Public Safety and Facilities Announcements
- (No listings)
Teaching and Learning
General Announcements
Event Announcements
- Women's Resource Center Planning Meeting - Thursday
- Music+Theatre Meeting - Thursday
- Community Partnership Fair
- Resume Review - TOMORROW
- Student Organization Workshop - TONIGHT
- Come see Sean Phillips - Master Illusionist
- FOTE Film Fest: The Day the Earth Stood Still
- Listen! God is Calling: Race, Place, and Class
- ATTENTION: Student Pool & Table Tennis Tournaments
- Snack Time
Keeping Track of Auggies
- (No listings)
Auggie Athletics
- (No listings)
Public Safety and Facilities Announcements
No postings
Teaching and Learning
GMAT Prep - Registration now Open
Thinking about a Master of Business Administration program after graduation? Most MBA programs require the GMAT (Graduate Management Admissions Test) for admission. GMAT Prep sessions are offered this fall on campus through the Augsburg MBA Program. Sessions will cover verbal, writing, and quantitative problems.
The course meets Tuesdays 6-9 PM for five weeks (October 20 & 27, and November 3, 10, & 17). The cost is $300, including a $50 non-refundable deposit paid upon registration. This fee includes prep book and materials.
You may download the registration form from the MBA web site ( ). Alums and non-Augsburg students are also welcome to register.
Please contact Casey Jarvela ( with any questions.
Collaboration Conference RFP Extended to 9/25
Session proposals are due September 25, 2009 Assessment of student learning and educational programs is more critical than ever now, as institutions scrutinize more closely the return from ever more limited resources. What's more, assessment today has to take into account learning and working environments characterized by accelerating change. The primary goals of this conference are, first, to explore the implications of changes in the learning environment for how colleges and universities frame their approaches to student assessment, and second, what new opportunities exist in our rapidly changing working environment to strengthen assessment practices and make them more efficient and productive. We invite proposals for concurrent sessions that address the conference theme by disseminating and modeling effective practice or promoting stimulating dialogue, inquiry, and problem-solving on this theme.
Conference takes place February 19-20, 2010 in Bloomington, Minnesota To download an electronic copy of the full CFP for this conference, please visit: .
$5000 for Summer 2010 Study Abroad
Interested in studying abroad next summer? Could you use $5,000? Consider applying for a Gilman Scholarship!
The Gilman Scholarship Program is piloting a special summer award cycle for students participating in summer 2010 study abroad programs. To be eligible applicants must meet all of the criteria listed below and must be majoring in a Science, Technology, Engineering or Math (STEM) field. Applicants are not required to study a STEM subject while abroad to be eligible for the scholarship. The Gilman Scholarship is open to all U.S. undergraduate students, who meet the criteria listed below:
-United States Citizen
-Undergraduate student attending a U.S. institution of higher education
-Receiving a Federal Pell Grant at the time of application or provide proof that he/she will be receiving a Pell Grant during the term of study abroad
-Currently applying to or has been accepted into a study abroad program and will receive academic credit at the home institution.
-Studying abroad for at least four weeks and no more than one academic year in one country
-Studying abroad in a country not currently under a U.S. Department of State Travel Warning or in Cuba
For more information regarding the Gilman Scholarship, application deadlines & timeline, and application process, please visit the Gilman website at, contact the Gilman Program at 713-621-6300 ext. 16 or email
Scholarships for Study/Interning Abroad
Many scholarships are still available for study abroad in Spring Semester. Funds are just waiting to be awarded--don't pass them by. Contact us for more details!
Murphy Place 200
Apply by October 1 to study abroad this coming spring.
Faculty Meeting Agenda
This year's monthly Faculty Meeting agenda packets will be distributed in hard copy, but also will be available in the Academic Affairs public folder.
If you do not receive a hard copy, please notify personnel in the mailroom.
Additional hard copies of agendas will be available in the Dean's Office.
The hard copy for Wednesday's meeting will be distributed in mailboxes today.
General Announcements
2009-2010 Social Work Department Update
This summer we said farewell to two of our social work colleagues: Prof. Rosemary Link and Prof. Tiong Tan. Rosemary joins the administration at Simpson College in Indianaola, Iowa, as Associate Vice President of Academic Affairs where she will oversee adult and graduate program studies. Tiong will be on leave from Augsburg while he returns to his homeland to serve as the Dean of SIM University in Singapore.
