Public Safety and Facilities Announcements
- (No listings)
Teaching and Learning
General Announcements
- Goliard Meeting: Thursday, Jan. 21, 9:10 p.m.
- Career and Internship Questions?
- Spanish Conversation this Thursday
- Sign-Up for Alternative Spring Break in Mobile, AL
- Pao and Frozen Yogurt in A-Club
- Thank You for Buying Cookies and Helping Haiti
- Posting Policy Reminder
- Financial Aid Priority Deadline
- Voicemail System Maintenance, Jan. 28, 4:30 p.m.
- OGC Housing Applications Now Available
Event Announcements
- Roundtable Discussion Series on Gender and Sexuality
- Spring Student Involvement Fair
- "Date Rape -- A Survivor Speaks" Jan. 28
- Baskets of Hope Donation Drive
- H1N1 Clinic for Students - Update
- Opening Art Receptions - Friday
- QSU's Drag Show
- Faculty and Staff H1N1 Vaccinations - TOMORROW
- Information Session for REL 410 "Travels of Paul"
Keeping Track of Auggies
- (No listings)
Auggie Athletics
Public Safety and Facilities Announcements
No postings
Teaching and Learning
Biology Faculty Candidate Research Seminar
Biology faculty candidate Molly McNicoll will be presenting her research seminar entitled "Investigating plant communities: Do species identity, disturbance, and seed limitation determine the potential for restoration of natural communities?" on Thursday, January 21 from 4:30 - 5:30 p.m. in SCI 123. All are welcome. Refreshments will be provided.
Scholastic Connections Applications are Available
Scholastic Connections is a scholarship and mentorship program for students of color (American Indian, Hispanic/Latino, Pan-Afrikan, Pan Asian) at Augsburg College. Students who are successful in their application process and are selected to participate receive a $5000 scholarship, renewable annually, and are paired with a successful alumna/alumnus of color that serves as Mentor for the Scholar.
Five "new" Scholars will be selected for the program for 2010-11.
Eligibility Criteria:
Continuing Augsburg student or advanced standing transfer student
Demonstrated financial need as determined by the FAO
Demonstrated leadership ability or potential
Demonstrated community involvement, on or off campus
Minimum GPA of 2.5
Applicants must have a completed financial aid file in the Enrollment Center by 3/1.
Application deadline is 3/1/10.
Applicants can apply on-line or download a pdf version of the application at the Scholastic Connections web page by going to the A to Z Directory at Inside Augsburg and clicking on Scholastic Connections. Please read the Application Requirements carefully.
ATTENTION FACULTY & STAFF: If you know of a student who could benefit from working with a mentor and receiving scholarship assistance, feel free to nominate the student for Scholastic Connections. On-line or pdf nomination forms are available at the Scholastic Connections web page accessible through the A to Z Directory at Inside Augsburg.
Questions? Contact Cindy Peterson at 612-330-1754 or
Welcome to Visiting Professor Tugen Hao
We are pleased to welcome Professor Tugen Hao to campus this semester as a visiting professor and scholar from Anqing, China. Professor Hao is Dean of the School of Foreign Languages at Anqing Teachers College. In addition to his administrative responsibilities, Professor Hao teaches courses in American Literature. He will be auditing several literature classes and furthering his research while at Augsburg. Professor Hao is available for invitations to lecture or speak on Chinese culture, Chinese education, or Mandarin language. His departmental home while at Augsburg is with the Language and Cross-cultural Studies faculty in Old Main. His contact information can be found in the Augsburg directory. Please join me in welcoming Professor Hao, and feel free to extend an invitation to attend your class, or stop by his office to introduce yourself and initiate a conversation with him. He has much to offer the campus community during his stay at Augsburg. If you would be interested in participating in several sessions to learn a few phrases in Mandarin for travel or interest, please contact Orv Gingerich,
Barbara Farley.
General Announcements
Goliard Meeting: Thursday, Jan. 21, 9:10 p.m.
The Goliard Society of Medievalists will be meeting this Thursday, 21 January, at 9:10 PM in Lindell 301. Everyone is welcome. Come to learn about the Medieval Mardi Gras Madrigals and how you can help (dramatic reading, period songs, etc).
There will be FREE PIZZA at the meeting. Please e-mail Andrew Fox at, by 9 PM Wednesday night, so we can order an appropriate number of pizzas. We will also be watching a half-hour episode of "Robin Hood," a new BBC TV series. This is a great show and it is really well done.
We hope to see you there!
