Public Safety and Facilities Announcements
Teaching and Learning
General Announcements
- U of M College of Pharmacy Rep on Campus
- New URL for Registrar Web Page
- No Points Sold Today
- Happy Birthday Seward Cafe- this Saturday
- Augsburg Dining Hours
- Like Saving Money?
- Flu Shot Information for All Faculty and Staff
- Minnesota Education Days hosted by Admissions
- ASAC Spring Music Jam Survey
- AClub Closed till Monday, Oct. 19
Event Announcements
Keeping Track of Auggies
- (No listings)
Auggie Athletics
Public Safety and Facilities Announcements
Public Safety Cell Phone Drive
The Department of Public Safety is collecting used wireless phones and their batteries to benefit victims of domestic violence. Shelter Alliance will donate money to the Tubman Family Alliance Organization in Minneapolis for every used cell phone they receive from our department. Please be sure to deactivate your service before donating a phone. Donations are being accepted at the Dispatch booth in the Mort/Urness lobby. Any personal data found on the phone will be erased by Shelter Alliance, a program of GRC Wireless Recycling. Thank You!
Teaching and Learning
GMAT Prep: Register by Friday
Thinking about a Master of Business Administration program after graduation? Most MBA programs require the GMAT (Graduate Management Admissions Test) for admission. GMAT Prep sessions are offered this fall on campus through the Augsburg MBA Program. Sessions will cover verbal, writing, and quantitative problems.
The course meets five Tuesdays from 6-9 PM (October 20 & 27, and November 3, 10, & 17). The cost is $300, including a $50 non-refundable deposit paid upon registration. This fee includes prep book and materials.
You may download the registration form from the MBA web site ( ).
Alums and non-Augsburg students are also welcome to register.
Faculty Advisor Training
Every year, Academic Advising helps train our new faculty advisors. Our purpose is to review the core curriculum requirements, identify advising tools available to you, create an awareness of campus wide resources, and answer questions about the advising process and responsibilities. These sessions are pretty informal and a great place to ask questions. If you are a new or current faculty advisor, we would like to invite you to our training on Friday, Oct. 16th at 2:30 in SVE 201. Please RSVP to Academic Advising at
$2000 Faculty Development Grant – Apply by Monday
Interested in learning from your colleagues who teach abroad? Curious how to incorporate faith and vocation into your teaching? Consider applying for the Lilly Faculty Development Grant offered through the Office of International Programs. The purpose of the grant is to provide Augsburg faculty with an opportunity to participate in professional development opportunities at Center for Global Education sites that include reflection on faith and vocation in a global context. This can be done in the context of the CGE professional development seminar taking place summer 2010, by participating as a co-leader on an existing Augsburg Abroad faculty-led program to a CGE site, or by attending one of CGEs open programs led by individuals outside of Augsburg.
All Augsburg faculty are eligible, but preference will be given to faculty who have not yet led a study abroad program to a CGE site, but are considering proposing a program. Preference will also be given to faculty in disciplines that are under-represented in study abroad (i.e. science, math).
The grant covers travel costs for three faculty members in the calendar year 2010, up to $2000 per person. The application is available in the Office of International Programs public file, under Lilly Funding Applications.
The deadline to apply is October 19, 2009. Please contact Andrea Dvorak with questions at or 612-330-1669.
CTL Lunch Seminar for Faculty and Staff on Oct. 22
October is Disability Awareness Month and CTL is sponsoring a lunch seminar on the topic of Mental Health. A speaker from NAMI - National Alliance for Mental Illness will present in conjunction with CLASS and CCHP. Come here about trends in mental health, resources on campus and off and how academic accommodations help students with anxiety, depression and other impacting mental health issues.
Thursday, October 22 from 11:50 to 1:00
Minneapolis Room Christensen Center
RSVP to Terry Martin ( to get on the lunch list. Lunch will be the cafeteria line so please arrive early enough to get your lunch and get settled.
Practicum in Advocacy at the Untied Nations
Interested in women's issues on global and political level? The 2010 Practicum in Advocacy at the United Nations is a partnership among the National Women's Studies Association, the Women's International League for Peace and Freedom, and the Center for Women's Health and Human services that is hosting the 54th session of the Commission on the Status of Women (CSW). This program is open to women enrolled at any college and university in the United States and provides a unique opportunity to understand how the UN works in addressing such issues. Students will participate as delegates of the Women's International League for Peace and Freedom and will be able to explore career opportunities in international relations and advocacy work.
If you are at all interested, the Practicum will be hosted at the UN headquarters in New York from February 26th-March 6th 2010.
