Public Safety and Facilities Announcements
- (No listings)
Teaching and Learning
- Scholarly Writing Retreat
- Dean's Summer Scholarship Grants 2010
- Temporary Teaching Assistant Position
- $500-5,000 for Fall Study Abroad
- Distinguished Contribution Nominations
- CTL Summer Research Awards 2010
- Life of the Mind Retreat
- 2-3 Week Courses in Europe and Canada - Apply Now
- Friday Luncheon with Bruce Reichenbach
- 12:15 p.m. TODAY - Phil Adamo Presents
- CTL Night at the Theater - A Few Tickets Remain
- The Fate of Fate of the Earth 101
General Announcements
- Learn More About the Many Ways of Healing
- Weight Watchers At Work- New Incentive to Join
- Study/Intern Abroad Fair - This Friday
- Nominate a Colleague for Staff Recognition
- Earn $10 in 10 Minutes
- Convocation Schedule for Saturday, Feb. 13
- Staff Senate Open Forum
- 1098T Tax Information Available Online
- Final Days to Register for Job/Internship Fair
- Donate Winter Clothing to Refugees
- Iron Chef Competition Wednesday, Feb. 10
- WEC Advising for Business Majors
Event Announcements
- Carl Chrislock Memorial History Lecture: Wed, 7 p.m.
- Student Group Workshop - Budgets 2010-2011
- "Hip Hop: Beyond Beats and Rhymes" Friday at WRC
- Building Your "People Brand," February 11 at 5:30 p.m.
- QSU Annual Drag Show
- AmeriCorp/Admission Possible on Campus
- TIAA Cref Individual Counseling - Tomorrow
- ACC and FIN majors - A Presentation for You
- Female? Interested in Social Change?
- Augsburg's Production of the Vagina Monologues
- QSU's Drag Show: February 11, 2010
- Rescue Haiti Continued
- Xcel Energy Presentation on Wind Energy TODAY
Keeping Track of Auggies
- (No listings)
Auggie Athletics
- (No listings)
- (No listings)
Public Safety and Facilities Announcements
No postings
Teaching and Learning
Scholarly Writing Retreat
May 17-19, 2010
Dunrovin Retreat Center
Faculty: do you wish you had uninterrupted time to write / work on scholarship? The Committee on Faculty Development and the Scholarly Writers Group is sponsoring a short scholarly working/writing retreat at Dunrovin designed to allow faculty some time away from campus to focus entirely on scholarship. There is no schedule attached to this retreat - it is simply time and space to work on scholarship.
The retreat will take place Monday, May 17 at 1pm (after lunch) through Wednesday, May 19 at 1pm (after lunch). The cost will be $177 + tax, including meals. There are 8 spaces left.
At this point, we are not expecting to be able to offer any subsidies, but if there are funds left over from the Life of Mind Retreat, we hope to be able to apply them.
Dean's Summer Scholarship Grants 2010
Deans Summer Scholarship Grants
Summer, 2010
Augsburg values faculty research and creative projects and thus is making available this opportunity to support faculty work. The purpose of the Deans Summer Scholarship Grants is to support well-defined faculty scholarship projects that are nearing completion. The expectation is that receipt of the grant will make it possible for faculty to accelerate completion of a significant project.
Description and Eligibility
Three $4,000 Augsburg Summer Scholarship Grants will be awarded for Summer 2010. All tenure-track faculty who are in at least their second year of their tenure-track contract are eligible to apply.
Faculty who receive a Deans Summer Scholarship Grant are not eligible to teach more than one course during the summer.
Application Process
Please use the Research Application form that is available at the CTL web site and attach a curriculum vita. Send the application and vita as an e-mail attachment to in the Center for Teaching and Learning no later than March 12, 2010. Grant recipients submit a progress report in fall 2009 and a short final report by Feb. 1, 2011.
