Public Safety and Facilities Announcements
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Teaching and Learning
General Announcements
Event Announcements
Keeping Track of Auggies
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Auggie Athletics
Public Safety and Facilities Announcements
No postings
Teaching and Learning
Graduate Writing Workshops Series
The Graduate Writing Workshop series is a supportive, interactive opportunity for students from all Augsburg graduate programs to focus on the development of basic writing skills. Augsburg staff members are also welcome.
Topics include the construction and development of a thesis statement and the correct use of syntax, grammar, and punctuation. The non-credit workshops are taught by Dr. Kathryn Swanson, professor of English.
Format: 3 Saturday mornings on non-WEC/Grad weekends
Dates: February 6, February 20, and March 6 (9 hours of instruction)
Time: 9:00 a.m.-noon
Location: Oren Gateway Center 103
Cost: $400
Enrollment limited to 15 students.
For more information, contact Patty Park at 612-330-1150 or
The Life of the Mind 2010
The Life of the Mind Workshop
March 12-13, 2010
Christensen Center, Augsburg College
Mark you calendars for the annual CTL Life of the Mind Retreat. In order to accommodate more staff and WEC faculty the workshop will be held on campus this year. Guest speaker is Henry Emmons, M.D. author of "The Chemistry of Joy."
More information will be available soon.
GMAT Prep Begins February 10
Thinking about a Master of Business Administration program after graduation? Most MBA programs require the GMAT (Graduate Management Admissions Test) for admission. The MBA office will be utilizing a new partnership with the Princeton Review, who will be providing instructors and prep books for these sessions.
The course meets Wednesdays 6-9 PM for seven weeks (February 10, 17, & 24, and March 3, 10, 17, & 24). The cost is $549, which includes access to the Princeton Review's online student center, the Manual for the GMAT 8.3, and the GMAT Review 12th edition.
To register, contact Princeton Review by calling Kate at 612-676-1447.
Please contact Casey Jarvela ( in the MBA Office with any questions.
Last Call for Nobel Forum Seminar Proposals
We have space for a few more Saturday Seminars at the Peace Prize Forum, which will be held at Augsburg, March 5-6, 2010. We have a strong line-up of presenters, but could use a few more Auggies in the mix. Submissions can be made on the web at, and most be received by Sunday, Jan. 31.
This year, the conference focus draws on a phrase from President Ahtisaari's Nobel Lecture, in which he states, "Wars and conflicts are not inevitable. They are caused by human beings. There are always interests that are furthered by war. Therefore those who have power and influence can also stop them. Peace is a question of will. All conflicts can be settled, and there are no excuses for allowing them to become eternal." We encourage proposals that address the challenges of increasing and supporting the political will to resolve current, ongoing conflicts, but are open to any proposals that relate to the work of any of the Nobel Peace Prize Laureates. Possible topics for seminars include human rights, climate change, environmental justice, international aid, the relationship of U.S. foreign policy to the work of peacemaking, micro-credit, global health, nuclear proliferation and disarmament, refugees, genocide, and the work of the United Nations.
Presentations will take place during two time slots on Saturday, March 6 from 12:30-1:30 and 1:45-3:00. Selected presenters receive an honorarium of $150. Questions can be directed to Prof. Joe Underhill (
Biology Faculty Candidate Research Seminar
Biology faculty candidate Wendy Clement will be presenting her research seminar entitled "Unraveling the evolutionary origins and distribution of plants: Studies on phylogeny and pollination ecology in the mulberry and honeysuckle families" on Thursday, January 28 from 4:30 - 5:30 p.m. in SCI 123. All are welcome. Refreshments will be provided.
General Announcements
Homecoming 2010 - Planning Underway
Is your department hosting an event during Homecoming Week 2010 October 11 -October 16? If so, the Office of Alumni & Constituent Relations would like to help make it a success! We can help to publicize the event by including it in the Homecoming brochure which is mailed to over 22,000 Alumni, Parents and Friends of Augsburg! Perhaps your department is celebrating an anniversary or some significant milestone. Let us help you reach your target audience with the Homecoming brochure and website. Call us at (x1085) or send an email to with some brief notes about the event and we'll be in touch soon. Thank you!
Financial Aid Priority Deadline
It's that time of year again!
