Security and Facilities Announcements
Teaching and Learning
General Announcements
Keeping Track of Auggies
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Security and Facilities Announcements
Lindell Library Open for Augsburg for Adults
We know youre busily studying during this last week of Winter Trimester, so while students in the Day program are off on Spring Break, be assured that Lindell Library will be open for you, our Augsburg for Adults students.
Monday-Friday, Mar 16-20: 11 a.m.-10 p.m.
Saturday, Mar 21: 9: 7:30 a.m.-7 p.m.
Sunday, Mar 22: Noon-Midnight
Hours are always available from the "Hours" link on the Lindell Library web site:
Online library resources are also available 24/7 on that web site.
Teaching and Learning
Would You Like to be Published?
Do you have an academic paper you're particularly proud of?
It might be worth even more than the grade you received.
The Augsburg Honors Review wants to publish your work. All you have to do is submit it!
What to Submit:
We will consider papers from all disciplines that successfully articulate an original and compelling thesis.
Why Submit?
Being a published author is one of the best ways to demonstrate your writing skills to graduate schools, professional schools, and employers.
How to Submit:
Please send your work to and include the following information:
-- The first and last names of all authors and faculty advisors,
-- Your anticipated graduation date,
-- A reliable way to contact you other than your college-provided email address,
-- The name of the institution where your research was conducted (if other than Augsburg), and
-- The title of your paper.
We prefer Microsoft Word format (.doc) for all attachments.
The priority deadline to submit your work for the 2010 publication is April 20, 2009.
What is the Augsburg Honors Review?
The Augsburg Honors Review is an interdisciplinary journal exhibiting outstanding work by undergraduate students. The goal of the AHR is to give students the opportunity to participate in scholarly conversations within their disciplines and to expose them to the dialogue between a journal and a contributor in editing an article for publication.
For more information, please contact Shawn Boonstra (
General Announcements
Augsburg Associates Spring Seminar - March 28
JUST TWO MORE DAYS to sign up for the Augsburg Associates SPRING SEMINAR on Saturday, March 28 at Augsburg House, 2848 West River Parkway, Minneapolis. The program - Excerpts from The Mother Project will feature Darcey Engen in reflections on the familiar, desperate edge of everyday motherhood. The seminar begins with breakfast goodies at 9:30 a.m. and concludes at 11 a.m. RSVP your attendance by March 18th to Sara Schlipp-Riedel at or 612-330-1323. Seating is limited. Cost of the seminar is $15, payable at the door.
Leadership Recognition Banquet
Please read and consider nominating yourself or other Augsburg students:
The Leadership Recognition Banquet will take place on Tuesday, April 14 at 4 p.m. in the East Commons
The Leadership Recognition Banquet is an annual event which recognizes student leaders and organizations which have shown dedication to engaging fellow students and the community in learning opportunities. These student leaders and organizations work hard to support the mission of the College and help make Augsburg an amazing place to learn and grow. This is our opportunity to recognize them for all that they do.
A description of the 2008-2009 awards:
You can nominate yourself or other Augsburg student at
You can reach these sites by copying and pasting them in to your web browser.
Brian Emerick
Student Leadership Development Coordinator
Staff Length of Service Celebration
Everyone is invited to take time.
Take time to come and celebrate with your co-workers at the Staff Recognition and Length of Service Awards for employees with 5-10-15-20-25 plus years at the College.The celebration will be held on Monday, March 23 from 3- 4:30 p.m. in the East Commons.
At this event Staff Senate is honored to announce the Employee of the Year Recipients.
One staff member from EACH division has been selected and will be recognized for his/her dedication to Augsburg College.