Applications are evaluated by the Faculty Development Committee, recommendations are forwarded to the Dean, and awards are announced in early April.
Temporary Teaching Assistant Position
Dayton's Bluff Elementary in St. Paul is seeking someone to fill the teacher's assistant position in its Pre-Kindergarten classroom (4 & 5 year olds)from March 1-April 23rd. Candidates should have experience working with with preschool age children and coursework or knowledge of child development and education.
Please contact Kelly at for application information. Thanks:)
$500-5,000 for Fall Study Abroad
Don't miss the opportunity to fulfill your Modern Language skill,AugCore,and major requirements through internships, homestays, one-on-one language courses, and travel through Central America, Mexico, and Southern Africa!
$500 Grant for Fall Study Abroad
Study abroad Fall 2010 through any of our semester programs and get a $500 grant automatically!
Diversity Scholarship
Awards cover up to 50% of the cost of a CGE semester program for ethnic minority and LGBT students.
Students of Color Endowed Scholarship Fund
Based on financial aid, this awards provide encouragement and financial assistance to a student of any class and who is affiliated with the American Indian, Hispanic/Latino, Pan Afrikan or Pan Asian support programs at Augsburg College.
Other funds available through:
Gilman Scholarship
Fall Programs
Sustainable Development and Social Change
4 credits. AugExperience, Critical Thinking, Humanities, Modern Language
Crossing Borders: Gender and Social Change in Mesoamerica
4 credits. AugExperience, Critical Thinking, Humanities, Lifetime Activity,
Modern Language, REL 200
International Business and Global Citizenship
4 credits. AugExperience, Internships for credit, Lifetime Activity, Modern
Language, REL 200
Nation Building, Globalization and Decolonizing the Mind
4 credits. AugExperience, Humanities, Internships for credit
To learn more about our programs, application, and scholarship opportunities contact Dulce at, or sign up for a Group Advising Meeting or Walk-In Advising time in Murphy Place.
Program application deadline: March 1st
Find photos, syllabi, application, blogs and more at
Distinguished Contribution Nominations
Distinguished Contributions to Teaching and Learning
Annual Recognition 2010
The Office of Vice President of Academic Affairs and Dean of the College
The Center for Teaching and Learning
Augsburg College
These awards recognize exemplary work by faculty and staff in support of teaching and learning at Augsburg College. Up to three awards are available annually reflecting the breadth of contributions important for a quality liberal education. Each award carries a stipend of $1000, recognition and celebration.
Awards are based on evidence of student learning and student satisfaction provided by students, colleagues, and documentation; they are weighted appropriately for each of the three areas. The selection process is as follows:
The deadline for nominations is Friday, February 19. Nominations must be submitted with the on line attachment. Go to:
Questions can be directed to Lee Clarke at or x.1152
Nominations consist of a one to two-page letter identifying the nominee and providing a rationale and support for the nomination for a specific award. In addition, nominators are asked to submit 3-4 names (and emails addresses) of students and/or colleagues who can speak to the nominees work.
The Selection Panel conducts confidential interviews with members of the community, reviews information and announces the awards no later than March 15h. Awardees are acknowledged at the Honors Convocation and at other events. Opportunities for winners to share ideas with the campus community will take place throughout the year following the award.
Members of the Selection Panel are invited by the Vice President of Academic Affairs and Dean of the College and the Director of the Center for Teaching and Learning. This is a juried process.
Teaching Award
Sustained excellence is demonstrated through syllabi, course materials and grading patterns reflecting effective teaching and learning; exemplary work in both content and pedagogy is supported by evidence from the department chair, colleagues and students.
Mentoring/Advising Award
Sustained excellence is demonstrated through deep conversation about and attention to vocation, career and student success overall; students are guided through processes that lead to successful and timely graduation; students recognize the attention and care provided by the nominee.
Direct Contributions to Teaching and Learning Award
Sustained excellence is demonstrated in work that contributes to student academic development, growth and success; contributions are made to a positive, academic campus environment in a direct way.
