Security and Facilities Announcements
Teaching and Learning
General Announcements
- Looking for Co-Leader for New Orleans Spring Break
- Rochester Winter WEC Registration Information
- Spring Day Registration Information
- Open Seats in AIS 205 Contemporary American Indian
- Underwater Adventure Discount Tickets
- Spanish Conversation This Thursday
- Holiday Open House Wednesday, Dec. 10
- Tri Beta Biology Christmas Party
- Conquer the GMAT
- Spirit of MLK Award: Nominations
- Academic Advising Welcomes Your Advice
- Hoversten Chapel Art Discussion Dec. 9
- Human Resources Holiday Open House
- Grub
- Mpls. WEC/Grad Winter WEC Registration
Keeping Track of Auggies
Auggie Athletics
Security and Facilities Announcements
Parking Lot Signs
New parking signs will be installed at lot entrances on December 18th and 19th. The signs will now be compatible with towing regulations for the city of Minneapolis and the department of Public Safety will be towing illegally parked vehicles with two or more unpaid violations. The signs also state that permits are required 24 hours, everyday to allow us permit enforcement at any time. If you are having an event large or small, please contact Public Safety to make appropriate arrangements for your guests.
Facilities Customer Service Survey
In an effort to improve customer service in the Facilities Management Department, we have created a short (5-10 minute) survey to get input from faculty and staff regarding our current departmental services. This survey will help us gauge areas of possible concern to the Augsburg community.
To complete the survey, please go to the Inside Augsburg page on the Augsburg web site and log in. Then, click the Facilities Customer Survey link located under the More News section. You may respond anytime between now and Friday, December 12th to help us create our initial baseline of data.
Thank you for your time and input!
Snow Emergency Information
When a significant amount of snow falls, the city of Minneapolis declares a Snow Emergency to remove accumulating snow from the full width of city streets. If you are parked on a city street and do not follow the snow emergency rules, your vehicle will be ticketed and towed by the city.
If you park on city streets, please visit the city of Minneapolis snow emergency web site. Here you will find the snow emergency parking rules along with an interactive map showing where you can park and when. The snow emergency parking page is:
It is NOT Augsburgs responsibility to notify you of snow emergencies on city streets. If the city tows your car, it will cost you several hundred dollars to get it back. If you park on city streets, I STRONGLY recommend that you subscribe to e-mail/SMS and phone notification of snow emergencies. The following links will take you directly to those services:
To receive an e-mail of SMS message when a snow emergency is declared:
To receive an automated phone call when a snow emergency is declared:
If you have an Augsburg parking permit and are properly parked in one of our lots, our maintenance crews will do their best to plow around your car. If we need you to move your vehicle, we can look you up by your license plate if it is registered in parking services. If need be, you can check out a shovel with your student or employee ID card at the DPS desk in the Urness/Mortenson lobby.
Day (temporary) parking passes for Augsburg lots are available for $5 through Augnet's Parking Services. Passes are limited.
Please take Our Survey on Augsburg's Restrooms
Hi. Please take the survey, linked below, if you haven't already, about Augsburg's public restroom facilities.
Earlier the survey said it was closed, but I figured out how to open it again.
You'd greatly help my group in writing class and me to gather responses and measure public opinion as we write a report about our restrooms. Thank you for your help!
Teaching and Learning
New Publications Available in CTL
New Publications Available in CTL
Ideas That Work in College Teaching, Robert L. Badger, editor
The Living Classroom: Teaching and Collective Consciousness, Christopher M. Bache
Exploring Signature Pedagogies: Approaches to teaching disciplinary habits of mind, edited by Regan A.R. Gurung, Nancy L. Chick, and Aeron Haynie
Writing Educational Biography: Explorations in Qualitative Research, edited by Craig Kridel
147 Practical Tips for Synchronous and Blended Technology Teaching and Learning, Rosemary M. Lehman and Richard A. Berg
Teaching Your First College Class: A practical guide for new faculty and graduate student instructors, Carolyn Lieberg
Late Night Lindell Library Hours
Lindell Library and Student Computing will be open until 1 a.m. through Wednesday, Dec. 17. Come for research assistance, technology advice, or to do some serious studying. Were expecting you!
