Security and Facilities Announcements
Teaching and Learning
General Announcements
- Susan Boecher Artist Talk -- TODAY
- One Year Study Abroad for Free
- Where are the Weekly Dining Menus?
- Your Old Shoes will Help! Please Donate
- Graduate Scholarship up to $300,000
- Murphy's Weekly Special
- Residence Life Applications Due Tomorrow
- 1098T Tax Form Available Online
- Student Travel Monies Still Available
- WRC Brown Bag Lunch
- Spring Grads: China Teaching Assistant Positions
- Apply Now to Study Abroad
- Penumbra Theatre Exhibit - 2/2-2/25
- Murphy's Grill Open Tonight
- Network with Alumni
- All Meals Served out of Century Room
- Tickets Still Available for Eleuthéria
- Dorm Essentials on Sale
- Seeking an Internship or Career?
- Summer Bridge 2009 Student Job Posting
Keeping Track of Auggies
- (No listings)
Auggie Athletics
- (No listings)
Security and Facilities Announcements
Bookstore Closing Early
Bookstore will be closing at 4 p.m. today due to maintenance. We appreciate your patience and apologize for the inconvenience.
Change in Custodial Services
Augsburg College Custodial Services has been researching ideas of how to better serve the College. It is important for us to consider and make changes to remain sustainable in tough economic times. From the research conducted we have found that across the country many higher education institutions are focusing more of their cleaning operations using the day cleaning model. Switching to a day operation offers many advantages for the College as well as the custodial crew.
Most significantly we will be integrating a very diverse part of our workforce into the Augsburg Community. Individuals working in the late evening hours do not have the opportunity to interact with students, faculty and staff in the same way that they will be able to during the day. Moving to the primary day model will allow many of our individuals the opportunity to spend more quality time with their families.
It is more efficient in some respects to clean during the day simply base upon visual awareness. Our current structure we have a small crew here during the day. This leaves us with enough crew to do cleaning in resident halls and a few highly visible spaces throughout campus. With the new structure we will be able to keep restrooms and classrooms throughout campus clean all day long. This is a critical piece of the plan to provide consistently clean spaces throughout the entire campus for students, faculty and staff.
The change will take place on or about May 15th. The reason for this date is to provide optimum implementation time to prepare for the upcoming school year. The additional staff during the days will also decrease our dependence on outside contractors to do more of our summer projects.
Part of our planning process is considering a day model Carleton College is already using. Carleton has been doing day cleaning for several years and is considered experts on day cleaning. Another critical piece to day cleaning will be the planning with Directors, Managers, and Professors of when we will be able to clean these areas and not be a distraction. This is a very exciting time in the custodial department, and are excited at this opportunity to provide a better service and bring more individuals interactively into the Augsburg community.
Teaching and Learning
GRE Prep starts February 9
GRE is the exam most disciplines require students to take who are entering master's or doctoral programs. GRE Prep will begin next Monday, February 9 and run for six weeks, skipping spring break.
All sessions run from 6 to 9 p.m.
Go to URGO web site to register or contact Dixie Shafer If you have already registered for the course you don't need to do anything else.
Invitation to Become a Lilly Scholar
Considering ministry?
Then consider applying to be a Lilly Scholar for 2009-2010! This program is a year-long academic seminar for current sophomores or juniors who have a possible interest in attending seminary or pursuing graduate study in the sacred arts or theology. It includes a scholarship for $2,100 and, in some cases, an opportunity to take graduate level coursework at Luther Seminary. The deadline for application is Friday, March 27.
For further information and an application, visit (scroll down to "Programs for Juniors and Seniors"), or stop by the Lilly Resource Center in Memorial 231 (the application forms are posted on the door), or contact Diane Glorvigen at 612-330-1334 or
Get your Augsburg Experience in Two Weeks Abroad
There is still time to apply! Get your application in to study abroad in the Czech Republic this summer by this Friday, Feb. 6 at 5 p.m.
+ Travel is short - only two weeks - so it's an ideal program for WEC students.
+ Return by June 1 - you can still work your summer job!
+ Great introduction to international business and the impact of the European Union.
+ Fulfill your Augsburg Experience requirement
+ Cost includes flight, accommodations and most meals - a good value!
