Public Safety and Facilities Announcements
Teaching and Learning
General Announcements
- Financial Aid Priority Deadline
- OGC Applications Now Available
- Apply to be a Christensen Scholar (formerly Lilly Scholar)
- Hand Soap Dispensers Fixed
- Weight Watchers at Work
- Phillips Scholarship Deadline is Feb. 12
- Learn More About the Many Ways of Healing
- Apply by Feb. 10 to be an AugSem Student Leader
Event Announcements
Keeping Track of Auggies
- (No listings)
Auggie Athletics
Public Safety and Facilities Announcements
Parking Reminders
Now that spring term is underway, Public Safety would like to send a few reminders regarding parking for spring events:
Public Safety has an "Event Parking Request Form" online at
Please use this form if you plan to have an event with 20 or more off campus guests coming to the college at anytime.
Communicating in advance and making plans for parking will ensure your guests have the best experience visiting our campus even before they arrive at your event.
Please allow a minimum of two weeks notice for us to make arrangements and accommodations that fit your event needs.
Those with smaller events (under 20) may request visitor permits from Public Safety dispatch, or electronic permits from
Also, on Weekend College Weekends (friday evenings and Saturdays), visitor parking is extremely limited, $5 per vehicle in Lot L, and monitored closely by Public Safety staff.
For more information regarding parking on campus, please visit
As always, please e-mail with any questions or concerns.
Thank you!
Teaching and Learning
Recommend students to be AugSem Student Leaders
Please recommend Day school students who are enthusiastic about learning and community at Augsburg to become AugSem Student Leaders next fall. Send names to Bev Stratton or encourage students directly to find the positions posted on the Human Resources web site. Applications are due by 4:30 p.m. on February 10.
GMAT Prep - Register Now
Thinking about a Master of Business Administration program after graduation? Most MBA programs require the GMAT (Graduate Management Admissions Test) for admission. The MBA office will be utilizing a new partnership with the Princeton Review, who will be providing instructors and prep books for these sessions.
The course meets Wednesdays 6-9 p.m. for seven weeks (February 10, 17, & 24, and March 3, 10, 17, & 24). The cost is $549, which includes access to the Princeton Review's online student center, the Manual for the GMAT 8.3, and the GMAT Review 12th edition.
To register, contact Princeton Review by calling Kate at 612-676-1447.
Please contact Casey Jarvela ( in the MBA Office with any questions.
Faculty-Led Study Abroad Deadlines Extended
Augsburg Abroad has extended the deadline for three study abroad programs coming up this summer. Procrastinate much? No problem, youve got 2-4 more weeks:
The Aftermath of WWII in Germany and Poland (2 credits): NEW DEADLINE FEB 12
Travel dates: May 8-22, 2010
Day $5,279
WEC $5,799
plus $350 for meals on own
Medieval History & Writing in Scotland (2 credits) : NEW DEADLINE FEB 12
$4,799 plus $200 for meals on your own
Travel Dates: May 18 June 6, 2010
Sustainable Cities in Canada (1 credit) : NEW DEADLINE MARCH 1
$2900-$3100 all included.
Travel dates: July 8 August 1, 2010
Interested? Of course you are! So follow these three simple steps to an amazing experience abroad:
1. Come into the Augsburg Abroad library in Murphy Place 200 for an Advising Meeting times are available here:
2. Print out the application forms from here:
3. Apply by the new deadline!
Have questions? Need more information? Contact Andrea Dvorak in Augsburg Abroad at or 612-330-1669.
TODAY: "Speaking of Scholarship" Begins
Join us as URGO & CTL kick off the "Speaking of Scholarship" series!
Time: 12:15-1:15 p.m.
Location: OGC 100
Food: Hors d'oeuvres
Anna Boyle, Political Science
Faculty Mentor: Dr. Garry Hesser, Sociology & Metro-Urban Studies
"Analyzing Two Minnesota Governors and the Use of Executive Power in Policymaking: Wendell Anderson in 1971 and Tim Pawlenty in 2009"
Aybike Bakan & Jens Olsen, Biology
Faculty Mentor: Dr. Jennifer Bankers-Fulbright, Biology
"S.O.S. Signals in the Asthmatic Lung"
About the series:
"Speaking of Scholarship" is a weekly forum for sharing the richness and range of research and creative activity carried out by Augsburg faculty and students.