Hours are always available from the "Hours" link on the Lindell Library web site:
Online library resources are also available 24/7 on that web site.
Price of Pleasure: The Discussion Continues Today
Please join us TODAY for the Second Tuesday Brown Bag lunch at the Women's Resource Center (207 Sverdrup) from Noon - 1 p.m., as we continue to talk about the issues raised by our recent event, "The Price of Pleasure." We heard from an anti-prostitution and anti-porn activist as well as from a current sex worker, each making compelling arguments about the effect that porn (and popular media) have or do not have on our private relationships. Bring your lunch and join us for what promises to be a very interesting discussion!
All are welcome - whether or not you came to the event!
Spa Day is Here
The Women's Resource Center (SVE 207) will be hosting our end-of-semester Spa Day THIS Friday, Dec. 12, from 1 - 5 p.m. Take a break from your studies and relax! Come to make your own bath salts and spritzers, and enjoy free food. Free massages will also be available by appointment, so come early and sign up for a time. Anyone in the Augsburg community is welcome to come!
General Announcements
Looking for Co-Leader for New Orleans Spring Break
A group of students and myself are planning for this year's alternative spring break trip to New Orleans. This is seperate from Campus Ministry's trip and has been called Pedalers for Peace the last two years. Our plan is to take the train to north of New Orleans with our bikes, bike and camp along a 100 mile stretch into New Orleans, and volunteer with different organizations along the way. The goals are to be of service to the bay area communities, learn the current issues, and travel in a sustainable manner.
We are looking for a staff/faculty member who would be interested in co-leading the trip with me. I led it last year and it was powerful experience. If you would like to know more, please contact me soon at X1624
Rochester Winter WEC Registration Information
Rochester students,
please note the coming registration and readmission deadlines:
Readmitting to the college:
The last day to readmit to Augsburg for Adult programs (Winter Trimester) is the last business day before the term begins: Friday, Jan. 2, 2008.
Initial registration for courses:
The last day for initial registration for Augsburg for Adults program courses (Winter Trimester) for all students is the last business day before the term begins: Friday, Jan. 2, 2008.
Students who have already registered for Winter or have readmitted and registered for Winter, can disregard the above.
If you are not registered or readmitted and registered, you must meet the above deadlines in order to attend Winter term.
After you register online, please click on Active Courses to verify your schedule and registration is correct and the way you want it.
Spring Day Registration Information
Day Students,
please note the coming registration and readmission deadlines:
Readmitting to the college: The last day to readmit to Spring Semester is the Friday before the term begins: Friday, Jan. 9, 2008.
Initial registration for courses: The last day for initial registration for Spring Semester is the Friday before the term begins: Friday, Jan. 9, 2008
Students who have already registered for Spring Semester or have readmitted and registered for Spring Semester, can disregard the above.
If you are not registered or readmitted and registered, you must meet the above deadlines in order to attend Spring Semester.
After you register online, please click on Active Courses to verify your schedule and registration is correct and the way you want it.
Open Seats in AIS 205 Contemporary American Indian
If you are planning on still registering for AIS 205-Contemporay American Indians, Day MWF 1:20 - 2:20 p.m. or Winter WEC F 6-10 then you need to do so now as both courses are under enrolled and will potentially be cancelled without further enrollment.
Course Description:
This course examines the situation of American Indians in the United States since the Indian Reorganization Act of 1934. Emphasis is on current issues such as tribal sovereignty, treaty rights, reservation economics and Indian education.
Underwater Adventure Discount Tickets
Looking for something warm, dry and fun to do during those long, cold winter months?