Career and Internship Questions?
Stop by our table in the Library Link every Wednesday afternoon from 1-4 p.m. There will be a career counselor available to assist you with your resume, interviewing skills, making appointments, and general questions that relate to your job search. The Strommen Career and Internship Center is also open daily and we are located in the lower level of Anderson Hall. x1148
Spanish Conversation this Thursday
New Year's resolution: practice my Spanish... You can keep that resolution by joining us for Spanish conversation, where you get the chance to practice your Spanish in a relaxed and friendly setting. All language levels are welcome to join us - we promise there will be no grammar lessons! We meet every Thursday from 11:00 - 12:30 on the 2nd floor of the Christensen Center, in the Riverside Room. Signs will be posted. Come for 10 mins. or for the whole session, whatever works for you. You are welcome to bring your lunch. If you have any questions, contact Emiliano Chagil, ext. 1309; Anita Fisher, ext. 1082 or Kate Reinhardt, ext. 1081. We hope to see you there!
Sign-Up for Alternative Spring Break in Mobile, AL
Looking for an unforgettable Spring Break experience? Consider Augsburg's 2010 Alternative Spring Break: Sweet Homes in Alabama!
Continuing in Augsburg's recent tradition of service in the Gulf Coast area, this year 40 students will return to the Gulf to help with disaster response and general support work at two sites in Mobile County.
1) Mobile, AL through Habitat for Humanity, help some of the 400 families still living in transitional housing
2) Bayou La Batre relational service through a local nonprofit for an area which relies heavily on the shrimp industry that has been affected by the hurricanes
Besides working in the community, there will be time for exploring the area. Possible highlights include: Dauphin Island, the shipyard that built the Black Pearl from Pirates of the Caribbean, the USS Alabama, eating fresh seafood, and visiting the home of "Forrest Gump."
This service-learning trip is a collaborative effort between Campus Ministry and the Bonner program. We are extremely excited for students to serve, learn, and share their gifts as they experience southern culture and create ways to connect their spring break service experiences back in the Augsburg community.
Registration Details:
· Registration began January 11 and will continue on a 'first come, first served' basis until filled or January 25
· $100 deposit holds your spot; Total trip cost is $300/person (includes travel, lodging, and most meals)
Sign-up in the Campus Ministry Office in Foss Center. Dont forget to bring your deposit.
You may also contact Lonna Field,, or Sonja Hagander,, in Campus Ministry for more information.
Pao and Frozen Yogurt in A-Club
Come on down to the A-Club and add something new to your plate. Starting today, the long awaited Pao is here. Build your own stir-fry the way you would like it. And coming soon, Frozen yogurt. Students asked for it and with a little patience, Augsburg dining was able to secure a great product for our students.
Come down and fill up in the A-Club.
Thank You for Buying Cookies and Helping Haiti
Thank you everyone who has bought cookies from me. For helping me and my troop, and for supporting people in Haiti.
You have helped me get about $75 so far to donate to Haiti through Partners in Health!
If you want more cookies, e-mail or call my mom at or 612.330-1622.
Sofia-Haase Oliva
Posting Policy Reminder
Augsburg College official student groups and organizations, staff and faculty may use college space to publicize events and meetings. The new policy asks that individuals post "only where marked" rather than the old policy which permitted "posting anywhere except in certain spots.
As before, all postings must be approved and dated by staff at the Christensen Center Information Desk (M-F, 8 am 6 pm and Saturdays, 8 am 12 noon).
A maximum of 20 will be stamped and approved for posting on campus. that is the total number of spots we have provided through designated posting strips, bulletin boards and kiosks.
Posting is not permitted on any other surface or space, such as glass, doors, or painted walls.
Posters/flyers must be put up using push pins, tacks or staples; no duct tape, permanent adhesives, or tape. Organizations will be charged for damages to walls and surfaces and we ask individuals and organizations are responsible for removal of their materials.
No flyers are permitted on cars in Augsburg College parking lots. (City of Minneapolis, Ordinance 403.10)
There is a Community events/notices (including buy/sell and help wanted) board in the Christensen Center main floor near the restrooms.
Contact Campus Activities and Orientation for assistance with publicity ideas, sidewalk chalking, floor signs, or painting windows. For special events, contact Event and Conference Planning.
Residence Hall posting: all posters and flyers must be approved by Residence Life staff. Contact Residence Life at or 612-330-1488.
A copy of the policy and a list of posting places is available at the Information Desk.
