Public Safety and Facilities Announcements
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General Announcements
- Fall Day Registration Information
- Fall WEC/United (Mpls) Registration Information
- Fall Grad Registration Information
- Fall Rochester Registration Information
- Receptions for Rosemary Link and Tiong Tan
- Farewell event for Emily Nugent
- Auggie Authors Book Signing during Homecoming
- Alumni Trip to Italy - Register NOW
Keeping Track of Auggies
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Auggie Athletics
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Public Safety and Facilities Announcements
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Teaching and Learning
Faculty Staff Orientation
New Faculty Staff Orientation will be held Tuesday, September 1 (for Staff and Faculty) and Wednesday, September 2 for Faculty. Department Chairs and Supervisors are encouraged to contact CTL Director Diane Pike at if you have questions. Please support your new staff and faculty colleagues' attendance. Details will follow soon. Also, note that an evening orientation for Adjunct Faculty will be held Tuesday evening.
General Announcements
Fall Day Registration Information
Day students, please note the coming registration and readmission deadlines for Fall Semester:
Readmitting to the college:
The last day to readmit to the Day program (Fall Semester) is the Friday before the term begins: Friday, Sept. 4, 2009.
Registration for courses:
The last day for initial registration for the Day program (Fall Semester) courses for all students is the Friday before the term begins: Friday, Sept. 4, 2009.
Students who have already registered for Fall or have readmitted and registered for Fall, can disregard the above.
If you are not registered or readmitted and registered, you must meet the above deadlines in order to attend Fall term.
To check your current registration, sign into AugNet Records and Registration, then click on Active Courses.
Fall WEC/United (Mpls) Registration Information
WEC/United (Mpls) students, please note the coming registration and readmission deadlines for Fall Trimester:
Readmitting to the college:
The last day to readmit to WEC programs (Fall Trimester) is the last business day before the term begins: Thursday, Sept. 10, 2009.
Initial registration for courses:
The last day for initial registration for WEC program courses (Fall Trimester) is the last business day before the term begins: Thursday, Sept. 10, 2009.
Students who have already registered for Fall or have readmitted and registered for Fall, can disregard the above.
If you are not registered or readmitted and registered, you must meet the above deadlines in order to attend Fall term.
To check your current registration, sign into AugNet Records and Registration, then click on Active Courses.
Fall Grad Registration Information
Grad students, please note the coming registration and readmission deadlines for Fall Trimester:
Readmitting to the college:
The last day to readmit to the Fall Trimester Minneapolis Grad programs is the last day before the term begins: Thursday, Sept. 10, 2009.
The last day to readmit to Fall Trimester Rochester Grad programs is the last business day before the term begins: Monday, Sept. 7, 2009.
Registration for courses:
The last day for initial registration to the Fall Trimester Minneapolis Grad programs is the last day before the term begins: Thursday, Sept. 10, 2009.
The last day for initial registration to Fall Trimester Rochester Grad programs is the last business day before the term begins: Monday, Sept. 7, 2009.
Students who have already registered for Fall or have readmitted and registered for Fall, can disregard the above.
If you are not registered or readmitted and registered, you must meet the above deadlines in order to attend Fall term.
To check your current registration, sign into AugNet Records and Registration, then click on Active Courses.
Remember: Grad courses are numbered at 500 and above.
Fall Rochester Registration Information
Rochester students, please note the coming registration and readmission deadlines for Fall Trimester:
Readmitting to the college:
The last day to readmit to WEC programs (Fall Trimester) is the last business day before the term begins: Monday, Sept. 7, 2009.
Initial registration for courses:
The last day for initial registration for WEC program courses (Fall Trimester) is the last business day before the term begins: Monday, Sept. 7, 2009.
Students who have already registered for Fall or have readmitted and registered for Fall, can disregard the above.
If you are not registered or readmitted and registered, you must meet the above deadlines in order to attend Fall term.
To check your current registration, sign into AugNet Records and Registration, then click on Active Courses.
Receptions for Rosemary Link and Tiong Tan
Faculty and Staff,
Please join me in congratulating Rosemary Link and Tiong Tan as they assume their new roles at Simpson College and SIM University, respectively. The Social Work Department is hosting a reception for Rosemary next Monday, Aug. 24 at 3:30, and a reception for Tiong on at 4:15 Wednesday, Aug. 26; both receptions will be held in OGC 100.
Rosemary joins the administration at Simpson College in Indianaola, Iowa, as Associate Vice President of Academic Affairs where she will oversee adult and graduate program studies. Tiong will be on leave from Augsburg while he returns to his homeland to serve as the Dean of SIM University in Singapore.
I hope you can join Rosemary and Tiong's Social Work colleagues as we wish them well in their new roles.
Farewell event for Emily Nugent
Greetings all,
You are invited to a Farewell Potluck Lunch for Emily Nugent, a former Augsburg student worker, an Augsburg Alumna, and for only a short time more ... our Admissions Counselor for BSN Completion and Master of Arts in Nursing & Master of Arts in Leadership (and DNP).
When and Where:
Monday, August 31, 2009 at 11:00 AM (2 Hours).
Marshall Room in the Christensen Center
Please consider contributing a lunch/food item to share. The FOOD-SIGN-UP sheet will be posted on the back of the Day Admissions office door.
Emily's last day is Tuesday, September 1st. Emily will be relocating with her fiancé to sunny California where many new adventures await. We hope this event will provide another opportunity to exchange farewells and best wishes!!!
Auggie Authors Book Signing during Homecoming
One of the many new additions to Homecoming 2009 is an Auggie Author Book Signing event in Christensen on Friday October 2 from 4-6 p.m. We encourage all Augsburg students, alumni, faculty and friends to participate. If you are a published author that would like to be involved in this special event, please contact Laura Forgey, manager of the Barnes and Noble Book Store on Augsburg's Campus at 612-359-6491.
Alumni Trip to Italy - Register NOW
You are invited to be inspired and enriched traveling with Augsburg alumni and friends on a journey of discovery to Italy this November 2-12. Hosted by art professor Kristin Anderson, this exploration of Italian art, history, culture and cuisine begins in Northern Italy and ends in the Eternal City of Rome. Stops include Venice, Padua, Ravenna, Tuscany, Florence and the Umbria Region. An included day excursion to the archeological site of Pompeii is part of the stay in Rome.
The cost of the tour is $2990 from the Twin Cities plus gratuities and airport taxes. To obtain the itinerary and details on the comprehensive inclusions of this custom-created travel experience contact Alumni Relations at 612-330-1085 or Only 5 spots remaining. Register NOW!
Keeping Track of Auggies
No postings
Auggie Athletics
No postings
Tutor Needed
Looking for a tutor for a basic statistics class (online). Need help now until end of Sept. Can be by phone or in person. Contact me through Augmail. Thanks