CTL Summer Research Awards 2010
This grant provides support of faculty scholarly activity during the summer months. Scholarship is broadly defined to include research and creative projects that result in disciplinary scholarship, the scholarship of application, interdisciplinary scholarship, and the scholarship of teaching. Examples of previous successful proposals are on file in the Center for Teaching and Learning.
"Scholarship of Teaching" typically goes beyond course development and/or revision and has as its audience other faculty and professionals in the field.
Proposals should show evidence of thorough preparation and meet the following criteria:
Clear statement of realistic goals and objectives
Appropriate and detailed project method/plan for achieving the goals and objectives and articulation of the time commitment involved
Explanation of advance preparation and planning
Clear description of the project's assessment
Detailed timeline and budget
FUNDING: Up to $2000 is awarded per grant and 2-3 awards are typically made per year.
These grants are supported by Grangaard Faculty Development Fund and award decisions are made by the Faculty Development Committee. All funds must be used by the end of the fiscal year in which the grant is awarded.
ELIGIBILITY: Priority is given to full time tenured and tenure track faculty. Priority is also given to faculty who have not received this grant in the previous three year period.
APPLICATION: Please use the Research Application form that is available at the CTL web site and attach a curriculum vita. Send the application and vita as an e-mail attachment to
Application Date: March 12, 2010 for the summer 2010. Late applications will not be considered.
Requirements of the grant include:
Completion of the Center for Teaching and Learning evaluation form and assessment as described in the project application;
Sharing the results with the Augsburg Community; for example, presentation of a community discussion, Faculty Scholarship Roundtables, or another appropriate and documented venue.
Life of the Mind Retreat
Spring Faculty/Staff Workshop
The Chemistry of Well-Being
March 12 (1:30 p.m.-6:00) and March 13 (9:00 a.m.-12:30) at Augsburg College!
Join noted author Henry Emmons, MD, author of The Chemistry of Joy for workshops on the chemistry of joy and the chemistry of calm. Special breakout workshops will feature the benefits and practices of yoga, mindfulness meditation, breathing strategies and research and Native American Spirituality and wellness. Participation is limited. Please contact Terri Martin, Center for Teaching and Learning at for more information. Leave your name and an e-mail address so that further registration information and workshop schedule can be sent to you.
2-3 Week Courses in Europe and Canada - Apply Now
Augsburg Abroad has extended the deadline for three study abroad programs coming up this summer. Procrastinate much? No problem, you've got 1-3 more weeks:
The Aftermath of WWII in Germany and Poland (2 credits): NEW DEADLINE FEB 12
Travel dates: May 8-22, 2010
Cost: Day $5,279
WEC $5,799
plus $350 for meals on own
Medieval History & Writing in Scotland (2 credits) : NEW DEADLINE FEB 12
Cost: $4,799 plus $200 for meals on your own
Travel Dates: May 18 June 6, 2010
Sustainable Cities in Canada (1 credit) : NEW DEADLINE MARCH 1
Cost; $2900-$3100 all included.
Travel dates: July 8 August 1, 2010
Education and culture in Thailand (1 credit) : WAITING LIST
Travel dates: May 5-28, 2010
Travels of Paul in Turkey: CANCELED
Interested? Of course you are! So follow these three simple steps to an amazing experience abroad:
1. Come into the Augsburg Abroad library in Murphy Place 200 for an Advising Meeting times are available here:
2. Print out the application forms from here:
3. Apply by the new deadline!
Have questions? Need more information? Contact Andrea Dvorak in Augsburg Abroad at or 612-330-1669.
Friday Luncheon with Bruce Reichenbach
Friday Seminar Luncheon
My China Experience
February 19, 11:30-12:50 in Riverside
"They said that my Chinese is not Chinese. So how did I teach philosophy in Zhuhai? I will reflect on a great semester teaching experience at UIC and encourage you to explore this amazing opportunity for yourself."
