Public Safety and Facilities Announcements
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Teaching and Learning
General Announcements
- Leadership Role: Join Student Concerns Committee
- Women Worldwide: From Oppression to Opportunity
- 20 Minutes to Graduation
- Wednesday - Stop by Career Table in Library
- Clearance Merchandise 25% off
- Do You Have Off-Campus Work Study?
- Fall Books will be returned October 27
- New Sport Tees in at the Bookstore
- Augsburg Dining Hours
- Commons Dinner in Century Room
- Feeling Overwhelmed?
- Important Benefit Information
- Flex Points Purchase Closed Wednesday
- Hispanic Heritage Month: PBS to air Latin Music
Event Announcements
- First Wednesday Gathering
- Camp Darfur
- Student Feminist Collective Meeting TONIGHT
- Graduate Degree Fair- Wednesday @ U of MN
- African Immigrant Scholarship Information Night
- National Coming Out Week at Augsburg
- Crop Walk
- Join Alumni at the Etiquette Dinner
- Government Job/Internship Fair
- Mark Hanis Lecture on October 9
- Seward Arts Festival this Weekend
- Get your Seasonal Flu Shot - TOMORROW
Keeping Track of Auggies
- (No listings)
Auggie Athletics
- (No listings)
Public Safety and Facilities Announcements
No postings
Teaching and Learning
Book Request for Spring/Winter due Oct. 15
This year the bookstore is requesting book orders by October 15. While this may have seemed like a very early deadline, it is part of an effort to provide more used books for our students as well as pay higher prices for their used books.
Turning your book order in promptly allows the bookstore ample time to source as many used books as possible in order to offer the best value and save the students money. Since many campuses nationwide source from the same wholesale company, it is critical we get your order in on time.
Knowing early on what books are going to be used for the following semester means we can pay higher prices at buyback (up to 50% of what the student paid for the book) and source the books from used book distributors.
Because of your cooperation last year we paid students over $206K in buyback. However, we have a tremendous opportunity as this was $87K less than the amount we paid the previous year.
The faculty and staff at Augsburg College play a significant role in the success of this endeavor by getting the book orders in early. Final exam week last May we had received 65% of the book requests. With your help, we look forward to do even better this semester.
We are asking for Spring Day/Winter WEC book orders by October 15th and anticipate having 95% of the book orders in hand before finals week. Again, this may seem early, but please remember, the earlier the book requests are in, the better the outcome for our students.
Upon this due date, we will share with you, a list of book orders still outstanding so we can make sure that no book orders were missed as well as assist you in getting your orders placed.
Finally, effective in 2010, the Higher Education Opportunity Act will go into affect. One portion of this act states that institutions of higher education are to inform students on how they can save money on textbooks (including used books, cash back programs, etc.) at the time of registration. Submitting your book orders promptly, will assist in ensuring our campus is in compliance to this portion of the HEOA bill.
Once again, we would like to truly thank you for your help and cooperation in trying to keep costs down for our students. The solution to high textbook prices is faculty, staff and bookstores working together. We cannot meet these objectives without your help.
If you need any more information, please give myself or Alissa Nollan a call (612.359.6492), email me at or stop in the bookstore anytime.
Thanks again!
Study Abroad Deadline Extended: Oct. 15
Students planning on studying/interning abroad during winter break (Nicaragua only) or spring semester need to apply to Augsburg Abroad by October 15.
Many scholarships still available:
Center for Global Education Scholarships
$500 Travel Grants are available for International Partners in Europe and Center for Global Education Semester Programs in Mexico, Central America and Namibia/Southern Africa.
Model UN Applications now Being Accepted
Augsburg will be participating in its 13th National Model UN Conference in New York City from March 28- April 4, 2010. All students interested in participating as part of the MUN Delegation need to submit applications to Prof. Underhill by Friday, Oct. 30. The delegation will consist of between 12 and 16 students, depending on which country we are assigned.
Selected students must register for the Model UN course for the Spring term and will then travel with the group to New York and the UN headquarters. The cost of participation for delegates is $250 (plus food and incidentals) for the week.
For questions or a copy of the application, email Prof. Underhill at
General Announcements
Leadership Role: Join Student Concerns Committee
If you are a day student, you are invited to be a member of the Student Concerns Committee. This is a great way to be in a leadership role yet still have free time. We just ask that you can join us for about 1 hour a week.
Our meetings are on Thursdays in Coopers (the coffee shop) at 4:30. We are a small group of 4 right now; we need more people. Do you only want 4 people voicing all 3000+ voices? Be the change!