Barbara Lehmann is the BSW Program Director and Annette Gerten is the BSW Field Coordinator.
Office changes:
Prof. Tony Bibus Memorial 11
Prof. Barbara Lehmann Memorial 14
Prof. Annette Gerten Memorial 116A
Prof. Christina Erickson Memorial 8
Prof. Sarah Johansen Memorial 13
CSWL - Career Services Tabling In Library
The Center for Service, Work, & Learning career staff will be tabling every Wednesday afternoon from 1:00-4:00 pm. in the library link (2nd floor). Feel free to drop by and have your resume reviewed or to ask any career related questions. Questions call x1148.
Accounting & Auditing Student Conference
The Career Center at Augsburg College would like to inform you about a special annual event titled "Accounting & Auditing Student Conference" on Tuesday, September 29 from 9:00 a.m.- 3:30 p.m. To register and learn more go to
Location : Minneapolis Convention Center
1301 Second Avenue South
Minneapolis, MN 55403
$15 at the door
The Career Center at Augsburg College will be on hand Wednesday, September 23 at 5:30 p.m. - 6:30 p.m. in the Oren Gateway, Room 114. Staff will be available to review your resume and offer you tips and techniques on how to write a winning resume. Email or call x1472 for questions
Renaissance Festival Tickets
Human Resources has discount tickets available for the Renaissance Festival. We are selling tickets at the following prices: Adult - $15.50, Kids - $7.50, Food Books - $5.00. Please bring correct change or check.
The Renaissance Festival runs August 22nd - October 4th weekends and Labor Day, and Friday, October 2nd. Open 9am - 7pm. Tickets are valid for any date the Festival is open.
This is an incredible dealregular ticket prices are $19.95 for adults, $10.95 for kids, and $6.00 for food books! Stop down in HR to pick up your tickets today!
Augsburg Dining Fall Semester Hours
M-F: 7:30 Am - 7pm
Hot Breakfast: 7:30-9am
Hot Lunch: 11-1:30
Hot Dinner: 4:30-7
Sat & Sun
Brunch: 11:30-1pm
Dinner: 5pm-7pm
M-F 7:30 am 8 pm
Sat. 7:30 am -5 pm
WEC Sunday 7:30-2pm
Non WEC Sunday Closed
M-Th 7:30-8 pm
Friday- 7:30-6pm
Sat. 9-3pm
WEC Sunday 9-3pm
Non WEC Sunday Closed
AClub & C-Store
M-F 11-2pm & 5-9pm
Grill Closes at 8:30
Changes to these times will be posted on A-mail.
Fall Credit Refunds
Fall Credit Refunds will be issued as follows:
Weekend/Grad programs - September 25
Day program - October 2
All students are encouraged to sign up for direct deposit. See for the direct deposit information.
Any refunds not issued via direct deposit will be mailed to the student's permanent address.
Study/Intern Abroad Deadline: October 1
Students planning on studying abroad during winter break or spring semester need to apply to Augsburg Abroad by October 1. Many scholarships still available.
Event Announcements
Women's Resource Center Planning Meeting - Thursday
We want to connect with our community, hear about what you want from your women's center, and discuss programming for the year. We need your input and ideas!
Thursday, September 24, 4-5pm in the Women's Resource Center: Sverdrup 207. All are welcome (yes, this means men, too).
Music+Theatre Meeting - Thursday
Music+Theatre is holding our first meeting of the year! Thursday, September 24, at 7:00pm in the Fishbowl.If you have ever thought about participating in a musical, directing, dancing, singing, or acting(or if you play an instrument) join us! Because who doesn't want to live in a world where people randomly break out into song?
Community Partnership Fair
Come to the Community Partnership Fair
Wednesday, September 23
Christensen Lobby
This is your chance to visit with community organizations to talk about internship, service-learning and volunteer opportunities.
For more info, please contact Mary Laurel True, or 330-1775.
Resume Review - TOMORROW
The Career Center at Augsburg College will be on hand Wednesday, September 23 at 5:30 p.m. - 6:30 p.m. in the Oren Gateway, Room 114. Staff will be available to review your resume and offer you tips and techniques on how to write a winning resume. Email or call x1472 for questions
Student Organization Workshop - TONIGHT
"That's Not What I Meant!" Do you get nervous about confronting your peers? Does your student organization need clearer communication? This session will cover communication including how to be assertive and how to confront effectively. Additionally, this session will discuss the process of creating agendas and minutes. Tuesday, September 22, 4 pm - 6 pm in Oren Gateway, room 100. Individuals who are not members of a student organization should feel free to attend.