Lunch will be available. RSVP to x1229
12:15 p.m. TODAY - Phil Adamo Presents
Faculty, staff and students are welcome to attend today's Speaking of Scholarship presentation. Dr. Phil Adamo presents research from his sabbatical in France and Scotland!
12:15-1:15 p.m.
OGC 100
Hors d'oeuvres served
"Foundation Legends of the Caulite Monastic Order"
This presentation will examine the narratives constructed around monastic foundations among the Caulites, a reform order of the late twelfth century. These stories involve founding or locating new monasteries based on everything from divine intervention to heroic adventure on the high seas. The reasons behind these foundation legends are as interesting as the legends themselves.
"Speaking of Scholarship" is a weekly forum for sharing the richness and range of research and creative activity carried out by Augsburg faculty and students. The series is sponsored by CTL and URGO.
Each week features one faculty or two students presenting their current research, finished research product(s), and/or insights on the process of conducting research or engaging in creative activity at a liberal arts college. The rest of the hour is reserved for informal conversation on audience questions or issues raised in the presentation.
CTL Night at the Theater - A Few Tickets Remain
TAMING OF THE SHREW (a re-envisioning)
The Center for Teaching and Learning invites Augsburg faculty and staff to attend the Theatre Department's MainStage production of "Taming of the Shrew (a re-envisioning)," on February 13th at 7:00 pm. A limited number of free tickets to this showing will be available to the first faculty and staff contacting Terry Martin at . Attendees are invited to a dessert reception and discussion immediately following the production in the Foss Concourse area. Theater department faculty and Director Darcey Engen along with student actors from the show will be part of a discussion during the dessert reception. Please join us for this event.
The Fate of Fate of the Earth 101
Friday Seminar, February 12, 3:30
"The Fate of Fate of the Earth 101: Faculty Perspectives on the I-Term."
3:30-5 in Oren Gateway 100
Taught for the first time this past Fall, the Integrated-Term -- "Fate of the Earth 101: Consumption of Food, Fuel and Media" -- was a unique first-year experience involving 50 students, five professors, and four disciplinary perspectives. It was non-graded, using instead formal and informal narrative evaluations of student progress. Please join us in hearing from the Faculty of the I-Term and their assessment of the successes and challenges of the I-Term, and prospects for the program in coming years.
General Announcements
Learn More About the Many Ways of Healing
Join us as we welcome Elena Avila, author, psychiatric nurse and renowned practitioner of curandersimo, the traditional Mexican/Chicano folk medicine.
There are two opportunities to hear Elena Avila speak:
Friday, February 12, 3:30-5:00 p.m. Marshall Room
Conversation with Elena Avila, author of Woman Who Glows in the Dark: A Curandera Reveals Traditional Aztec Secrets of Physical and Spiritual Health
February 13, 12:00-1:00 p.m. Hoversten Chapel, Foss
"A Curandera's Concept of Medicine"
For more information, contact .
Weight Watchers At Work - New incentive to join!!
Weight Watchers At Work FREE Informational Meeting Wed. Feb. 10th 12pm-1pm Lindell Library 301
As part of Augsburgs commitment to wellness, we would like to offer an incentive to join the Weight Watchers at Work program. If you join the 12-week program for $156.00 and attend a minimum of 9 of the 12 meetings, you will receive a refund of $36.00 on your paycheck at the end of the session. We are also offering payroll deductions. (With the incentive, it will be just $40.00 per month!)
Join us for a FREE informational meeting. If a minimum of 15 people sign up, the regular meetings will be for 12 weeks on Wednesdays from 12-1pm (Feb. 17-May 5th).
If interested, please e-mail your name and phone number to by Tuesday, Feb. 9th at 12Noon.
