featuring some previous Design Project Leaders.
Proposals are due by March 15, 2010 and should follow the requested format to facilitate evaluation and turnaround. The proposal form / guidelines are available by request to CTL and are also available in Stu Anderson's public folder (facstaff / physics / anderstu / ICD materials). Submit your proposal directly to the Asst. Director for IC&D at the following address:
All on-time proposals will be evaluated by the IC&D committee composed of the Asst. Director of CTL for IC&D, a member of the IT staff, a member of the library staff, and a representative from CFD. Decisions will be made by March 25.
Projects are selected on the basis of the overall impact of the proposed student learning improvements, including the need for the project and the significance of the proposed improvements.
Project Execution and Compensation.
Kickoff meeting. Awardees will meet with the Asst. Director for IC&D and each other during April before commencing work on the project as well as while the work is progressing over the summer. The purpose of the initial meetings is to clarify the expectations of the design process (working from learning objectives to evidence to assessments to choice of instruction) as it relates to each particular project, set timetables for subsequent gatherings and communication during the project, and identify fruitful connections to design and resource expertise within the library, IT, or other areas.
Communication during the project. During the project work period, the awardee will maintain communication with the Asst. Director and others as agreed upon in the initial meeting to report progress and acquire assistance with the design effort.
Final Report. After the project is completed, the awardee will prepare and submit a written report that summarizes the results the work, focusing principally on extent to which the learning objectives that drove the design process were achieved as well as the effectiveness of the IC&D process in achieving these results. In addition, the report should include a portfolio of all materials whose modification (before and after versions) or creation resulted from the project. Specifics on report format and content will be discussed during the project period. Finally, participants are expected to serve as resources in discussions for the benefit of others interested in undertaking design projects.
Stipend Disbursement. Release of stipend funds will occur in three parts: half to be released after successful initial meetings, one quarter after the design work is completed, and the final quarter after the course has run for the first time and the final report is received and accepted.
Help Identify Participants for Zyzzogeton
Dear Colleagues,
Our annual celebration of student scholarship and creative activity, Zyzzogeton (or "Z"), is scheduled for Thursday, April 15 and Friday, April 16.
URGO needs your help in locating students who have done research or creative activity of high quality that goes above and beyond classroom assignments (independent research/studies, departmental honors projects, etc). Students can participate in "Z" via:
-The poster session on Thursday, April 15 (3:30-5:30). URGO pays for poster printing costs.
-An alternative format for presenting their work. For example, this could be a musical performance, a literary reading, art showing, or an oral presentation.
Students submit an abstract/description submission form at : The submission deadline is Thursday, March 11.
Please contact Dixie Shafer, URGO Director, with any questions (, x1447).
Amy Gort
Spring Faculty/Staff Workshop
Life of the Mind Retreat
The Chemistry of Well-Being
March 12 (1:30 p.m.-6:00) and March 13 (9:00 a.m.-12:30) at Augsburg College!
Join noted author Henry Emmons, MD, author of The Chemistry of Joy for workshops on the chemistry of joy and the chemistry of calm. Special breakout workshops will feature the benefits and practices of yoga, mindfulness meditation, breathing strategies and research and Native American Spirituality and wellness. Participation is limited. Please contact Terri Martin, Center for Teaching and Learning at for more information. Leave your name and an e-mail address so that further registration information and workshop schedule can be sent to you.
Travel Opportunity for Faculty and Staff
Have you been curious about the Center for Global Education programs that your students attend? Perhaps you're thinking about leading your own group of students abroad? Or maybe, you've just never had a chance to study abroad yourself?
Then the Hoversten Travel Seminar is for you! This 10-day summer program in Mexico allows you to experience CGE's award-winning programs for just $850 for faculty and staff, including airfare.
The program takes place July 31-August 8, 2010 and is titled "Globalization and Migration" - come experience Mexico and its people in a unique Augsburg learning community, with other students, faculty, and staff.
Applications are available on the Center for Teaching and Learning website at . (Scroll all the way to the bottom!) Completed applications are due March 1, 2010 to the Office of International Programs in Murphy Place. Selections will be made by the CTL and representatives from the Office of International Programs by March 31.
Ten Augsburg faculty, staff, and students will be chosen to receive a scholarship to attend from the Hoversten Peace Endowment. Preference will be given to applicants who have not had extensive international travel experience and/or not had opportunities to visit Mexico. Applications are due March 1, so please consider joining us!
Urban Agriculture classes
The Permaculture Research Institute is hosting classes on gardening at Augsburg, free for Augsburg students and staff, faculty.