Online brochure with much more information is available at:
Download the application forms marked "Short-term faculty led programs" at
Questions? Contact Augsburg Abroad at or Professor Stu Stoller at
DCTL Nominations Due: Friday, February 13
Distinguished Contributions to Teaching and Learning
Annual Recognition 2009
These awards recognize exemplary work by faculty and staff in support of teaching and learning at Augsburg College. Up to three awards are available annually reflecting the breadth of contributions important for a quality liberal education. Each award carries a stipend of $1000, recognition and celebration.
Awards are based on evidence of student learning and student satisfaction provided by students, colleagues, and documentation; they are weighted appropriately for each of the three areas. The selection process is as follows:
The deadline for nominations is Friday February 13, 2009. Nominations must be submitted on line. Go to:
Questions can be directed to Diane Pike at or x 1228
Nominations consist of a one to two-page letter identifying the nominee and providing a rationale and support for the nomination for a specific award; in addition, nominators are asked to submit 3-4 names (and emails addresses) of students and/or colleagues who can speak to nominees work.
The Selection Panel conducts confidential interviews with members of the community, reviews information and announces the awards no later than March 23rd. Awardees are acknowledged at the Honors Convocation and at other events. Opportunities for winners to share ideas with the campus community will take place throughout the year following the award.
The Selection Panel is invited by the Dean of the College and the Director of the Center for Teaching and Learning. This is a juried process.
Teaching Award
Sustained excellence is demonstrated through syllabi, course materials and grading patterns reflecting effective teaching and learning; exemplary work in both content and pedagogy is supported by evidence from the department chair, colleagues and students.
Mentoring/Advising Award
Sustained excellence is demonstrated through deep conversation about and attention to vocation, career and student success overall; students are guided through the processes leading to successful and timely graduation; students recognize the attention and care provided by the nominee
Direct Contributions to Teaching and Learning Award
Sustained excellence is demonstrated in work that contributes to students academic develop.m.ent, growth and success; contributions are made to a positive, academic campus environment in a direct way.
Vocatio Chapel with Kari Logan next Wednesday
Augsburg College continues the Vocatio Chapel series with arts promoter and Augsburg alumnae, Kari Logan. Kari Logan is co-owner of CEL Public Relations. Kari brings more than 20 years of experience in creative production and promotion of the arts, having worked with national television and radio networks. She will speak on the importance of the arts in public life in the Chapel at 10:20.
Following chapel, there will be a lunch with Kari Logan. Anyone interested in joining her Logan for lunch following chapel at 11:00 should contact Ross Murray (
North Star STEM Undergraduate Research Funding
Applications for student/faculty research funding during Spring 2009 are available from the North Star STEM Alliance ( by contacting Rebekah Dupont.
Eligible students are under-represented minorities in the departments of Biology, Chemistry, Computer Science, Mathematics, MIS, or Physics. Grants of up to $1,000 for research to be completed before May 31, 2009 will be awarded.
Proposals are considered by the URGO Advisory Committee and awards will be made on a rolling basis.
To apply for this funding or for more information on the North Star Stem Alliance, contact Rebekah Dupont at or (612) 330-1042.
General Announcements
Susan Boecher Artist Talk -- TODAY
Please join us today at 1:30 p.m. in the Marshall Room for Susan Boecher's talk about her installation "Together and Alone." All are welcome!
One Year Study Abroad for Free
Rotary Ambassadorial scholarships cover full cost of one year study abroad in over 100 countries. An Augsburg Alum just studied in India through Rotary.
For more information visit or come hear more on February 10 at 5 p.m. in the Minneapolis room.
Where are the Weekly Dining Menus?
Augsburg Dining has a new website. It will have the weekly menus, promotions and loads of information about Augsburg Dining. Please visit us through the link on the home page. Thank you.
Your Old Shoes will Help! Please Donate
Shoe Collection
Submitted by Sarah E Tellin, Student
My name is Sarah Tellin and this semester I have an internship at La Conexion. This is a non profit organization that serves the needs of Latinos here in Minneapolis. Part of my work is to help with the shoe recycling campaign that finds donors to collect shoes. The shoes that are collected are recycled to make new products, such as: potting soil, absorbent spill socks, and t-shirts. For every pound of shoe that is recycled, La Conexion receives .12 cents. We are asking for help from this activity to make it both successful and profitable for La Conexion. If you have any of the following used shoes please bring them in!
Men's and women's dress shoes.
Children's footwear of all kinds.
Sandals and slippers.
Tennis and other athletic shoes.