Please Note: If you are a current Weight Watchers Member in your community and are paying by the week or using pre-payment coupons, you are welcome to transfer to the At Work program. However, if you are currently utilizing the Monthly Pass, it does not transfer to the At Work program and does not allow you to attend At Work meetings. You always have the option of canceling the pass to take advantage of the convenience of the At Work program.
Study/Intern Abroad Fair - This Friday
Come learn about 100s of programs (2 wks-1 year duration) in nearly 90 countries. Program representatives will be available to answer questions.
Lot's of scholarships are still available--don't let the opportunity pass by.
Friday, February 12
Christensen Center Lobby
Nominate a Colleague for Staff Recognition
Augsburg College Staff Senate
Staff Recognition Program
Take the time to recognize a deserving colleague!
Nomination form and information available at:
Deadline for nominations is Friday, February 19. Submit materials to Sally Daniels at CB 146 or OGC 300.
Earn $10 in 10 Minutes
Research participants are needed for a psychology experiment. Come to Anderson 26 (the Psych Lab) Wednesday Feb 10 between 10:00 a.m. and 1:00 p.m. Each participant will earn $10. The lab task is brief and risk-free.
Convocation Schedule for Saturday, Feb. 13
There is a convocation scheduled for Saturday, Feb 13, at noon. The entire year schedule and class time adjustments are viewable anytime through the Registrar web page at Click on Info for Faculty, then click on 'Convocation Schedule 2009-10'.
Staff Senate Open Forum
Staff Senate Open Forum - Thursday, February 11th
Open Forum for staff to express concerns to Staff Senate at the monthly meeting 3:30pm to 4:00pm, Sverdrup 102, Sverdrup Hall
1098T Tax Information Available Online
It's that time of year again for taxes! Students who were billed qualifying tuition in the year 2009 have a 1098T available to them online. You can access this form through the Enrollment Center web site; Augnet login required.
Thank you!
Enrollment Staff
Final Days to Register for Job/Internship Fair
Calling all Sophomores, Juniors & Seniors:
The MN PRIVATE COLLEGE JOB AND INTERNSHIP FAIR will be held on Tuesday, Feb. 16th at the Minneapolis Convention Center Cost $10
You must register with the Augsburg Strommen Career & Internship Center by Friday, Feb. 12th (Location - Lower Level, Anderson Hall)
For other events and to learn more go to
Donate Winter Clothing to Refugees
100 Burmese refugees have recently emigrated to St. Paul, MN after escaping brutal persecution in both Burma and Thailand. These people have come straight from Thailand and minimal winter clothing. To ease their transition to the MN winter, they need clean, warm clothes for all sizes and ages. This includes: Jackets, Shoes, Boots, Gloves, Mittens, Sweaters, Socks, Pants and Hats.
Here's what you can do:
1) Drop off a bag of clothing at the URGO office (Science 116b)
2) Contact me via email ( and let me know if there's chairs or tables you'd like to donate.
3) Send this email to people you know who care
Any and all help is needed. Think about that extra coat in your closet! Help make our cold Minnesota as warm as we can for our new Burmese neighbors. Please contact me and let me know what you can do!
Caryn Quist
Iron Chef Competition Wednesday, Feb. 10
Come on up to the Commons and Check out the first annual Iron Chef competition. On Wednesday, you can see two teams consisting of:
Sherilyn Young
Amanda Storm
Barb Harvey
Rick Gubash
And one Student team. So please come to watch the cook-off at 2:30 and the the Judgment at 3:30.
Hope to see you there.
WEC Advising for Business Majors
Spring registration starts February 15th - get a head start on your advising!
Open Advising Sessions for WEC Business Majors this weekend!
Friday, Feb. 12 and Saturday, Feb. 13
Open advising sessions for WEC Business majors to be held:
Friday, February 12, 4:30 - 6:00 pm
Saturday, February 13, 11:30 a.m. ‑ 1:00 p.m.