Financial Aid Priority Deadline
Day students, its that time of year again!
Turn in your financial aid documents by March 1 to be entered in a drawing to win an iPod touch.
Come and learn about how to fill out your financial aid AND be entered in for a $250 scholarship drawing!
Monday, January 25
6 p.m. Urness/Mort Lobby
7 p.m. Urness/Mort Lobby
Tuesday, January 26
5 p.m. Anderson Hall
7 p.m. Luther Hall
Wednesday, February 3
2:30 pm Student Lounge
Voicemail System Maintenance, Jan. 28, 4:30 p.m.
Maintenance on the voicemail system will be performed starting at 4:30pm on Thursday, January 28th. During the maintenance period, you will not be able to leave or retrieve voicemail messages. We expect total downtime to be approximately 30 minutes. The telephone system will not be affected by this maintenance.
If you have any questions or need assistance, please contact your LFC.
OGC Housing Applications Now Available
Oren Gateway Center housing applications are now available!
Applications are available online at
The Department of Residence Life offers housing opportunities for Day students who are interested in living in a substance free environment. OGC is the newest residence hall on campus. All apartments include loft style living and full kitchens with dishwashers. The application deadline is February 8th, 2010.
After opening the application, save a copy, fill it out, save it again, and then email it to .
Applications are only available to Day students. OGC housing applications are separate from the StepUP housing process. Questions: please contact Cyndy Rowe at
Event Announcements
Roundtable Discussion Series on Gender and Sexuality
Augsburg College Feminist Collective hosts a Roundtable Discussion Series on Gender & Sexuality
When: Friday, January 22 and Saturday, January 23 [2010].
Friday at 5 pm: Twin Cities Smitten Kitten Education Coordinator Clare Jacky facilitates discussion on safe and pleasureful queer sex.
Friday at 7 pm: Twin Cities singer/songwriter Chastity Brown shares her complex soul a country-born, gospel-raised, activist poet who sings about women, race, love and politics with an edgy tenderness
-Discussion of her music with Chastity at the end of performance
Saturday at 11:30 am: Milwaukee sex therapist Psy.D. Lynn Vice facilitates discussion about the positive right to pleasure: the female orgasm, addressing questions such as What is sexual pleasure and what can it mean for each of us as individuals?
Saturday at 1:45 pm: Augsburg College sociology, psychology, & women's studies student, poet, Feminist Collective co-founder, and more, Lucreshia Grant demonstrates the healthy application of female and male condoms. Have you ever wondered what a dental dam is, if it's your style, and what it can do?--- Through condoms and dental damns, much will be explored by Lucreshia's facilitation of sexual intimacy resources.
Lucreshia will be joined by the Birds & Bees director Amy Kodet. The Minneapolis-based Birds & Bees Project provides comprehensive reproductive health information to youth and adults through community education in and beyond the classroom, and is a program of Pro-Choice Resources (PCR).
Saturday at 2:45 pm: Augsburg College Professor Nancy Fischer facilitates discussion on sexuality from a sociological perspective.
Where: Augsburg College Womens Resource Center [Sverdrup 207]
The initiative of the Roundtable Discussion Series on Gender & Sexuality is to have a variety of well-versed [in terms of gender & sexuality] community members host knowledgeable, exploratory, openly interactive, intimate, and informative talks with participants in order to develop discussions pertaining to the topics at hand in a safe and non-heteronormative environment.
The discussion facilitators will have space to elaborate on the dedicated themes and furthermore receive questions and varied analysis from listeners in order to foment greater interaction between the facilitator and those who are actively listening... Coming together to open a communal outlet embracing our unique realities of humanness; uniting to speak our truths...
Food and overall refreshments will be health-fully provided by St Martin's Table and the Seward Co-op.
All Are Welcome! Speak Your Truth...
Spring Student Involvement Fair
The Spring Student Involvement Fair will take place Thursday, January 28th from 2:00-5:00pm in the Christensen Center Lobby. Many of Augsburg's student groups will be represented, offering other students a chance to come get involved. If you've been looking for an organization or club to join, this is the place to be. Plus! Free candy!
"Date Rape -- A Survivor Speaks" January 28
Nancy Donoval performs her one-woman show, "Date Rape -- A Survivor Speaks: A True Story of Trauma and Healing" on Thursday, January 28th, 7 8:15pm in the Marshall Room of the Christensen Center.
