Security and Facilities Announcements
- (No listings)
Teaching and Learning
General Announcements
- Renaissance Festival Discount Tickets
- Got Talent?
- Fall Rochester Registration Info
- New Food Court Is Open
- Augsburg Dining Menu August 22, 2008
- Fall Day Registration Info
- Fall Mpls WEC/United Registration Info
- Fall Graduate Registration Info
- Marketing Position Open in ASAC
- Time to Order Augsburg Cycling Jerseys
Keeping Track of Auggies
Auggie Athletics
Security and Facilities Announcements
No postings
Teaching and Learning
GRE Preparation Courses
URGO will be holding GRE preparation courses the following six consecutive Wednesdays:
September 24
October 1
October 8
October 15
October 22
October 29
Courses will be held in: OGC 113 on the 24, and the rest in OGC 114 from
6 9 p.m. Cost is $50, which includes test prep materials.
Register ONLINE at:
If you have any questions regarding this or any other test prep, email Dixie Shafer at:, or call URGO at: 612-330-1447.
New Faculty and Staff Orientation
Tuesday, August 26 for the combined group, 8:15 in the Marshall Room
Wednesday, August 27 for faculty only, 8:15 in the Johnson Conference Room, OGC
The orientation is designed to introduce you to, or further inform you about, the Augsburg community and work culture, and provide an overview of the College along with an opportunity to learn more about all Augsburg has to offer.
The orientation will conclude with an ice cream social scheduled along with the last Tuesday of the month Community Time gathering hosted by the Presidents Office. All are invited to attend that event.
A link to the agendas can be found on the CTL webpage,
General Announcements
Renaissance Festival Discount Tickets
Its that time again -- HR has discount Renaissance Festival tickets for purchase! Adult tickets are ONLY $15.50 each (normally $19.95) and child tickets (ages 6-12) are $7.50 each (normally $10.95). We are also offering Food Books for only $5 -- each book is a $6 value.
The Renaissance Festival is open on the weekends between August 16 and September 28 from 9 a.m. - 7 p.m., Monday, September 1, and Friday, September 26. The event is open rain or shine, and parking is free.
Stop down in HR today to buy your discounted tickets -- we will be offering them until the end of the Festival. Call us at x1058 with any questions.
Got Talent?
Are you gifted? Do you have some talent to brag about? Know an Augsburg student that youd love to see perform? Augsburg Orientation is hosting a talent/variety show where Augsburg students can show us what theyre made of.
Acts can be up to ten minutes long and can include anything from spoken word, musical performances, dance, or anything that you happen to be great at. The performance will take place on Thursday, September 4 from 7-9 p.m. We will be providing a basic sound system. You are responsible for everything else, but let us know if there is anything additional that you will need as we may have it already.
If you are interested in performing, please email Solveig at by August 28 with your name, contact info, act, time needed, and equipment needs. We will be selecting acts on August 29 and will let you know that evening if you have been selected.
Fall Rochester Registration Info
Rochester students, please note the coming registration and readmission deadlines:
Readmitting to the college:
The last day to readmit to WEC programs (Fall Trimester) is the last business day before the term begins: Wednesday, September 3, 2008.
Initial registration for courses:
The last day for initial registration for WEC program courses (Fall Trimester) is the last business day before the term begins: Wednesday, September 3, 2008.
Students who have already registered for Fall or have readmitted and registered for Fall, can disregard the above.
If you are not registered or readmitted and registered, you must meet the above deadlines in order to attend Fall term.
New Food Court Is Open
Tired of getting your food out of chafing dishes with limited options? Well A'viands is tired of serving you that way. We are excited to begin to give Augsburg what it deserves from its food service with the quality and variety that A'viands can deliver. The new food court will be open for lunch and dinner. Please stop by and tell us what you think. If you have any suggestions, please e-mail me at Thank you and enjoy!