Each week features one faculty or two students presenting their current research, finished research product(s), and/or insights on the process of conducting research or engaging in creative activity at a liberal arts college. The rest of the hour is reserved for informal conversation on audience questions or issues raised in the presentation.
Faculty, staff, and students are welcome! No RSVP is necessary.
Contact Dixie Shafer ( for more information.
Dean's Summer Scholarship Grants
Summer, 2010
Augsburg values faculty research and creative projects and thus is making available this opportunity to support faculty work. The purpose of the Deans Summer Scholarship Grants is to support well-defined faculty scholarship projects that are nearing completion. The expectation is that receipt of the grant will make it possible for faculty to accelerate completion of a significant project.
Description and Eligibility
Three $4,000 Augsburg Summer Scholarship Grants will be awarded for Summer 2010. All tenure-track faculty who are in at least their second year of their tenure-track contract are eligible to apply.
Faculty who receive a Deans Summer Scholarship Grant are not eligible to teach more than one course during the summer.
Application Process
Please use the Research Application form that is available at the CTL website and attach a curriculum vita. Send the application and vita as an e-mail attachment to in the Center for Teaching and Learning no later than March 12, 2010. Grant recipients submit a progress report in fall 2009 and a short final report by Feb. 1, 2011.
Applications are evaluated by the Faculty Development Committee, recommendations are forwarded to the Dean, and awards are announced in early April.
CTL Faculty Summer Research
Funded by the Grangaard Endowment
This grant provides support of faculty scholarly activity during the summer months. Scholarship is broadly defined to include research and creative projects that result in disciplinary scholarship, the scholarship of application, interdisciplinary scholarship, and the scholarship of teaching. Examples of previous successful proposals are on file in the Center for Teaching and Learning.
"Scholarship of Teaching" typically goes beyond course development and/or revision and has as its audience other faculty and professionals in the field.
Proposals should show evidence of thorough preparation and meet the following criteria:
Clear statement of realistic goals and objectives
Appropriate and detailed project method/plan for achieving the goals and objectives and articulation of the time commitment involved
Explanation of advance preparation and planning
Clear description of the project's assessment
Detailed timeline and budget
FUNDING: Up to $2000 is awarded per grant and 2-3 awards are typically made per year.
These grants are supported by Grangaard Faculty Development Fund and award decisions are made by the Faculty Development Committee. All funds must be used by the end of the fiscal year in which the grant is awarded.
ELIGIBILITY: Priority is given to full time tenured and tenure track faculty. Priority is also given to faculty who have not received this grant in the previous three year period.
APPLICATION: Please use the Research Application form that is available at the CTL website and attach a curriculum vita. Send the application and vita as an e-mail attachment to
Application Date: March 12, 2010 for the summer 2010. Late applications will not be considered.
Requirements of the grant include:
Completion of the Center for Teaching and Learning evaluation form and assessment as described in the project application;
Sharing the results with the Augsburg Community; for example, presentation of a community discussion, Faculty Scholarship Roundtables, or another appropriate and documented venue.
Study Spanish in Guatemala this Summer
Participate in a one-on-one Spanish course, learn about Mayan spirituality, and explore the culture of Guatemala through homestays, meetings with indigenous leaders, and trips to spiritual sites!
Spanish Language and Mayan Spirituality
May 30 to July 2
2 credits. AugExperience, AIS & SPA Elective, Modern Language Skill
Application deadline: March 1st
Open to all Augsburg students
To learn more about our programs, application, and scholarship opportunities contact Dulce at, or sign up for a Group Advising Meeting or Walk-In Advising time in Murphy Place.
Find photos, syllabi, application, blogs and more at
General Announcements
Financial Aid Priority Deadline
DAY students who intend to use financial aid for the 2010-2011 academic year will need to turn in completed documents by MARCH 1.