Boots of all kinds plus overshoes
crocs, flip-flops, etc
There will be two large bins, one located in front of the Admissions Office and the other in the Athletic Office! Thank you greatly for you help and support! Please feel free to email me with any questions.
-Sarah Tellin
Graduate Scholarship up to $300,000
The Jack Kent Cooke Graduate Scholarship funds a portion of educational costs (up to $50,000 per year) for the length of a recipient's graduate degree, up to six years.
To be eligible, a candidate must:
1) Be a college senior OR recent graduate (since Spring 2004)
2) Have a cumulative GPA of 3.75 or better
3) Plan to attend graduate school, starting in fall 2009
4) Be nominated by his or her institution
The scholarship, which is based both on merit and financial need, is highly competitive. For more information and to review past recipients visit For more information contact Dixie Shafer,
Murphy's Weekly Special
Murphy's Weekly Specials
Feb 2-6
Grill: Steak Fajitas & Mexican Fries
Deli: Salami & Olives, Spinach & Tomato Wrap
Personal Pizza & 20oz Soda 12-1 Discount.
Residence Life Applications Due Tomorrow
Leave a Legacy - Join Residence Life as a CA or RA. Applications are due tomorrow, Friday, February 6. For more information, fill out the interest form on the Residence Life website at
1098T Tax Form Available Online
Your 2008 1098T tax form is available online. You may access it by going to the Enrollment Center web site, and click on the "view my 1098T" link. If you are not logged into augnet you will be prompted for your augnet user name and password.
Student Travel Monies Still Available
Attention Augsburg Undergraduate Students:
URGO still has funds available for this Spring Semester to support student travel to academic conferences.
For more information contact Dixie at or x1447 for applications or additional information.
WRC Brown Bag Lunch
February 10 at 12 p.m. the WRC will be having a Brown Bag Lunch. Join us for great conversation!
Spring Grads: China Teaching Assistant Positions
The United International College (UIC) in Zhuhai, China, is a partner college with Augsburg. UIC is recruiting U.S. college graduates to assist in teaching English to undergraduate students. College graduates in any discipline are invited to submit an application for a one year English teaching assistantship. This is an opportunity to gain experience teach English, learn Chinese and live in an international setting. The teaching assignment requires a person who is flexible, adaptable and willing to take initiative. Request more information from Orv Gingerich <> in the Office of International Programs.
Apply Now to Study Abroad
Planning on Studying Abroad in this summer, Fall'09, Academic Year 09-10?
Faculty-led Summer Program application DEADLINE EXTENDED for Czech Republic (This Friday), Italy (Monday, February 16), and MSW China Program (March 1).
MARCH 1 is the DEADLINE to apply for all other Summer, Fall Sem. or Academic Yr programs.
Before applying make sure you attend an advising session (see schedule below) and attend our Study Abroad Fair on February 13, 11-2 in Christensen Center.
GROUP ADVISING HOURS: Meetings last about 20 mins. and can be followed by individual advising sessions.
Mondays: 2:30 p.m.
Tuesdays: 10:00 a.m.; 3:30 p.m.
Wednesdays: 10:40 a.m.; 2:30 p.m.
Thursdays: 10:00 a.m. (Faculty-led Program Group Advising; 2:30 p.m.
Fridays: 10:40 a.m.; 2:30 p.m.; 5 p.m. WEC weekends only
Mondays: 1:30-3:30 p.m.
Tuesdays: 10:00 -11:00 a.m.; 12:30-4:30 p.m.
Wednesdays: 10:30 -11:30 a.m.; 2:00-3:30 p.m.
Thursdays: 10:00 -11:00 a.m.; 12:30-4:30 p.m.
Fridays: 2:00-3:30 p.m.; 5-6 p.m. WEC weekends only
Penumbra Theatre Exhibit - 2/2-2/25
"Honoring the African-American Experience: Penumbra Theatre Stages August Wilson's 20th Century Cycle"
Hennepin Gallery
Hennepin County Government Center
300 So 6th St, A Level
This exhibit explores the history of the African-American experience throughout the past century. Come see vivid imagery of Penumbra's productions of August Wilson's work, props from these stagings, historical images from each decade, as well as information contextualizing the work. You'll be able to witness the impact of Wilson's 20th Century Cycle on our understanding of American history, and further appreciate Penumbra's connection with Wilson, having provided him a safe haven to hone his craft as a playwright. This exhibit has been created in conjunction with The Givens Collection of African-American Literature at the University of Minnesota, where Penumbra's archives are housed.