If you have questions, email Jasmine Zand at
Women Worldwide: From Oppression to Opportunity
On Thursday, October 8, 12 noon to 1 pm, Pulitzer-Prize-winning columnist Nicholas Kristof will speak on the topic "Women Worldwide: From Oppression to Opportunity" at the Westminster Town Hall Forum. Special music precedes the forum at 11:30 and a public discussion time follows.
Kristof is an op-ed columnist for The New York Times and a recipient of two Pulitzers. Described as the moral conscience for today's generation of journalists, he is widely known for his writings on human rights abuses in Asia and Africa. He is the author of three books, including his most recent _Half the Sky: Turning Oppression into Opportunity for Women Worldwide_.
Westminster Presbyterian Church is located at 12th and Nicollet in downtown Minneapolis and is easily accessible from Augsburg by light rail and a short walk.
20 Minutes to Graduation
There are still appointments left to confirm your final plan to fulfill your degree requirements!!!
If you have submitted your graduation application to the Enrollment Center, thank you!
The next step is to meet with an academic advisor on Oct. 6, 7, or 9 to review your application and confirm your plan for your final year.
Go to Moodle and click Senior Graduation Advising, then Appointment Registration to schedule your appointment. You will receive a reminder email the day before your appointment
Have you applied? If not, download and complete the Graduation Application ASAP! Find it at
Wednesday - Stop by Career Table in Library
The Center for Service, Work, & Learning career staff will be tabling every Wednesday afternoon from 1:00-4:00 pm. in the library link (2nd floor). Feel free to drop by and have your resume reviewed or to ask any career related questions. Questions call x1148
Clearance Merchandise 25% off
All Clearance merchandise is 25% off at the bookstore, stop by for some great deals.
Do You Have Off-Campus Work Study?
ARC Greater Twin Cities is seeking one student who has off campus work study and a car to work 10-20 hours per week during business hours. The position is for a Resource Development Assistant. If interested, please email for a detailed job description.
Fall Books will be returned October 27
All Fall books will be sent back to the publishers starting October 27th. If you have not purchased your Fall books, please do as soon as possible.
New Sport Tees in at the Bookstore
"Ready to Rumble" Football t-shirts are in at the bookstore. We also just received new "Breakin' the Ice" Hockey t-shirts today. Stop in and get your Athletic Auggie gear.
Augsburg Dining Hours
M-F 7:30am-7pm
Hot Breakfast: 7:30-9am
Hot Lunch: 11am-1:30pm
Hot Dinner: 4:30 pm-7
Saturday & Sunday
Brunch: 11:30-1pm
Dinner: 5-7pm
M-F 7:30-8pm
Saturday 7:30-5pm
Sunday (non WEC) Closed
WEC Sundays: 7am-2 pm
Aclub Grille
11am-2pm & 5-9pm
Grill Closes at 8:30pm C-Store Open till 9pm
Non WEC Saturdays
Non WEC Sundays
WEC Saturdays 7am-3pm
WEC Sundays 9am-1:30pm
Hours subject to change
Commons Dinner in Century Room
Dinner for Tuesday, October 6 of 2009 will be served in the Century Room (lower level of Christensen Center next to AClub Grille) due to a special event.
Dinner will be served from 4:30pm until 7pm.
Feeling Overwhelmed?
Consider visiting Augsburg's Center for Counseling and Health Promotion (CCHP) for National Depression & Anxiety Screening Day--this Thursday (10/8) from 11:00 to 2:00 at the CCHP house. Stop by to take a short assessment test anonymously, then review results with a counselor to see what is recommended for students that score similarly. You could discover information that may help your semester turn around.
Important Benefit Information
The annual re-enrollment period for benefit eligible staff will be open from Wednesday, October 7 through Monday, November 9. All forms must be turned into Human Resources by Monday, November 9. No late forms will be accepted.
Please plan to attend one of the following benefit information sessions (if you are benefit eligible):
Wednesday, October 7, 2009 at 8:30 am, Foss Center, Room 20B
Monday, October 12, 2009 at 12:30 pm, OLD, 208 (this is a change in location from the original communication)
Thursday, October 15, 2009 at 5:00 pm, OGC, 114
Friday, October 23, 2009 at 10:00 am, Sverdrup, Room 2
Wednesday, October 28, 2009 at 10:30 am, OCG, Room 200
Tuesday, November 3, 2009 at 2:00 pm, Christensen Center, Minneapolis Room
Please note the health screenings that will take place on campus are strictly voluntary. However, if you choose to participate you must sign up in advance for an appointment. Please see the benefit memo below for more information.