Turn in your financial aid documents by March 1 to be entered in a drawing to win an iPod touch.
LAST CHANCE to win at $250 scholarship!
Come and learn about how to fill out your financial aid AND be entered in for a $250 scholarship drawing!
Wednesday, February 3
2:30 p.m. Student Lounge
OGC Applications Now Available
Oren Gateway Center housing applications are now available!
Applications are available online at
The Department of Residence Life offers housing opportunities for Day students who are interested in living in a substance free environment. OGC is the newest residence hall on campus. All apartments include loft style living and full kitchens with dishwashers. The application deadline is February 8th, 2010.
After opening the application, save a copy, fill it out, save it again, and then email it to
Applications are only available to Day students. OGC housing applications are separate from the StepUP housing process. Questions: please contact Cyndy Rowe at
Apply to be a Christensen Scholar (formerly Lilly Scholar)
Do you often wonder
Is Christianity the only true religion?
What did Martin Luther really teach?
What does it mean to forgive someone?
Are we really good at heart?
What is God calling me to do?
Consider being a Christensen Scholar for the 2010-2011 academic year!
Participate in a year-long academic seminar (REL 405/406), earn 1.0 upper division credit in the Religion Department, and receive a $2,100 scholarship
Who is eligible?
Current sophomores and juniors who have an interest in discussing Christian faith, life, and theology.
What is the deadline?
The application deadline is Friday, February 26, 2010
To apply-
Apply online at
Solicit a letter of support from a faculty member and send to Diane Glorvigen (
Write a one-page personal statement indicating why you are interested in being a Christensen Scholar and send to Diane Glorvigen (
Contact Diane Glorvigen at 612-330-1334 or
Hand Soap Dispensers Fixed
We have inspected all hand soap dispensers on campus. The dispensers that had problems with the newer soap bottles have been modified and will now work correctly. Thank you for your patience.
Weight Watchers at Work
Weight Watchers At Work FREE Informational Meeting Wed. Feb. 10th 12pm-1pm Lindell Library 301
Are you interested in being part of a Weight Watchers At Work group? Join us for this Free informational meeting to learn more about the program. If there is a minimum of 15 people interested, the regular meetings will be for 12 weeks on Wednesdays from 12-1pm (Feb. 17-May 5th) The cost for the program is $156.00 (with no registration fee). A three-part payment is offered or you can pay in full at the first meeting. If interested, please e-mail your name and phone number to by Friday, February 5th.
Please Note: If you are a current Weight Watchers Member in your community and are paying by the week or using pre-payment coupons, you are welcome to transfer to the At Work program. However, if you are currently utilizing the Monthly Pass, it does not transfer to the At Work program and does not allow you to attend At Work meetings. You always have the option of canceling the pass to take advantage of the convenience of the At Work program.
Phillips Scholarship Deadline is Feb. 12
Students who are applying for the MN Private College Fund Phillips Scholarship must submit their completed application by Friday, February 12 at 4 pm.
No late applications will not be accepted.
Please turn in your completed application to Jenny Yang in the Enrollment Center.
Learn More About the Many Ways of Healing
Join us as we welcome Elena Avila, author, psychiatric nurse and renowned practitioner of curandersimo, the traditional Mexican/Chicano folk medicine.
There are two opportunities to hear Elena Avila speak:
Friday, February 12, 3:30-5:00 p.m. Marshall Room
Conversation with Elena Avila, author of Woman Who Glows in the Dark: A Curandera Reveals Traditional Aztec Secrets of Physical and Spiritual Health
February 13, 12:00-1:00 p.m. Hoversten Chapel, Foss
"A Curandera's Concept of Medicine"
For more information, contact .
Apply by Feb. 10 to be an AugSem Student Leader
If you are a Day school student who is enthusiastic about learning and community at Augsburg, apply now to help first-year students transition to Augsburg next fall. Positions for Fall 2010 AugSem Student Leaders are posted on the Human Resources web site. Applications are due by 4:30 p.m. on February 10.