Augsburg Dining Menu August 22, 2008
Chicken Chili
Cream of Potato
Italian Pesto w/ Broccoli & Tomato
Asian Veggie Salad w/ a Ginger Teriyaki Sauce
Veggie Pizza
Sausage Pizza
Pepperoni Pizza
Spaghetti Noodle
Cheese Manicotti
Chicken Parmesan
Veggie Du Jour
Turkey Tetrazzini
Beans & Franks
Baked Potato
(toppings on the side)
Taco Salad
*Menus subject to change due to availability of product
Fall Day Registration Info
Day students, please note the coming registration and readmission deadlines:
Readmitting to the college:
The last day to readmit to the Day program (Fall Semester) is the Friday before the term begins: Friday, August 29, 2008.
Registration for courses:
The last day for initial registration for the Day program (Fall Semester) courses for all students is the Friday before the term begins: Friday, August 29, 2008.
Students who have already registered for Fall or have readmitted and registered for Fall, can disregard the above.
If you are not registered or readmitted and registered, you must meet the above deadlines in order to attend Fall term.
Fall Mpls WEC/United Registration Info
WEC/United students, please note the coming registration and readmission deadlines:
Readmitting to the college:
The last day to readmit to WEC programs (Fall Trimester) is the last business day before the term begins: Thursday, September 4, 2008.
Initial registration for courses:
The last day for initial registration for WEC program courses (Fall Trimester) is the last business day before the term begins: Thursday, September 4, 2008.
Students who have already registered for Fall or have readmitted and registered for Fall, can disregard the above.
If you are not registered or readmitted and registered, you must meet the above deadlines in order to attend Fall term.
Fall Graduate Registration Info
Grad students, please note the coming registration and readmission deadlines:
Readmitting to the college:
The last day to readmit to the Fall Trimester Minneapolis Grad programs is the last day before the term begins: Thursday, September 4, 2008.
The last day to readmit to Fall Trimester Rochester Grad programs is the last business day before the term begins: Wednesday, September 3, 2008.
Registration for courses:
The last day for initial registration to the Fall Trimester Minneapolis Grad programs is the last day before the term begins: Thursday, September 4, 2008.
The last day for initial registration to Fall Trimester Rochester Grad programs is the last business day before the term begins: Wednesday, September 3, 2008.
Students who have already registered for Fall or have readmitted and registered for Fall, can disregard the above.
If you are not registered or readmitted and registered, you must meet the above deadlines in order to attend Fall term.
Marketing Position Open in ASAC
The Augsburg Student Activities Council is looking to fill a student position for a marketing specialist. The time commitment includes weekly meetings all year and various events each month. Responsibilities include public relations, marketing coordination, and group involvement. If you are interested in applying please contact Charles Sletten at
Time to Order Augsburg Cycling Jerseys
Its time to order the Augsburg cycling club jerseys.
We have for sale: full zip jerseys, bib shorts, Jackets, skinsuits.
Please email Morgan Whiterabbit at if you would like to order or want more information.
Keeping Track of Auggies
Comings & Goings
Peter Lack, Chemical Dependency Counselor, is leaving Augsburg on August 22, 2008. We wish Peter the best of luck in the future.
Auggie Athletics
Ultimate Frisbee
If you are interested in playing ultimate frisbee at augsburg, for a sport or for hobby, this is for you. There are two ways to participate in Ultimate at Augsburg:
1) Scrimmages: Scrimmages are often held at least once a week at augsburg for anyone who wants to come and play.
2) Auggie Ultimate competitive league Ultimate: Play competitively against other schools in Minnesota in tournaments throughout the year and in the playoffs season in the spring.
If you are interested in either of these, please email Phil Brown ( and/or the ultimate email (
In the Subject line, type either SCRIMMAGES or TEAM and we will add you to the mailing list.
Free Microwave
The math department has a free microwave. Works well; needs some cleaning. Contact John Zobitz ( for pickup.