Turn in your financial aid documents by March 1 to be entered in a drawing to win an iPod touch.
Come and learn about how to fill out your financial aid AND be entered in for a $250 scholarship drawing!
Monday, January 25
6 p.m. Urness/Mort Lobby
7 p.m. Urness/Mort Lobby
Tuesday, January 26
5 p.m. Anderson Hall
7 p.m. Luther Hall
Wednesday, February 3
2:30 pm Student Lounge
Augsburg Dining Cooking Demonstration
O.K. So you have been keeping up with the workouts for the new years but not sure about healthy eating. Augsburg Dining is doing a Cooking demonstration this Wednesday in the Commons with executive Chef Brian and our dietitian Gina. They will make some deviously, easy, nutritious dishes for students and will answer question. So please come on over and check out the demonstration. Hope to see you there.
Voicemail System Maintenance, Jan. 28, 4:30 p.m.
Maintenance on the voicemail system will be performed starting at 4:30pm on Thursday, January 28th. During the maintenance period, you will not be able to leave or retrieve voicemail messages. We expect total downtime to be approximately 30 minutes. The telephone system will not be affected by this maintenance.
If you have any questions or need assistance, please contact your LFC.
Dr. David Hanson, Chemistry, Wins NSF Award
On January 15, Dr. David Hanson of the Chemistry Department received a four-year NSF Award to study particle formation in the atmosphere, with climate applications. With this award, Dr. Hanson will continue his work on basic atmospheric chemistry research. Congratulations Dr. Hanson!
Mpls/United/Bloomington/Grad Spring WEC Reg Info
WEC/United/Bloomington Center/Grad Augsburg for Adults Students,
Spring Trimester web registration begins on February 15, 2010 and ends April 8, 2010. Class registration start dates will be one day apart and will follow this schedule:
Monday, February 15 - Seniors and graduate students
Tuesday, February 16 - Juniors, non-degree & second degree seeking students
Wednesday, February 17 - Sophomores
Thursday, February 18 Freshmen
AugNet registration opens each day below for the new class at 8:30 a.m.
The last day for initial registration (when students must be registered for at least 1 course) for the Minneapolis/United/Bloomington Center programs Spring Trimester is the last business day before the term begins, which is Thursday, April 8, 2010.
The last day to readmit to the Minneapolis/United/Bloomington Center/Grad Augsburg for Adult programs for Spring Trimester (and when students must be registered for at least 1 course) is the last business day before the term begins, which is Thursday, April 8, 2010
Students are encouraged to register early as course availability decreases greatly after the first week of the registration period.
Students with financial, payment plan paperwork, or immunization holds will be unable to register until the hold is cleared. Please contact the Enrollment Center at 612.330.1046 or email for assistance with any holds.
The official list of Perspective and Skills, LAF Courses, and Senior Keystone courses is found on the Registrar web page: There is also a link on this page, Registration Information, which consolidates many useful items used in registration.
AugNet Records and Registration is the preferred method of registration (both adding and dropping courses) but registration forms are available on the Registrar's website at
Students intending to attend both Spring WEC and Summer Session I must plan carefully. The combined credit load for WEC/Rochester/United/Bloomington Center/Graduate students between Spring Trimester, Summer Session I, and Summer Online 1 is limited to 2.0 credits but may be increased to 3.0 credits if the students cumulative GPA is 3.0 or better. Students desiring to exceed these limits must petition the Student Standing Committee prior to registration. Summer registration will open for the entire campus on Monday, April 19, 2010.
Rochester Spring Registration Information
Rochester Augsburg for Adult Students,
Rochester Spring Trimester web registration begins on February 15 and ends April 2, 2010. AugNet registration opens each day below for the new class at 8:30 a.m. Class start dates will be one day apart and will follow this schedule:
Monday, February 15 - Seniors and graduate students
Tuesday, February 16 - Juniors, non-degree & second degree seeking students
Wednesday, February 17 - Sophomores
Thursday, February 18 - Freshmen
The last day for initial registration (when students must be registered for at least 1 course) for Rochester Spring Trimester is the last business day before the term begins: Friday, April 2, 2010.
The last day to readmit to the Rochester Augsburg for Adult programs for Spring Trimester (and when students must be registered for at least 1 course) is the last business day before the term begins: Friday, April 2, 2010.