Event Announcements
PASU Chill Night: Black History Month Film
In celebration of Black History Month PASU will be hosting a few movie nights devoted to BLACK History Month in Science 123 at 5:30pm Feb. 5th, FRIDAY... The audience gets to pick the movie. There will be SNACKS!
Augsburg Production of the Vagina Monologues
Directed by Augsburg student Julia Sewell and featuring an all-Augsburg cast, the "Vagina Monologues" is a play written by Eve Ensler and performed annually - and internationally - on Valentine's Day to raise awareness about violence against women. Proceeds from the Augsburg production will go to benefit the House of Sharing, which houses and supports surviving Korean "comfort women" who were forced into sexual slavery by the Japanese military during World War II.
Performance Dates: February 11th and 13th at 7:30 p.m. and February 14th at 2 p.m. in the Sateren Auditorium. Tickets are $2 for Augsburg students and $5 for faculty, staff, and the broader community. Tickets will be available at the door and in Christensen during the week of February 8.
Minnesota's Age Wave: Opportunities and Challenges
Join the Department of Social Work in celebrating the Hartford Partnership Program for Aging Education (HPPAE) at our annual Social Work Alumni Network (SWAN) event. LaRhae Grindal Knatterud, Director of Aging Transformation for the Minnesota Department of Human Services, will be presenting at the event on Friday, February 5 from 3-5 p.m.
For the next 30 years, we will see unprecedented growth in our aging population. This presentation will explore demographic realities and offer themes for action to help individuals and organizations prepare.
This is free a continuing education event.
RSVP by February 3rd to Emily Cronk at 612-330-1189 or
WRC Brown Bag Lunch
Join us for lunch and discussion. Bring your own lunch, we will provide the tea and hot chocolate! If you'd like to bring something to share please feel free. The 2nd Wednesday of each month so the first one will be February 10, 2010 in the Women's Resource Center: SVE 207 from 12 p.m. to 1 p.m.
Contact Jessica Nathanson at if there are any questions.
Keeping Track of Auggies
No postings
Auggie Athletics
Auggie Athletics Update
Auggie Athletics Update (click on link for story/stats):
Monday, February 1:
Men's Basketball -- Augsburg 75, Gustavus 70
Women's Basketball -- Gustavus 87, Augsburg 68
Upcoming Events:
Wednesday, February 3:
Women's Basketball at Concordia-Moorhead, 5:45 p.m.
Men's Basketball at Concordia-Moorhead, 7:45 p.m.
Thursday, February 4:
Wrestling at Wartburg (Iowa), 7 p.m.
Friday, February 5:
Men's Hockey at St. Mary's, 7 p.m.
Women's Hockey vs. St. Mary's, Augsburg Ice Arena, 7 p.m.
Women's Swimming at Minnesota Challenge.
Saturday, February 6:
Wrestling at Wisconsin-Eau Claire Invitational, 9 a.m.
Women's Basketball vs. Macalester, Si Melby Hall, 1 p.m.
Men's Basketball vs. Macalester, Si Melby Hall, 3 p.m.
Women's Hockey at St. Mary's, 4 p.m.
Men's Hockey vs. St. Mary's, Augsburg Ice Arena, 7:05 p.m.
M/W Track and Field at Bethel Invitational.
Women's Swimming at Minnesota Challenge.
Timberwolves Tickets For a Good Cause
The Institutional Advancement Office just received approximately 100 tickets from a generous donor for the Timberwolves game on Saturday night, February 6, against Memphis. The game is at 7:00 pm, and the tickets are all in the lower level of the Target Center. The agreement that was worked out with the donor was that the tickets would be available for a minimum contribution to the Augsburg Fund of at least $25 per ticket. These tickets retail for $60 - $125, and they will be on a first-come, first-served basis. If you would like tickets, please e-mail The tickets will go fast, so come and enjoy the evening with other Auggies...for a good cause!
Sofa/Loveseat/Chair/Ottoman For Sale
Camel/Tan color leather sofa, loveseat, chair & ottoman for sale. The set going for $500 b/o. Contact Amy Daugherty at (612) 330-1031 for details.