For more information and applications visit:
or email
Application Due by non on November 15, 2009
General Announcements
U of M College of Pharmacy Rep on campus
We welcome Dr Bruce Benson from the University of Minnesota College of Pharmacy on Tuesday, Nov 3. He will be available in the Chemistry Dept lobby (Sci 303) between 9:00 and noon, and welcomes your questions about careers in pharmacy, prerequisites, and the admissions process.
New URL for Registrar Web Page
The URL for the Registrar web page has recently changed. The page has been reformatted to the new style/look that Augsburg has chosen. The new URL is I encourage you to bookmark the new page. Another option to easily find it is through the A-Z directory.
No Points Sold Today
Augsburg Dining will not be selling Points today. Sorry for any inconveniences that this may cause. Thank you, Augsburg Dining Management.
Happy Birthday Seward Cafe- this Saturday
Celebrate Seward Cafe's Birthday on Saturday
Saturday, October 17
Music and food!!! All welcome to join in on the festivities!
The Seward Cafe is at 21st and Franklin (just 3 blocks from campus).
Augsburg Dining Hours
M-F 7:30am-7pm
Hot Breakfast: 7:30-9am
Hot Lunch: 11am-1:30pm
Hot Dinner: 4:30 pm-7
Saturday & Sunday
Brunch: 11:30-1pm
Dinner: 5-7pm
M-F 7:30-8pm
Saturday 7:30-5pm
Sunday (non WEC) Closed
WEC Sundays: 7am-2 pm
Aclub Grille
11am-2pm & 5-9pm
Grill Closes at 8:30pm C-Store Open till 9pm
Non WEC Saturdays
Non WEC Sundays
WEC Saturdays 7am-3pm
WEC Sundays 9am-1:30pm
Hours subject to change
Like Saving Money?
Augsburg's Day Student Government knows that everyone's budgets are getting tighter these days. In light of this, we have arranged for the Student Savings Club to be available to all of our students, faculty and staff at no charge to you.
The Student Savings Club is a group of local restaurants and other retail businesses that are offering discounts to our school. In most cases, all you have to do is show your valid school ID to receive these discounts. A few businesses are also providing a downloadable coupon for you to print and bring in. You don't have to do anything to join. If you go to school or work here, you can get these discounts.
To see a list of participating businesses and their discounts, click on this link:
Flu Shot Information for All Faculty and Staff
The seasonal flu shot clinics for Thursday, October 29, 2009 and Wednesday, November 4, 2009 have been cancelled due to low sign up.
However, you still have one more chance to get your flu shot on campus:
-Friday, October 23, 2009, 12:30 pm - 4:00 pm, Christensen Center, Minneapolis Room.
This is sponsored by Human Resources through Homeland Health Specialists. Augsburg strongly encourages all employees to get the flu shot. Homeland Health Specialists will submit the claim to your health insurance. If you do not have health insurance, the cost of the flu shot will be paid for by Augsburg.
Please contact human resources at x1058 to sign up for your flu shot.
Minnesota Education Days hosted by Admissions
Education Minnesota Days (MEA days) will be held
Thursday, Qct 15 and Friday, Oct 16 for many schools from Minnesota. Admissions will be hosting two sessions daily at 10am and 1pm to share the Augsburg experience with the many of students who will be on campus.
The sessions will be held in Christensen Center each day.
Please greet our visitors as they explore Augsburg and ALL it has to offer. We look forward to two very exciting days!
ASAC Spring Music Jam Survey
ASAC wants your help choosing what kind of music we have for this year's Spring Music Jam! Click the link and cast your vote
AClub Closed till Monday, Oct. 19
AClub will be closed to help prepare for the Grand opening on the 19th. Sorry for any inconvenience that this may have caused. But believe you me, when you see it on Monday, it will be worth the wait. You will see... well , you will just have to come check it out.
Event Announcements
Women's Night Out-Please Come!
All women who live, work and study in the Cedar Riverside Neighborhood
are invited to:
Women's Night Out
Saturday, October 24
Brian Coyle Community Center (4 blocks from campus)
Dinner, Music, Cultural Fashion Show
Free! Child care provided! Co-sponsored by Augsburg College
For more information, please contact Mary Laurel True, 330-1775 or
AASA Third General Meeting TODAY
Come get information on "Advertising Around Campus" and updates about AASA events! The meeting will be held in room 100 of OGC tonight at 7pm.
Halloween Party
Auggies! This Friday, October 16 there is a Halloween party in the Christensen Center student lounge at 8 pm. There will be food, games, pumpkin painting, caramel apples, and more!