Students are encouraged to register early as course availability decreases greatly after the first two weeks of the registration period.
Students with a financial, payment plan paperwork, or immunization holds will be unable to register until the hold is cleared. Please contact the Enrollment Center at 612.330.1046 or email for assistance with any holds.
The official list of Perspective and Skills, LAF Courses, and Senior Keystone courses is found on the Registrar web page: There is also a link on this page, Registration Information - Rochester, that consolidates many useful items used in registration.
AugNet Records and Registration is the preferred method of registration (both adding and dropping courses) but registration forms are available on the Registrar's website at
Students intending to attend both Spring WEC and Summer Session I must plan carefully. The combined credit load for WEC/Rochester/United/Grad students between Spring Trimester, Summer Session I, and Summer Online 1 is limited to 2.0 credits but may be increased to 3.0 credits of the Cum GPA is 3.0 or better. Students desiring to exceed these limits must petition the Student Standing Committee prior to registration. Summer registration will open for the entire campus on Monday, 19 April.
Event Announcements
Do You Want to Talk About Race?
Intergroup Dialogue is back this spring! Students, staff and faculty are invited to participate in ongoing dialogues about how race affects and shapes our everyday lives. These groups are aimed to increase understanding and knowledge around issues of race. Applications are due to Laura Boisen, Associate Professor in Social Work, by Friday, January 29. Applications are available in both the Auggie's Nest and by e-mailing
"Date Rape -- A Survivor Speaks" Thursday 7 p.m.
Nancy Donoval performs her one-woman show, "Date Rape -- A Survivor Speaks: A True Story of Trauma and Healing" on Thursday, January 28th, 7 8:15pm in the Marshall Room of the Christensen Center.
Nancy's show received rave reviews at the Minnesota Fringe Festival, including a "Best of the Fringe" nod from the Star Tribune. Here are some excerpts of audience reviews: "riveting storytelling," "artful and wise," "profoundly moving." "Nancy puts rape in the framework of a whole life. A funny life. A life of love, and longing and art."
Nancy is a professional storyteller who has performed at venues around the country, including the Washington Storytellers Theater and the National Storytelling Festival; she has told stories on Chicago and Minnesota Public Radio and teaches storytelling at Metro State.
Co-sponsors: Counseling & Health Promotion, Women's Resource Center, Campus Activities & Orientation, Residence Life, and the Dean of Students. For more information, contact CCHP at x1707 or Beth Carlson at x1136.
All Nighter
Free Annual All Nighter will be January 29, 2010 from 10 p.m. until 2 a.m. Food, Inflatables, Karate Lessons, Karaoke, Caricatures, Face Painting. Christensen Center doors open at 10 p.m. No charge for Augsburg Associates. Donation suggested for outside guests
Save the Date
Augsburg's Indigenous Student Association (AISA)'s
2nd Traditional Powwow
Saturday, March 20, 2010
Si Melby Gymnasium, Augsburg College Campus
Grand Entries (Start times): 1:00 PM and 7:00 PM
Community Feast: 5:00 PM
NO Admission fee - FREE!
There will be several vendors (craft/products and non-profit organizations) as well as a concession with Indian Tacos for sale by AISA.
Please note for those unfamiliar with a Powwow that a Grand Entry is the 'start' of a session where all the dancers come into the circle together. A session typically goes 3 hours and people are welcome to come and go throughout the day, however, if you have never experienced a grand entry I would suggest doing so. It is truly a cultural experience. We will take a break for a feast, in which all are invited, and the second session will start with the grand entry at 7:00 PM and will end around 9:30 PM. Within the sessions, there will be a variety of dances by category or
Augsburg hosted the first Powwow on campus last March, having close to 3,000 people throughout the day and hosting 14 drum groups and over 200 Native dancers. It was a huge success and we are looking forward to year #2.
Any questions or if you would like to get involved and/or co-sponsor this year's Powwow, please contact Jennifer Simon, Director of American Indian Student Services and Advisor to AISA at 612.330.1144 or
Spring Student Involvement Fair
The Spring Student Involvement Fair will take place Thursday, January 28th from 2:00-5:00pm in the Christensen Center Lobby. Many of Augsburg's student groups will be represented, offering other students a chance to come get involved. If you've been looking for an organization or club to join, this is the place to be. Plus! Free candy!