Please contact Human Resources at x1058 with any questions.
Flex Points Purchase Closed Wednesday
Flex Points will not be available for purchase through Augsburg Dining on Wednesday, October 7. Office hours will resume back to normal Thursday, October 8.
Hispanic Heritage Month: PBS to air Latin Music
Hispanic Heritage Month: PBS to premiere Latin Music USA
PBS will air Latin music series on the Mondays of October 12 and 19, featuring Shakira and Ricky Martin. While many people are familiar with Latin music like salsa, merengue, mambo, etc., few, however, realize the full extent to which it has influenced jazz, rock, country and blues in America. The song "Louie Louie," for instance, was inspired by a Latin song called "El Loco Cha Cha Cha." And did you know that Salsa music was developed in New York?
In honor of Hispanic Heritage Month, PBS will premiere Latin Music USA; a four-hour documentary series celebrating the Latin rhythms at the heart of the American music. It will reveal the Latin sounds that have influenced the music of great American artists from the Drifters to the Isley Brothers to Santana.
With exclusive interviews and never-before-seen footage, the documentaries also will feature the stories of artists such as Celia Cruz, the Fania All-Stars, Carlos Santana, Shakira, Gloria Estefan and Ricky Martin. As part of the project's approach, Latin Music USA has partnered with the Spanish TV network V-me to premiere the series on two consecutive Tuesdays, October 13th and 20th at 10 p.m., fully translated and narrated in Spanish by Leila Cobo, one of the world's foremost experts in contemporary Latin music.
As for the Latin Music USA series, it is comprised of four 60-minute episodes featuring a fast-paced mix of music and interviews:
* Episode One, BRIDGES (10/12, 9-10 p.m.): It traces the rise of Latin jazz and the explosion of the mambo and the cha cha cha as they swept the U.S. from East to West and looks at how Latin music infiltrated rhythm and blues and rock 'n' roll through the 1960s.
* Episode Two, THE SALSA REVOLUTION (10/12, 10-11 p.m.): It explores how Puerto Ricans and other Latinos in New York reinvented the Cuban son and the Puerto Rican plena by adding elements from soul and jazz to create Salsa, which became a defining rhythm for Latinos.
* Episode Three, THE CHICANO WAVE (10/19, 9-10 p.m.): Mexican Americans in California, Texas and throughout the Southwest created their own distinct musical voices. It shows how their music played an important role in the struggle for Chicano civil rights and ultimately propelled them to the national stage.
* Episode Four, DIVAS AND SUPERSTARS (10/19, 10-11 p.m.): It focuses on the Latin pop explosion and the success of artists like Ricky Martin, Gloria Estefan and Shakira in the English-language market. As studios concentrate on star-driven pop, Latino youth gravitate toward urban fusions like Spanish rap and Reggaeton, as well as Rock in Spanish.
In addition, viewers also can visit, where they can watch an extensive lineup of programs honoring and exploring Latino culture in "Nuestras Historias | Our Stories," a special Hispanic Heritage Month collection. [Source: Hispanic Business Media.]
Event Announcements
First Wednesday Gathering
Please join us for First Wednesday Gathering tomorrow, October 7, in the East Commons from 11 a.m. - 1:30 p.m.
The security and custodial night shift employees are also invited to the Wednesday Evening Gathering at 8 p.m. in the Minneapolis Room.
The first-Wednesday-of-the-month gatherings support our commitment to building community and practicing common work. They are an opportunity to get to know one another, exchange ideas, and collaborate in new ways. We hope you will invite your colleagues and plan to join us!
Camp Darfur
On Friday, October 9, Augsburg College will host Camp Darfur. This project will raise awareness about the current Sudanese genocide. To date, 400,000 people have died in Sudan, and over 2.5 million have been displaced. The displaced Sudanese have no choice but to live in filthy refugee camps, where they are at risk for more violence and starvation. Sudans dictator, Omar al-Bashir, recently banned food and medicine from entering the region, making survival even more difficult. Camp Darfur will provide historical genocide facts, tell stories of refugees, and set up various tents that chronicle genocide. Visit for more details.
Student Feminist Collective Meeting TONIGHT
Come to the first meeting of the school year! Gather with new and old friends, eat some delicious snacks, and discuss the happenings of the group and the Women's Resource Center. Bring a snack or stop by to eat. Either way, we hope to see you there! 5-6pm, WRC, SVE 207. Welcoming all genders and nongenders. Hearts, S.F.C.