Come see Sean Phillips - Master Illusionist
SOARing Nightlife Presents: Sean Phillips - Master Illusionist
Are ready to see some MAGIC!?!?! Do you wanted to be mystified by incredible ILLUSIONS?!?!?
Well Sean Phillips, Master Illusionist, will be performing at Augsburg on Saturday, September 26 at 7:00 pm in the Student Lounge.
Sean specializes in modern, powerful illusions designed for intelligent adults. While many people think of illusion as sawing women in half or making people vanish from fake-looking boxes, Sean's performances are different. He has left behind the world of trick boxes and fancy props, preferring instead to work with ordinary objects and pure showmanship. He focuses on creating genuine connections with people whenever he performs. His illusions are 100% unique, and every day he strives to take his performances to new levels of impossibility.
This performance is totally free- so be there are be square!
FOTE Film Fest: The Day the Earth Stood Still
Join Professor Bob Cowgill and students from the iTerm/Fate of the Earth (FOTE) program to watch this classic film. The Day the Earth Stood Still the 1951 version, NOT the one with Keanu Reeves -- has space aliens warning earthlings to be nice on their planet. Or else ... "Klaatu barada nikto!"
Come see why this is Professor Diane Pikes favorite film of all time. Admission is free, this Tuesday, September 21, 9:30 PM, in SCI 123.
Listen! God is Calling: Race, Place, and Class
You are invited to the 2009-2010 Vocatio Chapel Series at Augsburg College
Listen! God is Calling: Race, Place, and Class
Monthly topics:
Income and Asset Development, Immigration, Housing, Cultural Barriers and Racism, Transportation, Educational Attainment, Early Childhood Education, and Healthcare.
Campus Ministry and Exploring Our Gifts, together with interested faculty and staff, created a list of speakers who will talk about inequities in the above topics and their own personal faith journeys. Each month a local community leader will share stories of his/her call to help overcome disparities in race, place, and class.
As we at Augsburg continue to explore how to serve our neighbors, please consider attending the Vocatio Chapels and engaging in these topics. For more information about the theme, check out Close the Gap study by the Itasca Project.
The kick-off to this chapel series will be Wed., September 23, 10:20-10:40 a.m. Our guest speaker will be the Rev. Nancy Maeker from A Minnesota Without Poverty, the statewide interfaith movement to end poverty in Minnesota by 2020.
*Students, faculty, and staff are invited to a lunch conversation with Rev. Maeker from 11:00-12:00. To attend the lunch, RSVP to Lonna Field (
ATTENTION: Student Pool & Table Tennis Tournaments
SOARing Nightlife Presents: The Auggie Pool Tournament and The Auggie Table Tennis Tournament!
Do you love to play pool? Do you love to play table tennis? Well this is your chance to enter into the Auggie Pool Tournament or the Auggie Table Tennis Tournament!!!
Both tournaments will take place on Friday, September 25 at 6:00 pm in the Student Lounge. Also, both tournaments are pairs tournaments, so you will need to find a partner. To enter either tournament call Campus Activities and Orientation at 612/330-1418 or email and in the message include your 1) full name and the full name of your partner, 2) which tournament you want to sign up for- Pool or Table Tennis, and 3) the name of your team.
The deadline to sign up is Thursday, September 24 by 4:30 pm. (There is a limited numbers of slots for the tournament so sign-up soon!)
Snack Time - TOMORROW
Take a study break and come for peanut butter and jelly sandwiches in the student lounge on Wednesday, September 23 from 10-11 pm. Brought to you by ASAC.
Keeping Track of Auggies
No postings
Auggie Athletics
No postings
Gopher Hockey (men's) Season Tickets for Sale
I would like to sell 1/2 of my Gopher Hockey Season tickets this year. Generally the series includes both Friday and Saturday nights - I would like to sell my 2 seats for the Friday night games (this is negotiable).
My seats are fantastic - they are section 23, Row 16, seats 8 & 9.
Cost for 1/2 season ticket is $750.00.
Please contact me - First game is October 4th!
Juneal Colburn-Lay 651-468-8614
MovieSac (by LuvSac) for Sale
Green 5 foot/2 person MovieSac for sale. I have had this for about three years, and purchased it for $400. Rarely used and in great condition; no tears, no stains, no wear marks.
Asking for $235 - email me to see pictures.