They are held each Wednesday for the next 4 weeks.
The topics are:
Feb. 24: Basics of Organic Growing
Mar. 3: Biointensive growing
Mar. 10: Field Layout and Design for production
Mar. 17: Feeding your community One tomato at a time: Marketing strategies and options.
These classes are held from 7-9:30 in Science 123.
They are taught by Courtney Tchida, and are open to the public. For non-Augsburg registration, visit, or $20 at the door.
If you would like more information, or would like to reserve a seat, please contact Mo at
"Remembering and Renewal" Spring Retreat - May 12,13
It is hard to think about a spring retreat with several feet of snow on the ground. However, it is not too soon to begin planning for spring. The theme for this spring's retreat will be Remembering and Renewal discerning our vocational journey. We will use spring themes to examine how we and our students can lead lives of commitment in a complex world. Selected readings, poems, video, music and nature will serve as catalysts helping us to slow down, to hear ourselves, and to have significant conversations with others.
The retreat for faculty and staff will be held at the Mount Olivet Retreat Center located twenty-five minutes south of the Twin Cities. You can choose to attend a one-day retreat on May 12th from 9:00 AM until 4:00 PM. Those of you who are able are encouraged to stay overnight and continue the retreat until noon the next day. May is a wonderful time to reflect on the past year and to plant seeds for the future.
Join us for thoughtful conversation, generative questions, and a wonderful opportunity to get to know your colleagues. If you need further information contact Ron Petrich 330-1593 or
Please RSVP to Bev Stratton 330-1063 or
Affordable Travel Opportunity for Students
Looking for an interesting way to fulfill your Augsburg Experience? Curious about studying abroad, but haven't been able to take the time? Think traveling is too expensive?
Then the Hoversten Travel Seminar is for you! This 10-day summer program in Mexico fulfills your Augsburg Experience and is just $595 for students, including airfare. A great option for WEC/AFA students!
The program takes place July 31-August 8, 2010 and is titled "Globalization and Migration" - come experience Mexico and its people in a unique Augsburg learning community, with other students, faculty, and staff.
Applications are available on the Center for Teaching and Learning website at . (Scroll all the way to the bottom!) Completed applications are due March 1, 2010 to the Office of International Programs in Murphy Place. Selections will be made by the CTL and representatives from the Office of International Programs by March 31.
Ten Augsburg faculty, staff, and students will be chosen to receive a scholarship to attend from the Hoversten Peace Endowment. Preference will be given to applicants who have not had extensive international travel experience and/or not had opportunities to visit Mexico. Applications are due March 1, so please consider joining us!
Call for Zyzzogeton Abstracts
Have you been working on a departmental honors project, independent research project, or published a paper in the past year?
We invite all students who have done creative or scholarly work (that goes above & beyond classroom assignments) to submit an abstract for the 5th Annual Zyzzogeton festival! We welcome submissions for a poster (printing costs are paid for by URGO), musical performance, literary reading, art showing, or an oral presentation-- or other forum for communicating one's scholarly work.
Submit abstracts online (by Thursday, March 11) at:
Contact Dixie Shafer, Director of Undergraduate Research with any questions: or 612-330-1447.
General Announcements
Phi Alpha Theta History Honor Society
Established in 1921 at the University of Arkansas, Phi Alpha Theta's stated mission is to "promote the study of history through the encouragement of research, good teaching, publication and the exchange of learning and ideas among historians. It seeks to bring students, teachers and writers of history together for intellectual and social exchanges, which promote and assist historical research and publication by our members in a variety of ways." Over 9,000 undergraduates around the country join the society each year.
Initiates need to have completed at least four history courses (you need not be a history major), hold a GPA of 3.1 or better in history, and a GPA of 3.0 or better overall. After paying a small, one-time initiation fee, students become lifetime members of the society.
If you meet these qualifications and are interested in becoming a member, contact Michael Lansing at by February 26, 2010.
Understand Privilege and Oppression
Want to deepen your understanding of the concepts and realities of privilege and oppression, including race, gender, sexuality, class, disability, etc.? The 11th White Privilege Conference is being held this year in La Crosse, Wisconsin, April 7-10. Augsburg is hoping to have a group attend in anticipation of the 12th annual conference being held in the Twin Cities next year, 2011.