Graduate Degree Fair- Wednesday @ U of MN
The Graduate Degree Fair for the Public Good is an opportunity to learn more about a variety of graduate programs at the Humphrey Institute of Public Affairs, including:
Public Policy
Nonprofit Management
Social Work
and many more
The fair will be held Wednesday, October 7 from 5-8 p.m. in the Great Hall of Coffman Memorial Union at the University of Minnesota (300 Washington Ave SE).
This event is sponsored by the Humphrey Institute. To learn more about the Humphrey Institute and our graduate programs, visit:
African Immigrant Scholarship Information Night
On Tuesday, Oct. 13, 2009, the Minnesota Minority Education Partnership, Inc. (MMEP) will host an information night for African Immigrant students and families interested in learning about how to pay for college. A college fair with representatives from Minnesota colleges will be held at the beginning of the evening. Panels for students and parents will address specific questions about college and money for college. The evening is free of charge; pre-registration is appreciated but not required. ( The event will be held from 5:00 p.m.-8:00 p.m., at Augsburg College in the Commons Area. MMEP is a department of Augsburg College, focused on racial equity in education. A series of scholarship information nights are being held targeted to specific underrepresented populations within Minnesota with the goal of increasing college financial aid literacy.
National Coming Out Week at Augsburg
This week is National Coming Out Week at Augsburg College! This week celebrates and makes visible lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, questioning, intersex, asexual, and allied individuals and communities on campus. There are a bunch of free events open to the public throughout the week, including:
Tuesday, October 6
12pm: Soup, Gender & Sexuality: Queerness & Spirituality - Century Room
7pm: Being an LGBTQIA Ally - Marshall Room
Wednesday, October 7
10am-3pm: Coming Out Door - The Quad
8pm: Comedian and performer D'Lo - Sateren Auditorium
Thursday, October 8
12pm: Trans Youth Support Network: Being a Trans Ally - Century Room
7pm: Coming Out: A Panel of LGBTQIA Student Stories - Minneapolis Room
All students, staff, and faculty are welcome to attend all of these events! For more information, please contact Michael Grewe at
Crop Walk
Join Augsburg students, faculty and staff on Sunday, October 11 at 1:30 p.m. for the annual Crop Hunger Walk-- which will begin at Augsburg in OGC.
25% of total Hunger Walk income will go to:
Brian Coyle Community Center
Youth Farm and Market Project
MN Council of Churches; Refugee Services
The Groveland Food Shelf
To sign up, go to
Join Alumni at the Etiquette Dinner
Thursday, November 12 at 5:30 p.m. there will be an informative and fun "Etiquette Dinner" for students. Join us for dinner, socialize with alumni, and learn the do's and don'ts of business etiquette. Registration Deadline - November, 4. Cost $10 Must pre-register. Questions email Registration go to:
Government Job/Internship Fair
Attend the Government Job & Internship Fair - Careers in Public Service Monday, October 26 10:00-3:00 p.m. (stop by and stay for as long as you like) FREE and open to everyone! U of M, Coffman Memorial Union
Mark Hanis Lecture on October 9
"Truth-telling and Advocacy Regarding Genocide (Darfur)"
Mark Hanis will be speaking at Augsburg on Friday October 9 at 10:00 a.m. in the chapel. Hanis is 24 years old and is head of the Genocide Intervention Network. This non-profit group is trying hard to prevent genocide in Darfur and talks about how the world is responding to the 300,000 killed and the two million displaced victims of Darfur. Hanis was a grandchild of four Holocaust survivors adding a background in human rights. He graduated from Swarthmore College and has been featured in the New York Times and The New Republic, and has also appeared on CNN Headline News. After hearing about the genocide in Darfur, Sudan Hanis realized he needed to do something to help stop the world's worst crime. Become aware and support Mark Hanis on his journey to stop genocide.
Seward Arts Festival this Weekend
The Seward Neighborhood Group presents the 10th Annual Seward Arts Festival from Friday, October 9 through Sunday, October 11, 2009.
**You can get a program and map at the Christensen Welcome Desk.
Seward Arts Festival Reading
Friday, October 9
7:00 p.m./FREE
Playwrights Center, 2301 E Franklin Ave., Minneapolis, MN 55406, 612-332-7481.
We are celebrating the written word of our neighborhood's esteemed and accomplished writers with a special reading at the Playwrights Center at 7:00 p.m., on Friday, October 9. Hear Seward's newest resident poet Phebe Hanson, as well as Seward prose and poetry writers Patricia Cumbie, Juliet Patterson, Tara Inmon, Mary Jane LaVigne, Ed Bok Lee, and Karen Solgard, storyteller and hardanger fiddle player.