Nancy's show received rave reviews at the Minnesota Fringe Festival, including a "Best of the Fringe" nod from the Star Tribune. Here are some excerpts of audience reviews: "riveting storytelling," "artful and wise," "profoundly moving." "Nancy puts rape in the framework of a whole life. A funny life. A life of love, and longing and art."
Nancy is a professional storyteller who has performed at venues around the country, including the Washington Storytellers Theater and the National Storytelling Festival; she has told stories on Chicago and Minnesota Public Radio and teaches storytelling at Metro State.
Co-sponsors: Counseling & Health Promotion, Women's Resource Center, Student Activities, Residence Life, and the Dean of Students. For more information, contact CCHP at x1707 or Beth Carlson at x1136.
Baskets Of Hope Donation Drive
The Augsburg MIS376 Project Team "Baskets of Hope" will be hosting a donation drive in the Oren Gateway Bldg. "Baskets of Hope" will benefit Sojourner- A Crisis Shelter for Women and Families of Domestic Violence. Information pamphlets are available at drop off site as well as posted thru out Augsburg Campus. Drop off site dates and hours are:
January 30, Feb 13, Feb 27, and March 6th from 12noon- 2:00pm.
Below is a list of the needed items. All items should be new and unopened, except gently used cell phones.
Household Items: Tissue, Toilet Paper, All Purpose Cleaners, Dish Towels, Toilet Brush, Bath Towels, Sponges, Hand Soap, Laundry Soap, & Dish Soap.
Personal Care Items: Hair Products, Shampoo, Conditioner, Bar Soap, Body Wash, Deodorant, Brushes & Combs, Socks, Robes, Nightlights, Alarm Clocks, Pajamas, Slippers, and Womens & Childrens underwear, & Feminine hygiene products, Flip Flops. ** No Travel Sizes Please***
Healthcare Items: Bandaids, Sanitizer, Antibiotic ointment, Digital Thermometer, Children's Tylenol-Fever, Childrens Tylenol Allergy Cold-Sinus, Ibuprofen, Midol, Vicks Vapor Rub
Disposables: Bowls, Cups, Plates, Service wear, Napkins, Ziplock Baggies
Linens: Twin Sheet Sets, Twin Waterproof Mattress Covers, Twin Comforters and Blankets, Pillows
Clothings/Toys- New clothing for Women and Children all sizes needed. New Toys ie- Stuffed Animals, Learning Toys, Childrens Movies etc.
Infant/Toddler items- Sippy Cups, Wipes, Diapers (sz 3,4, & 5), Diaper Rash Ointment, Teething Rings, Pacifiers, Bottles, Bathwash, Lotion, etc.
Gift Cards- Target, WalMart, Cub Foods, Gas Stations, Bus passes & Tokens, Office Supply Stores
Cell Phones- Any type of used cell phone
H1N1 Clinic for Students - Update
Good news and an update regarding the Minnesota Visiting Nurse Association H1N1 clinic scheduled for Friday 1/22/10. Any one wanting the H1N1 vaccine that does not have insurance can now get the vaccine with no charge. Insured individuals still need to bring insurance information to the clinic.
With this new information, we hope many of you will take advantage of this convenient on-campus option for staying healthy.
The clinic will be held Friday 1/22 from 3 - 7 p.m. in the Marshall Room. Appointments are not needed -- walk-ins only.
Any questions, please call the CCHP office at 612-330-1707. Stay healthy, get your vaccine Friday!!
Opening Art Receptions - Friday
"Surface Structures"
Betsy Byers
Christensen Center Art Gallery, Augsburg College
January 22 - February 26, 2010
Betsy Byers' abstract oil paintings, featured in her most recent series entitled "Surface Structures," are psychological landscapes that explore the permeable boundaries between body and environment. Recalling her own moments of sensual awareness in nature, she creates ethereal landscapes to reflect on how self is linked to exterior surroundings.
Byers actively engages with her six-foot square canvases; she drips, scratches, and spreads translucent paint in overlapping layers. These multiple surface layers combine with sharply fragmented forms and contrasting colors to create mystifying compositions.
Opening reception: Friday, January 22, 5:30 - 7:30 p.m.
Artist Talk: Tuesday, January 26, 1:30 p.m.