This year's nominees are:
Carrie Carroll - Day Admissions
Mark Chamberlain - Marketing & Communications
Carly Eichhorst - Enrollment Center
Kathy Fagen - MBA Program
Sue Hecker - Business- MIS
Karen Howell - Education-MAE Program
Judy Johnson - Weekend College
Sherry Jennings-King - Development
Lil Maunu - Campus Ministry
John Pack - Public Safety
Bruce Rowe - Facilities Management
Cyndy Rowe - Residence Life
Mohamed Sallam - Pan African Student Services
Dennis Stuckey- Facilities Management
Congratulations to EACH of you. You as individuals make outstanding contributions to your department and the Augsburg Community.
Please join us for the celebration of ALL the work each of us do as Staff. Each one of us makes a difference!
We look forward to seeing you there!
Your Staff Senators 2008-2009
Liz Bassani
Brenda Hemmingsen
Mel Lee
Jennifer Nagorski
Matt Rumpza
Sandy Tilton
Becky Waggoner
Bill Wittenbreer
Donate to Abused Women and Children
For thousands of women and children, home can be frightening, lonely and for many it is a very dangerous place. The Lewis House, located in Eagan, is dedicated to helping these women and children find safety and get them back on their feet. The Lewis House provides shelter, food, daycare and education about safe relationships for women and children who seek their services. To support these women and children, a few students from Augsburg College will be running a donation drive. We will be collecting items from now until the first week in April, at which time we will deliver all donated items to the Lewis House and help pass things out to the women and children.
Items the Lewis House needs are:
bath sized towels
wash cloths
twin size sheets/comforters
infant formula - all varieties
baby bottles/nipples
craft supplies (markers, crayons, construction paper, special kits)
school supplies (notebooks, folders, back packs)
educational toys, puzzles, videos and learning games
old cell phones with chargers
women and youth clothing (any age, gently used or new)
We will be setting up a table in Christensen to collect items and will be available to answer any questions a few times in the coming weeks. People can also drop off items at the Enrollment Center.
Please contact Ashle with questions at
Farmers' Market on Campus
The Campus Kitchen Project is working to organize a weekly farmers' market to happen for a few hours each week on campus, to be run in conjunction with the Brian Coyle Foodshelf Farmers' Market. In order to make it a market that will work for you (in terms of time/location), please follow the link and answer the couple questions we have.
Also, Augsburg will continue to be a host for Community Supported Agriculture shares, where you become a member of a farm who delivers a 20-25 lb box of produce each week through out the summer. If that system works better for you (or you're up to the challenge of working with unfamiliar produce), please let me know. Thanks!
Augsburg Dining Spring Break Hours
Closed March 14-21
Open Sunday March 22 for dinner
Closed March 14-15
Open March 16-20, 7:30-5
Open WEC normal hours
Closed March 14-15
Open March 16-20, 10-6:30
Open WEC normal hours
Last Day of Ultimate Frisbee TODAY
A group of staff, faculty, and an increasingly more aggressive crew of students have been playing ultimate frisbee underneath the dome every Tuesday. Today's the last day, and with the students gone we 1) will have a much more relaxed game, and 2) we need everyone possible on the field so we have a good number of folks to play. We hope to see you there!
$1200 out of $3000
It takes approximately $12,000 worth of food to fulfill the minimum needs of the Brian Coyle Food Shelf to provide to our neighbors in need. With March being National Food Drive month, we have set a goal of collecting $3,000 during this month to allow the food shelf to do what they need. Every $1 in the hand of the food shelf is worth $4 in control of the food shelf, as they can take advantage of bulk buying programs.
So at $1200 collected so far, we're moving towards the goal of $3,000 that will purchase the $12,000 worth of food. You can contribute at any Augsburg Dining cash register (and earn a coupon in return) or send cash or a check out to 'Brian Coyle Foodshelf' to The Center for Service Work and Learning, CB 310. Thank you for whatever you give.
Saturday March 28, Augsburg will host a traditional Powwow as American Indian Student Services celebrates 30 years. The powwow will be held in Si Melby with grand entries at 1 p.m. and 7 p.m. and a feast at 5 p.m.
Please join us for this event!
Keeping Track of Auggies
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Auggie Athletics
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