Murphy's Grill Open Tonight
Murphy's Grill will be open tonight from 5:30-7:30 p.m. to offer more food opinions due to the change in meal locations. You may only use cash or flex points to purchase food. You may not use Board meals in Murphy's. Thank you and we hope to see you there.
Network with Alumni
Students and Alum Networking Event!
Thursday, February 12
5:30-7:30 p.m.
East Commons, Christensen Center
Light food will be provided. We ask that you dress business casual and come prepared to have a fun and interactive evening! All students are welcome! Once registered you will receive business cards that you can hand out that night and to begin networking! R.S.V. P. Amanda Storm at
All Meals Served out of Century Room
Do to the StepUp Gala this Thursday, All meals (Breakfast, Lunch & Dinner)on Thursday will be served out of the Century room on the ground level of CC. Sorry for any inconvenience that this may cause. Thank you for your understanding. Augsburg Dining Management.
Tickets Still Available for Eleuthéria
Tickets are now available for Eleuthéria, written by Samuel Beckett, translated by Michael Brodsky and guest directed by Barbra Berlovitz. This show will perform February 5, 6 and 7 at 7 p.m. and February 8 at 3 p.m.
Admission will be free with the donation of a non-perishable food item or a cash donation. All food donations will be sent to the Brian Coyle Food Shelf and all cash donations will be sent to Augsburg's Campus Kitchens.
To make a reservation, call 612-330-1257.
Dorm Essentials on Sale
Stop in the bookstore to see the great dorm products that are on sale. We have blenders, toaster ovens, coffee makers, etc. on sale. Limited quantities available so hurry in.
Seeking an Internship or Career?
Enterprise Rent-A-Car representatives will be on campus Tuesday, February 10, 4:30-5:30 p.m. in the Gateway Classroom 111. They will share information about their summer internship program and full-time careers! These are primarily general business opportunities.
Questions - call Sandy x1472
Summer Bridge 2009 Student Job Posting
Do you want to have fun and make a difference for new first year students this summer? TRIO/Student Support Services (TRIO/SSS) is now accepting applications for the position of Summer Bridge 2009 Residential Peer Mentor (Rp.m.).
TRIO/SSS Summer Bridge is a 5-week residential academic program for 25 TRIO-eligible incoming first-year Augsburg students who will also participate in TRIO/SSS during the academic year. Students take two summer classes and participate in supplemental instruction seminars, study groups, college transition workshops, and fun activities.
Rp.m.s will be responsible for monitoring the safety and well being of TRIO/SSS Summer Bridge participants, as well as facilitating and participating in evening TRIO/SSS Summer Bridge activities.
There are four openings (2 male, 2 female) for this live-in position. The Rp.m. position is full-time, variable hours, from July 5 - August 7, 2009, with additional training dates in June 2009.
A complete job description is currently available in the TRIO/SSS Office, SCI 152.
The application deadline is Friday, February 13, 2009!!!
Keeping Track of Auggies
No postings
Auggie Athletics
Auggie Lacrosse
Come support the Augsburg Lacrosse team this Saturday at 4 p.m. at the Xcel Energy Center. Tickets are available in the Christensen Center Thursday, February 5 for $10. You may also purchase tickets at the Augsburg Lacrosse website at The tickets include seeing the Augsburg Lacrosse team and The Minnesota Swarm Lacrosse team after the Auggies play. The seats also cover discounted food and drink that are available.
Auggie Athletics Update
Auggie Athletics Update (click on link for story/stats):
Wednesday, February 4:
Women's Basketball -- Concordia-Moorhead 64, Augsburg 48
Men's Basketball -- Concordia-Moorhead 69, Augsburg 64 (OT)
Upcoming Events:
Friday, February 6:
Men's Hockey at Hamline, 7 p.m.
Women's Hockey vs. Hamline, Augsburg Ice Arena, 7:05 p.m. -- LIVE AUDIO:
Saturday, February 7:
Wrestling at St. John's North Country Open, 9 a.m.
Wrestling (WT) at Wisconsin-Eau Claire Invitational, 9 a.m.
Men's/Women's Track and Field at Bethel Invitational, 11 a.m.
Women's Basketball at Macalester, 1 p.m.
Men's Basketball at Macalester, 3 p.m.
Men's Hockey vs. Hamline, Augsburg Ice Arena, 7 p.m. -- LIVE AUDIO:
Women's Hockey at Hamline, 7:15 p.m.
No postings