Minneapolis Room, Christensen Center
"Antipodal Encounter"
Cecilia Ramon and Eun-Kyung Suh
Gage Family Art Gallery, Augsburg College
January 22 - February 26, 2010
"Antipodal Encounters" features the 3D forms created by Korean artist Eun-Kyung Suh and Argentinean artist Cecilia Ramon. Suh creates textile sculptures out of sheer materials to examine the meaning embedded in fabric and its relationship to human emotion and experience. She sculpts the cloth by folding and sewing it together to create a sacred vessel where both mundane objects and intimate memories can be kept. Ramon investigates the physical and emotional presence of tension in our life through her manipulation of wood forms. She carves, burns, binds, and suspends wood, viewing it similarly in character to the human body in both its frailty and strength.
Artist Reception: Friday, January 22, 5:30-7:30 p.m.
Artist Talk: Friday, January 22, 11:00 a.m.
Adeline M. Johnson Conference Center
Oren Gateway Center
All events are free and open to the public.
QSU's Drag Show
Everyone is invited to the Queer and Straight in Unity annual Drag Show on February 11, 2010. the event will start at 7 PM in the East Commons. There will also be an amateur talent show for students. If you are interested in being in the show Please E-mail Fia Goldfine at by February 05, 2010. There will be prizes for the winners.
Faculty and Staff H1N1 Vaccinations - TOMORROW
Homeland Health Specialists will be on-site to administer H1N1 vaccinations for all faculty and staff on Thursday, 1/21/2010 from noon- 4:00 pm in the Minneapolis Room, Christensen Center.
Augsburg will pay for the cost of the vaccination and no claims will be submitted to insurance.
You must schedule your vaccination by calling Human Resources at x1058.
Information Session for REL 410 "Travels of Paul"
REL 410 is a faculty-led travel course to Turkey, May 10-27, 2010. It is "The Travels of Paul" and much more. There is an information session with Prof. Phil Quanbeck this afternoon from 4:30-5:15 in OGC 100. Istanbul, Cappadocia, Ephesus, the Blue Mosque and whirling dervishes are all on the itinerary. Stop by for a preview today.
Keeping Track of Auggies
No postings
Auggie Athletics
Wrestling Celebration to be Held on Friday
MINNEAPOLIS -- The Augsburg College wrestling program is celebrating "Six Decades of Dominance" in the 2009-10 season, and will have a special alumni, family and friends celebration event this Friday (1/22) at the Kennedy Center, prior to Augsburg's home dual meet with the University of Nebraska-Omaha at Si Melby Hall.
The Auggie wrestling tradition started in 1949, and over the past 60 years, the Auggies have become one of the most dominant programs in the country in small-college wrestling, with both athletic and academic excellence as the program's hallmarks.
Alumni, family and friends are invited to return to Augsburg on Friday for a special celebration of 60 years of Augsburg wrestling history. Check-in begins at 4:30 p.m. at the Kennedy Center, with a social, heavy hors d' oeuvres and program at 5 p.m. Celebration attendees receive complimentary admission to the 7 p.m. dual meet between Augsburg and Nebraska-Omaha. A post-meet social will follow at Sgt. Preston's (in the Seven Corners area of Minneapolis) at 9 p.m.
For more information on the wrestling event, contact Mark Matzek at 612-330-1116 or
Women's Hockey Celebration Set for Saturday
MINNEAPOLIS -- The Augsburg College women's hockey team will hold a celebration of the 10th anniversary of its American Women's College Hockey Alliance Division III national runner-up finish this Saturday (1/23), during the team's 2:05 p.m. game against Concordia-Moorhead at the Augsburg Ice Arena.
There will be an on-ice recognition of 1999-2000 team members during the second intermission, and a program and reception will follow the game in the Christensen Center.
Augsburg, which established the first collegiate varsity women's hockey program in the Midwest in 1995, competed in the first AWCHA Division III women's hockey national championship series in 1999-2000 against Middlebury (Vt.), two years prior to the NCAA beginning its Division III national tournament.
Augsburg won the Minnesota Intercollegiate Athletic Conference regular-season and playoff titles to qualify for the AWCHA championship, a two-game series against Middlebury. The games were held at Northeastern University's Matthews Arena in Boston, Mass., with Middlebury topping Augsburg by scores of 5-1 and 8-1. Augsburg finished 21-7-1 in the 1999-2000 season.
For more information on the anniversary celebration, contact Jill Pohtilla at 612-330-1377 or
Valentines Day Mystery
If you left flowers, chocolate and a valentine intended for Lonna on a car in Lot G Monday afternoon, Lonna may be disappointed. The items were mistakenly placed on my windshield and I hope that they will make their way to their intended recipient. I'll do my best to keep the flowers alive. As for the chocolate? You better hurry.
Please contact to claim your valentine so that Lonna may have a happy Valentines Day.