Drop by an info session at Augsburg - early registration deadline is March 5
Thursday, February 25, 11:15 11:45 AM, Cedar room in the Christensen Center
Friday, February 26, 5:00 5:30 PM, Oren Gateway Center conference room 100
Tuesday, March 2, 5:00 5:30 PM, Cedar room in the Christensen Center
For a schedule and registration information, please visit: Registration costs range from $70 for faculty/staff for a 1 day institute to $265 for the conference (if received by March 5). If you would like to coordinate housing or transportation, please contact Sherilyn Young, or 612-330-1462.
Event Announcements
Community Time Tomorrow
Join faculty and staff colleagues for refreshments and conversation in the East Commons tomorrow, February 23, 3:45-4:30 a chance to meet new people and hear news of interest.
It's Time to Talk About Body Image
Hey Auggies! Did you know that you can gain that sultry look of a Vogue model or those six pack abs in Men's Health? And all it takes is . . . Photoshop!
Meanwhile back in the real world, the average woman is 5'4" and weighs 140 pounds according to the National Eating Disorders Association. And those six pack abs? In one study, college women preferred 30% less muscle mass than the guys deemed ideal.
Today, CCHP kicks off National Eating Disorders Awareness Week with the theme - "It's Time to Talk About It". Please stop by Christensen Center from 11:30 - 1 p.m. today to create your own "You are Beautiful" cards to be sent to your friends (and faculty or staff) and learn more about body image, beauty ideals and other events this week.
Questions, please call the CCHP office at 612-330-1707.
Keeping Track of Auggies
No postings
Auggie Athletics
Auggies Win Regional, Send 9 to Nationals
Regional page:
MINNEAPOLIS -- Qualifying nine individuals to compete at the national tournament, the top-ranked Augsburg College wrestling team won the NCAA Division III Great Lakes Regional for the eighth straight year on Saturday at Augsburg's Si Melby Hall.
The Auggies won regional titles in seven of the 10 weight classes, had a regional runner-up and one at-large qualifier for the national championships, to be held March 5-6 in Cedar Rapids, Iowa.
Augsburg (Minn.) won the tournament with 224 points, followed by second-place Concordia-Moorhead (Minn.) with 142 points, Elmhurst (Ill.) with 133.5 points and St. John's (Minn.) with 126.0 points. Winners of 10 of the last 19 national titles, Augsburg has won the Great Lakes Regional every year since joining the region in 2003.
Augsburg's Josh Roberts (125), Jafari Vanier (141), Tony Valek (149), Jason Adams (157), Orlando Ponce (165), Zach Molitor (174) and Jared Massey (197) all won regional titles to qualify for the national tournament, while Paul Bjorkstrand was a runner-up at 133. He qualified along with at-large qualifier Andy Witzel at heavyweight.
For more information:
Auggie Athletics Update
Auggie Athletics Update (click on link for story/stats):
Thursday-Saturday, February 18-20:
Women's Swimming -- Augsburg at MIAC Championships
Friday, February 19:
Men's Track and Field -- Augsburg at Minnesota Snowshoe Open
Women's Basketball -- Augsburg 69, St. Mary's 67
Women's Hockey -- Bethel 5, Augsburg 1
Men's Hockey -- Bethel 5, Augsburg 3
Men's Basketball -- Augsburg 76, St. Mary's 72
Saturday, February 20:
Wrestling -- Augsburg wins NCAA Division III Great Lakes Regional
Women's Track and Field -- Augsburg at Minnesota Parents' Day Open
Men's Hockey -- Augsburg 3, Bethel 2
Women's Hockey -- Bethel 3, Augsburg 2
Men's Track and Field -- Augsburg at St. Olaf Tostrud Classic
Upcoming Events:
Tuesday, February 23:
Men's Basketball -- MIAC Playoff Quarterfinals, St. John's at Augsburg, Si Melby Hall, 7:30 p.m.
Thursday, February 25:
Men's Basketball at MIAC Playoff Semifinals.
Friday, February 26:
Men's Hockey -- MIAC Playoff Play-In Game, St. Olaf at Augsburg, time TBA.
Women's Hockey vs. Gustavus, Augsburg Ice Arena, 7:05 p.m.
Men's/Women's Track and Field at St. Olaf Qualifier Meet.
Saturday, February 27:
Women's Hockey at Gustavus, 2 p.m.
Men's Basketball at MIAC Playoff Championship Game.
Men's Hockey at MIAC Playoff Semifinals.
Nintendo DSi Missing
If you have seen or found a Nintendo DSi on campus, please call Tom at (952) 443-3312 with any information you may have. The color of the system is black and it contains a Mario and Sonic game inside. It was lost in January, 2010.
There is a $100 reward for whoever finds this item; again, please call (952) 443-3312!