From noon-5:00 p.m. on Saturday, October 10 through Sunday, October 11 you can also enter the studios, homes, and businesses of over 100 artists, writers, and performers. View, shop, and enjoy unique art, poetry, music, and performance.
Seward Arts Fest Variety Show
Saturday, Oct. 10
5:00 p.m./FREE
Eagles Club
2705 E. 25th St.
Minneapolis, MN
Show starts at 5:00 p.m. with a variety of bands and performers. Banat Anashat is scheduled sometime between 6:00-7:00 p.m. Our gig is between bands so we don't have an exact time. :)
For more live events schedule, map, and samples of artists' work, visit
Get your Seasonal Flu Shot - TOMORROW
This is a reminder from the Center for Counseling and Health Promotion that the Minnesota Visiting Nurse Association will be administering seasonal flu shots on Wednesday 10/7 from 11 - 4 p.m. in the Riverside Room. Most insurance is accepted so please bring your insurance card for billing. If you do not have insurance the cost of the shot is $24.99 (exact change is preferred or at least small bills!!)
Anyone can walk-in or if you need a specific time slot, you can call the CCHP office at 612-330-1707 for an available time.
Stay healthy - get your flu shot tomorrow!
Keeping Track of Auggies
No postings
Auggie Athletics
Auggie Athletics Update
Auggie Athletics Update (click on link for story/stats):
Monday, Oct. 5:
Men's Golf -- Augsburg 8th at MIAC Championships
Women's Golf -- Augsburg 7th at MIAC Championships
Upcoming Events:
Wednesday, Oct. 7:
Womens Soccer vs. St. Scholastica, Edor Nelson Field, 7:30 p.m.
Friday, Oct. 9:
Volleyball at Macalester, 7 p.m.
Saturday, Oct. 10:
M/W Cross Country at Wisconsin-Parkside Lucian Rosa Invitational, 11:15 a.m.
Football vs. Carleton, Edor Nelson Field, 1 p.m.
Volleyball at St. Olaf, 3 p.m.
Mens Soccer vs. Concordia-Moorhead, Edor Nelson Field, 5 p.m.
Womens Soccer vs. Concordia-Moorhead, Edor Nelson Field, 7:30 p.m.
Saturday, Oct. 11-Monday, Oct. 12:
Mens Golf at Gustavus Twin Cities Classic, Elk River/Ramsey/Wayzata, Minn.
Tuesday, Oct. 13:
Volleyball at Crown Triangular -- vs. Northwestern, 6 p.m., vs. Crown, 8 p.m.
Womens Soccer vs. Bethel, Edor Nelson Field, 7:30 p.m.
Thompson to Speak at Augsburg on Thursday
Steve Thompson, one of America's leading experts on sexual aggression, will be the featured speaker at a series of events at Augsburg on Thursday, Oct. 8. Thompson will speak at a mini-convocation and to Augsburg coaches, faculty, staff and student-athletes as part of the colleges fall student-athlete enrichment program.
An associate professor and Sexual Aggression Services Coordinator at Central Michigan University, Thompson is a national authority on issues dealing with sexual aggression, rape, harassment, avoidance and prevention strategies, behavioral analysis and profiles of offenders. He is the author of the book "No More Fear" and a comprehensive study of the criminal profile of date/acquaintance rape offenders.
Thompson has presented more than 1,500 programs dealing with sexual assault, stalking, relationship violence, workplace violence and harassment throughout the country. His unique approach is a result of nearly 30 years of research and street experience, involving hundreds of interviews with survivors and offenders. He also serves as an assault investigation consultant and criminal profiler for police officers throughout the country, and is a court-qualified expert witness and media consultant on sexual aggression topics.
Thompson has made presentations to Augsburg coaches and student-athletes three times since 1993, and each presentation has received positive feedback from attendees.
Thompson is scheduled to speak to six different groups at Augsburg on Thursday, Oct. 8. All events are open to the general student population, faculty and staff. He will appear at a mini-convocation from 11:20-11:50 a.m. at the Foss Chapel, then speak at a luncheon in the Christensen Center East Commons from 12:15-1:15 p.m. He will meet with the Augsburg coaching staff from 1:30-2:30 p.m., and with first-year student-athletes in the East Commons from 6-7 p.m. He will meet with female student-athletes from 7:15-8:15 p.m. at the Foss Chapel, followed by a meeting with male student-athletes from 8:30-9:30 p.m.
For more information on Thompson's events at Augsburg, contact Paul Grauer, assistant athletic director, at 612-330-1243 or
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