Brought to you by ASAC.
Donate Blood and Save Lives
This is a reminder that Memorial Blood Center will be on campus for its Fall Blood Drive on Tuesday 10/20/09 from 10 - 4 p.m. in the East Commons. Every one pint of blood donated saves three lives!
Thank you to the more than 50 faculty, staff and students who have already signed up to donate. If you want to sign up to donate, please call the CCHP office (612-330-1707) for a specific time -- there are still spots available.
Any other questions, contact Dianne in the CCHP office. Thanks for helping saving lives by donating blood.
The Deportee's Wife
Wednesday, October 28, 2009
6:00pm - 8:00pm
Foss Center, Augsburg College
2211 Riverside Ave
Minneapolis, MN
In this solo show, Giselle Stern Hernández's marriage is laid out on the front lines of the North American immigration debate. Giselle's husband Roberto was deported from Chicago, Illinois back to Mexico in April of 2001. Giselle moved to Mexico to live with him in August of that same year.
While she was born and raised in the States, and they were legally married, it didn't make any difference at all. Her husband was deported, with the order to stay out of the U.S. for twenty years. And in 2007, the day came that he also wasn't allowed to enter Canada.
In THE DEPORTEE'S WIFE, Giselle takes the audience through her journey to face hard truths about how race, class, white U.S. privilege and gender intersect within the structures of a badly broken immigration system.
Through her words and images, Giselle reveals a complicated love story.
Benefit Information Session Tonight
There are 25 days left in the annual benefit enrollment period. The annual enrollment period for benefit eligible staff is open now through Monday, November 9. All forms must be turned into Human Resources by Monday, November 9. No late forms will be accepted.
Please plan to attend one of the following benefit information sessions (if you are benefit eligible):
Thursday, October 15, 2009 at 5:00 pm, OGC, 114
Friday, October 23, 2009 at 10:00 am, Sverdrup, Room 2
Wednesday, October 28, 2009 at 10:30 am, OCG, Room 200
Tuesday, November 3, 2009 at 2:00 pm, Christensen Center, Minneapolis Room
All enrollment forms are located in the public HR folder:
I:\Human Resources\Benefits\2010 Benefits
Please contact Human Resources at x1058 with any questions.
All Hands Meeting
The Augsburg Community is invited to attend an All Hands Meeting on Tuesday, November 3, 11:15-11:45 a.m., in the Hoversten Chapel.
Free Health Screening
Augsburg is hosting a free health screening for all staff and faculty who are currently enrolled in Augsburg's health plan.
The health screenings are taking place during the following times:
- Friday, October 23, 2009 from 8:00 am - noon
- Thursday, October 29, 2009 from 8:00 am - noon
- Wednesday, November 4, 2009 from 8:00 am - noon
Please see the link below to find out more information on the free screening:
If you choose to participate in the health screen, you must sign up in advance at:
Once you receive the results from the health screening you will be able to input the data into a Health Risk Assessment. Taking your Health Assessment ( can be your first step to a healthier life. Simply answer questions about your health history, nutrition, physical activity, lifestyle and more. It takes just 20 minutes and is confidential. You'll get a clear picture of your health with an instant results report. You'll also receive tailored health tips, access to online coaching modules and other support as appropriate. You can take advantage of these important tools to learn, set goals and get healthier, step by step.
*Participate in the health screen and the complete the Health Risk Assessment for a $25.00 A'viands credit on your employee ID card.*
Please contact Human Resources with any questions at x1058.
Keeping Track of Auggies
No postings
Auggie Athletics
Auggie Athletics Update
Auggie Athletics Update (click on link for story/stats):
Wednesday, Oct. 14:
Men's Soccer -- Bethel 1, Augsburg 0
Upcoming Events:
Thursday, Oct. 15:
Volleyball vs. Concordia-Moorhead, Si Melby Hall, 7 p.m.
Saturday, Oct. 17:
M/W Cross Country at Wisconsin-La Crosse Invitational, 10:30 a.m.
Women's Soccer at Carleton, 1 p.m.
Football at Concordia-Moorhead, 1 p.m.
Men's Soccer vs. Carleton, Edor Nelson Field, 7 p.m.
Women of Faith Conference - A Grand New Day
I have an extra ticket for the Women of Faith Conference at the Xcel Energy Center for Friday October 16th and Saturday October 17th. Seats: Section 118 row 16 and this includes lunch on both days. Featured Speakers are Marilyn Meberg, Sandie Patty and Steve Arterburn
Original ticket price was $79
Give me a call - 952-240-8891
Barb Harvey