Student Group Workshop - Collaborations Spr. '10
The first of 5 Student Group Workshops is taking place next Thursday, January 28th from 6:00pm-8:00pm in OGC 100!
Student Group Collaborations for Spring '10 presented by Seth Lienard (ASAC), Kelly Schlick (ASAC) and Mike Grewe (CAO) will give you the opportunity to look for ways to stretch your dollar a little bit more and ensure that your programs do not overlap with others on campus!
Talk about ASAC's role and goals within the CAO infrastructure.
Going over schedules with all the groups and talking about when and where we can/cannot have events.
Utilizing the CAO Calendar
Where are there Co-Sponsorship opportunities.
Using the Large Event Planning Form.
What are we doing that is working, what is not working? How can we get the most bang for the buck?
Brainstorming session how we can make Augsburg College a better and more enjoyable place.
We hope to see you all there!!!
Add the facebook event!!!
To see more details and confirm your attendance go to the following link (or copy and paste into your internet browser).
Community Time
Take a breather! Enjoy refreshments and conversation with faculty and staff colleagues in the East Commons on Tuesday, January 26, 3:45-4:30.
QSU's Drag Show
QSU is putting on their annual drag show and amateur talent show on February 11, 2010 at 7pm in East Commons . If you are interested in being in the show please contact Fia Goldfine at
Keeping Track of Auggies
No postings
Auggie Athletics
Auggie Athletics Update
Auggie Athletics Update (click on link for story/stats):
Friday, January 22:
Wrestling -- Augsburg 18, Nebraska-Omaha 12
Men's Hockey -- Augsburg 4, Concordia-Moorhead 1
Women's Hockey -- Concordia-Moorhead 4, Augsburg 1
Saturday, January 23:
Women's Swimming -- Augsburg 8th at St. Catherine Invitational
Men's Hockey -- Concordia-Moorhead 5, Augsburg 1
Women's Hockey -- Concordia-Moorhead 6, Augsburg 1
Women's Basketball -- St. Catherine 80, Augsburg 48
Sunday, January 24:
Wrestling -- Augsburg 20, Wisconsin-La Crosse 13
Upcoming Events:
Wednesday, January 27:
Women's Basketball vs. St. Thomas, Si Melby Hall, 7:30 p.m.
Men's Basketball vs. St. Thomas at Concordia-St. Paul, 7:45 p.m.
Friday, January 29:
Women's Swimming at Macalester Mini-Invitational.
Men's Hockey vs. Hamline, Augsburg Ice Arena, 7:05 p.m.
Women's Hockey at Hamline, 7:15 p.m.
Saturday, January 30:
Wrestling at St. John's North Country Open and Grand View (Iowa) Open, 9 a.m.
Men's/Women's Track and Field at Wisconsin-Stout Invitational, 12 p.m.
Women's Swimming at Macalester Mini-Invitational, 1 p.m.
Women's Basketball vs. St. Olaf, Si Melby Hall, 1 p.m.
Men's Basketball vs. St. Olaf, Si Melby Hall, 3 p.m.
Women's Hockey vs. Hamline, Augsburg Ice Arena, 7:05 p.m.
Men's Hockey at Hamline, 7:15 p.m.
Stay at Home Car Mechanic
My good friend is a stay at home father who is looking for cars to repair. He has 10+ years of experience, has access to a shop that he can use with a full set of tools and equipment, and most importantly, is one of the most honest and thorough people I know. He has been keeping my car running for the last 2 years, and asks a fraction of the price that traditional mechanic shops will charge (plus you can trust him to only suggest necessary work). If you need any work done, or your car is due for a tune up, please support him and his family. His name is David and he can be reached at 952-270-5030
Home For Rent in Seward Neighborhood
From July 2010-July 2011.
We are looking for renters for our furnished 4 bedroom home in Seward neighborhood while we are away for a year. Our home is a mile (or less) from Augsburg College, U of M, Fairview Riverside hospital. We are also within blocks of the River Pkwy., Seward Co-op, the Greenway bike trail, bus lines, Light Rail Transit, library, Birchwood Cafe and several parks and playgrounds. Ideal for graduate students, visiting professors or other professionals. Rent: $1500+utilities. Contact Kim Schneider for more details: 612-729-1858 or