Human Resources has discount tickets available for Underwater Adventures Aquarium at the Mall of America. We are selling tickets at the following prices: Adult - $9.50, Kids (3-12) - $5.50.
This is an incredible deal regular ticket prices are $18.95 for adults and $11.95 for kids; this is half off! Stop down in HR to pick up your tickets today!
Spanish Conversation This Thursday
Need a break from the rat race? Stop in and chat with the Spanish conversation group this Thursday. Don't worry if your Spanish is a bit rusty - this is for fun. We meet in the Riverside Rm., on the 2nd fl. of the Christensen Center from 11 - 12:30 p.m. Drop in for 10 minutes or for the whole time, whatever works for you. Feel free to bring your lunch. Remember, after your 3rd visit you will receive a free t-shirt that says "Augsburg Habla Espanol". We hope you can join us! Questions? Contact Emiliano Chagil, Anita Fisher or Kate Reinhardt.
Holiday Open House Wednesday, Dec. 10
The Religion Department and the Lilly Program invite you to an open house to celebrate the holidays:
December 10
2:30 5 p.m.
Religion Suite (Memorial 233 directly above the presidents office)
Join us for refreshments, scintillating conversation, and seasonal dazzle.
We hope to see you there!
Tri Beta Biology Christmas Party
Join Tri Beta in celebrating the Holidays and the conclusion of the fall semester!
Friday December 12, 3 - 6 p.m. in SCI 213.
Good food, great prizes, and fun!
All are welcome!
Conquer the GMAT
Thinking of applying for an MBA program? Register now for GMAT Prep sessions offered @ Augsburg College in February.
GMAT Prep Courses
Five weekly sessions
Meets 6 - 9 p.m.
First session meets Feb. 10, 2009
Cost is $300, includes prep guide
To register please visit
Spirit of MLK Award: Nominations
Each year Augsburg College celebrates and honors the work of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. through music, education, and a social gathering. The Spirit of MLK Award recognizes outstanding contributions to our community that support the values of MLK. Each year, a student and a staff or faculty, are honored during the MLK celebration held at Augsburg College.
Nominations should include the following information:
A rationale for nomination with specific examples, stories and anecdotes are also welcome (750 word maximum)
Name of nominator:
Person being nominated:
The extended deadline for nominations is Friday, December 12
Your nominations can be sent to Kasidy at CB #234 or emailed to
The MLK committee will review the pool of nominations. Once the selections have been made, the nominator and the awardees will be contacted. Both will be invited to celebrate and honor MLKs legacy at the Augsburg MLK celebration on January 19, 2009.
Academic Advising Welcomes Your Advice
In response to the recent 95 Theses, #9: "We as a community need Academic Advising to be more responsive to student needs," Academic Advising would appreciate hearing how we might better meet your needs. We welcome your advice! (Responses are anonymous.)
To complete the survey, please go to .
You may respond anytime between now and December 19.
Thank you for your advice,
Academic Advising
Hoversten Chapel Art Discussion Dec. 9
Director of Galleries & Exhibitions & Campus Ministry will host a discussion about art in Hoversten Chapel on Tuesday, Dec. 9 at 11:50 a.m. in the Chapel. We will attend to the issue of inclusively in our discussion and hear the history of the art that is in the Chapel. This will be an initial opportunity to let students, faculty, and staff voice their opinions. Please contact Campus Ministry with any questions.
Hope to see you there!
Thank you!
Human Resources Holiday Open House
Human Resources will be having our Holiday Open House on Monday, Dec. 15, 2008 from 2:30 p.m. to 3:30 p.m. It will be in the Human Resources office, Memorial Hall 19 (the ground floor).
Come join us for gathering and treats! We hope to see you there!