These sessions will be held in the Christensen Center Lobby
‑ Open to all WEC Business majors
‑ No appointment needed
‑ Meet with a Business Department faculty advisor
‑ Plan your spring course schedule
Please stop by and take advantage of this opportunity to have all of your
advising questions answered without making an appointment.
Event Announcements
Carl Chrislock Memorial History Lecture: Wednesday, 7 p.m.
Please join the Augsburg History Society for the fifth annual Carl H. Chrislock Memorial History Lecture, 7PM, Wednesday, February 10 in the Marshall Room.
Odd Lovoll, professor emeritus of history and former King Olav V chair in Scandinavian-American Studies at St. Olaf College, will be this year's speaker. His presentation is titled "Building a Norwegian-American Community."
Student Group Workshop - Budgets 2010-2011
The 2nd Student Group Workshop is happening on Wednesday!
Learn how to effectively budget for your events for the upcoming school year!!!
"Hip Hop: Beyond Beats and Rhymes" Friday at WRC
The Women's Resource Center would like to invite you to Feminist Film Friday on Feb. 12th from 3:30-5:30 in the WRC (SVE 207).
We will be watching "Hip-Hop: Beyond Beats and Rhymes." "Sparking dialogue on hip-hop and its declarations on gender, HIP-HOP: Beyond Beats and Rhymes provides thoughtful insight from intelligent, divergent voices including rap artists, industry executives, rap fans and social critics from inside and outside the hip-hop generation. The film includes interviews with famous rappers such as Mos Def, Fat Joe, Chuck D and Jadakiss and hip-hop mogul Russell Simmons; along with commentary from Michael Eric Dyson, Beverly Guy-Sheftall, Kevin Powell and Sarah Jones and interviews with young women at Spelman College, a historically black school and one of the nation's leading liberal arts institutions.
The film also explores such pressing issues as women and violence in rap music, representations of manhood in hip-hop culture, what today's rap lyrics reveal to their listeners and homoeroticism in hip-hop. A "loving critique" from a self-proclaimed "hip-hop head," HIP-HOP: Beyond Beats and Rhymes discloses the complex intersection of culture, commerce and gender through on-the-street interviews with aspiring rappers and fans at hip-hop events throughout the country."
Everyone is welcome! Free beverages are provided. So please join us...relax, watch, and discuss. Hope to see you there!
Building Your "People Brand," February 11 at 5:30 p.m.
Augsburgs Center for Leadership Studies invites you to attend a workshop entitled "Building Your People Brand Using Scanlon Leadership Principles," presented by Wayne Lindholm.
Date: Thursday, February 11
Time: 5:30 p.m. social time with refreshments; 6:00-7:00 p.m. presentation
Oren Gateway Center, Room 100
The engagement of the people who work in your organization has a big impact on its survival. Join us to hear Wayne Lindholm, president of Scanlon Leadership Network, share a deeper understanding of the "brand" of your organizations people, what it does for your competitive advantage, and what that means to leadership. You will learn about the history of Scanlon principle-based leadership, how Scanlon E.P.I.C. principles build your "people brand," and how you can model a new paradigm of leadership. You will also assess your organizations people culture. For more information or to reserve a space in this free workshop, contact Patty Park (612-330-1150 or
QSU Annual Drag Show
QSU annual drag show and amateur talent show. Come and join us on a Fun night
When: February 11, 2010
Time: 7pm - 10pm
Where: East Commons
Any questions contact Ulises Ayala at
AmeriCorp/Admission Possible on Campus
Want to change the world? AmeriCorp/Admission Possible will be holding an informational session on Wednesday, February 10, 2010. Gain professional experience admired by graduate schools and future employers. Help make college admission a reality for low-income, urban teens. Become a mentor in a metro area high school. More information go to
10:00-2:00 - "Walk-by" table in Christensen Center Lobby
4:30-5:30 - Information Session, Minneapolis Room, Christensen Center
No registration required. Open to all! Questions - email
TIAA Cref Individual Counseling - Tomorrow
This Individual Counseling Session will help you simplify your retirement by:
-Providing objective advice and asset allocation based on your individual needs
-Showing you how you can obtain a personalized actionable plan
-Recommending fund selections to keep you on track to and through retirement
-Reviewing your retirement income options
Date(s) Time(s) Location(s)
Wed, Feb 10, 2010 9:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m. Christensen Center, Century Room
Thurs, Feb 11, 2010 9:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m. Christensen Center, Century Room
Sign up today:
To schedule a counseling session, please call Anjali at 952-830-3118.
ACC and FIN majors - A Presentation for You
Finance Majors:
Do you know what a Chartered Financial Analyst (CFA) designation is? Are you interested in taking and passing the CFA exam?
On Monday, February 15, 4:00-5:00pm in OGC 113 come learn about the "gold standard" of the finance profession. The Stalla CFA presentation will include information about the CFA designation and the exam.
Come whether you are planning to take the exam or just want to learn more!
There will be food, pop, and prizes too!
Accounting Majors:
Are you interested in taking and passing the CPA exam?
On Monday, February 15 at 5:00-6:00pm in OGC 113 there will be a Becker CPA presentation about the CPA exam, the Becker review resources, and application information.
If you are planning on taking the exam or just want to learn more, please come!
There will be food, pop, and prizes too!
Female? Interested in Social Change?
St. Joseph Worker Program will be holding an informational session on Thursday, February 11th. The St. Joseph Worker Program is a one year volunteer experience for women who are passionate about social change. St. Joseph Workers (SJWs) commit to a year of service during which they delve into the core values of justice, leadership, spirituality, and living simply in an intentional community.
10:00-2:00 - "Walk-by" table in Christensen Center Lobby
4:30-5:30 - Information Session, Minneapolis Room, Christensen Center
No registration required
Questions, email
Augsburg's Production of the Vagina Monologues
Directed by Augsburg student Julia Sewell and featuring an all-Augsburg cast, the "Vagina Monologues" is a play written by Eve Ensler and performed annually - and internationally - on Valentine's Day to raise awareness about violence against women. Proceeds from the Augsburg production will go to benefit the House of Sharing, which houses and supports surviving Korean "comfort women" who were forced into sexual slavery by the Japanese military during World War II.
Performance Dates: February 13th at 7:30 p.m. and February 14th at 2 p.m. in the Sateren Auditorium. Tickets are will be available at the door: $2 for Augsburg students and $5 for faculty, staff, and the broader community.
QSU's Drag Show February 11, 2010
The drag show will start at 7:00 PM in East Commons! See you all there
Rescue Haiti Continued
The Rescue Haiti Event last Wednesday, Feb 3rd, raised $1280.08. Thank you to all who participated, volunteered & donated!
On Wednesday Feb 10th & Thursday Feb 11th from 2-6 in Christensen Center Art Work and Jewelry will be sold. The art work has been made by Tara Sweeney, Robert Tom, and students of Augsburg.
There will be an opportunity to donate and to support those in Haiti through letters and prayers.
Thank you for your continued support!
Xcel Energy Presentation on Wind Energy TODAY
In 2008, Augsburg College, as a result of a student-led initiative, made the decision to purchase 100% wind power from Xcel Energy. Funded through a student fee and additional payments from the college's operating budget, we now are supposed to be getting all our electricity from wind power. But what does that actually mean? What is the current status of the program? What impact does this have on the greenhouse gas emissions for the college? What is that fee paying for? Join the students in ENV 100: Environmental Connections, on Tuesday, Feb. 9 from 1:30-2:30, in the Minneapolis Room, for a conversation with Steve Mudd of Xcel Energy, who will talk about the Windsource program and its impact on our campus energy purchasing.
Keeping Track of Auggies
No postings
Auggie Athletics
No postings
No postings