The students in SBS 100: Environmental Connections, who have been studying the socioeconomic and ecological aspects of food and food justice, will be serving lunch to the Augsburg community on Dec. 10 at one of the stations in the dining commons. The food, which will be prepared and served by a team of A'viands staff and the students in the class, was chosen based on how the food was produced, transported, and prepared. The meal is largely made up of locally grown farm produce that is environmentally friendly as well as food from fair trade markets where the dignity of laborers who produce the food is respected. The entire Augsburg community, faculty, staff, and students are welcome to join us to enjoy the good "grub" and learn more about the environmental and social impact of the food we eat.
Mpls WEC/Grad Winter WEC Registration
Augsburg for Adults Minneapolis/United/Grad students (except PA),
please note the coming registration and readmission deadlines:
Readmitting to the college:
The last day to readmit to Augsburg for Adult programs (Winter Trimester) is the last business day before the term begins: Thursday, Jan. 8, 2009. (MSW students deadline is Thursday, Dec. 31, 2008)
Initial registration for courses:
The last day for initial registration for Augsburg for Adults program courses (Winter Trimester) for all students is the last business day before the term begins: Thursday, Jan. 8, 2009. (MSW students deadline is Thursday, Dec. 31, 2008)
Students who have already registered for Winter or have readmitted and registered for Winter, can disregard the above.
If you are not registered or readmitted and registered, you must meet the above deadlines in order to attend Winter term.
After you register online, please click on Active Courses to verify your schedule and registration is correct and the way you want it.
Keeping Track of Auggies
Fiction on a Stick
Congratulations to English Professor John Reiminger and English alum Rob Voedisch on the inclusion of their works _Fiction on Stick_, edited by Daniel Slager for Milkweed Editions. John and Rob will be participating in area readings and signings over the next few weeks:
Thursday, Dec. 11, 2008 @ 7 p.m.
_Fiction on a Stick_ Launch Party & Mentor Series Anniversary Celebration
Reading and Signing, reception to follow
Readings from contributors and Mentor Series participants Chrissy Kolaya, May Lee-Yang, Diego Vázquez, Robert Voedisch, and Sun Yung Shin
Open Book (Target Performance Hall), 1011 Washington Ave. S., Minneapolis
Co-sponsored by The Loft Literary Center and Milkweed Editions
Friday, Dec. 12, 2008, from Noon - 1 p.m.
_Fiction on a Stick_ Signing Party @ Barnes and Noble
Lunchtime signing with seventeen contributors from _Fiction on a Stick_
Barnes and Noble Downtown, 801 Nicollet Mall, Minneapolis
Auggie Athletics
Auggie Athletics Update
Auggie Athletics Update (click on link for story/stats):
Monday, December 8:
Women's Basketball -- St. Thomas 52, Augsburg 47
Men's Basketball -- St. Thomas 86, Augsburg 58
Upcoming Events:
Tuesday, December 9:
Wrestling vs. Southwest Minnesota State, Si Melby Hall, 7 p.m.
Wednesday, December 10:
Women's Basketball vs. Gustavus, Si Melby Hall, 7:30 p.m. -- LIVE AUDIO:
Men's Basketball at Gustavus, 7:30 p.m.
Friday, December 12:
Men's Hockey at Wisconsin-Eau Claire, 7 p.m.
Saturday, December 13:
Wrestling at St. Cloud State Open, 9 a.m.
Wrestling (WT) at Wartburg (Iowa) Dick Walker Invitational, 9 a.m.
Men's Basketball vs. Northwestern-Roseville, Si Melby Hall, 3 p.m.
Men's Hockey at Wisconsin-River Falls, 7 p.m.
Custom Snow Removal
My name is Tom Gouras, currently I am an unemployed (WEC) student.
By all predictions this winter, we could accumulate a lot of snow.
If you would like to hire a reliable, able bodied person like myself to do snow removal from your home (hand labor) or to use your snow blower, please contact me at or Cell: 651-208-0899
Willing to serve near Augsburg and east metro St. Paul area .
Thank You,
Tom Gouras