Security and Facilities Announcements
- (No listings)
Teaching and Learning
- CTL Summer Research Funds Available
- Friday Seminar, March 7
- Lunch-n-Learn on the Separation of Church and State
- Design Proposal Guidance Session TODAY
- Apply by March 28: Travel Seminar Opportunity
- Fall Day 2008 Registration Information
- Call for Submissions to Zyzzogeton
- Women's Studies Student Conference this Friday
- Dean's Summer Scholarship Grant
- Fulbright Applications -- The Process Begins Now
- Zyzzogeton Poster Workshop Dates Changed
General Announcements
- Looking for Spring Break Plans?
- Augsburg's Day of Silence
- QSU Presents the Queer Talent Show
- Non-Profit Career Fair
- Tickets on Sale for "The Exception and the Rule"
- Christensen Center Task Force Report
- Tara Sweeney and Susan Boecher to Talk TODAY
- Volunteer At the Nobel Peace Prize Festival on 3/6
- Spring WEC Book Orders
- Nobel Peace Prize Festival on Thursday
- Free Ice Skating for All Augsburg Students, March 7
- Campus Ministry Pizza and Games Friday
- Graduation Fair
- Spanish Conversation and Lunch
- Sodexho Dining Menu
- Salsa Dance Competition
- Tonic Sol-fa Concert March 7
- Wanted: Nominations for Employee of the Year
- Homecoming 2008 -- Let the Planning Begin
- American Indian Storytelling Event TONIGHT
- Artist Kelly Connole to Talk About Ceramic Bunnies
- Volunteers Needed for Sustainability Conference
- Neighborhood Sustainability Conference on Saturday
- Spring Elections for Day Student Government
- AFC Presents: How to Get Hired
- March Wednesday Gathering TODAY
Keeping Track of Auggies
- (No listings)
Auggie Athletics
Security and Facilities Announcements
No postings
Teaching and Learning
CTL Summer Research Funds Available
This grant provides support of faculty scholarly activity during the summer months. Scholarship is broadly defined to include disciplinary scholarship, the scholarship of application, interdisciplinary scholarship, and the scholarship of teaching. Examples of previous successful proposals are on file in the Center for Teaching and Learning.
"Scholarship of Teaching" typically goes beyond course development and/or revision and has as its audience other faculty and professionals in the field.
Proposals should show evidence of thorough preparation and meet the following criteria:
Clear statement of realistic goals and objectives
Appropriate and detailed project method/plan for achieving the goals and objectives
Explanation of advance preparation and planning
Clear description of the project's assessment
Detailed timeline and budget
FUNDING: Up to $2,000 is awarded per grant and two to three awards are typically made per year.
Source: Grangaard Faculty Development Fund.
Funding decisions are made by the Faculty Development Committee. All funds must be requested by the end of the fiscal year in which the grant is awarded.
ELIGIBILITY: These grants are for Faculty. Priority is given to full time tenure track faculty. Priority is also given to faculty who have not received this grant in the previous three year period.
APPLICATION: Please use the Research Application form that is available at the CTL web site and attach a curriculum vita. Send the application and vita as an e-mail attachment to
Application Date: March 14 for the summer 2008.
Requirements of the grant include completion of the following:
Professional Development evaluation form and assessment as described in the project application
Sharing the results with the Augsburg Community; for example, presentation of a community discussion, Faculty Scholarship Roundtables, or another venue approved by the FacDev Committee.
Friday Seminar, March 7
" How I Spent My Summer Vacation: Cool Courses from Hot Faculty"
This seminar will feature selected shorts from 2007-08 course design projects. Faculty featured will include Merilee Klemp, Lars Christiansen, Phil Adamo and perhaps more! Get the scoop on courses cooked up by faculty during the first year of the Instructional and Course Design program within CTL.
Refreshments will be served at 3:30 p.m. in Lindell 202. The presentation begins at 4 p.m.
Lunch-n-Learn on the Separation of Church and State
Minneapolis Room, Tuesday, March 25, noon - 1:15 p.m.
Buffet lunch of soup and salad
This event is open to all students/staff/faculty
Pastor Don Portwood of Lyndale United Church of Christ will be speaking on the separation of church and state. Lyndale UCC performs union ceremonies for GLBT and heterosexual couples. The church pastors do not perform the legal aspect of a marriage ceremony in the church, which can be performed by a Justice of the Peace within the county legal system. A discussion will follow Pastor Portwood's speaking engagement.
This event is sponsored by Omicron Delta Social Work Honor Society, The Social Justice Committee of Omicron Delta, and QSU.
Design Proposal Guidance Session TODAY
The Instructional and Course Design initiative in the Center for Teaching and Learning offers its last Design Proposal Guidance Sessions to help you prepare your I&CD summer proposal, all held in Lindell 202:
Wednesday, March 5, 3:45-4:30 p.m.
All faculty who are considering submitting a proposal should attend at least one session or arrange to meet with Stu Anderson (x1012, prior to preparing a design proposal.
Apply by March 28: Travel Seminar Opportunity
Curious about the study abroad programming available to students in Guatemala? Never had a chance to study abroad before? Need to complete your Augsburg Experience? Well you are in luck!
Apply now to attend the Hoversten Travel Seminar to Guatemala July 26 - Aug. 4, 2008. Learn about Peace & Reconciliation After Conflict: A Guatemalan Perspective while you experience Guatemala and its people in a unique Augsburg learning community. And students will receive their Augsburg Experience requirement! Ten Augsburg faculty, staff, and students will be chosen to receive a scholarship to attend from the Hoversten Peace Endowment. Preference will be given to applicants who have not had extensive international travel experience and/or not had opportunities to visit Guatemala.
Applications are available on the Augsburg Abroad web site at . Completed applications are due March 28, 2008 to the Office of International Programs in Murphy Place (CB# 307). Selections will be made by the CTL and representatives from the Office of International Programs by April 15.
The cost of the Travel Seminar, including roundtrip airfare, will be $625 for students and $825 for staff/faculty. Please consider joining us!
Fall Day 2008 Registration Information
- Registration for Fall Day Semester 2008-09 and both 2008 Summer Sessions opens on April 7. All advising information is available for viewing on the Registrar web page at:
- You can access the course listings for Fall Day and Summer Sessions in two ways, either through AugNet Records and Registration (which is the accurate, up to date listing) or through the pdf files on the Registrars web page (click on Class Listings by Term).
- The order of registration will be class rank, i.e., seniors first, then juniors, etc. Each class will open two school days after the last and remain open through the end of web registration.
- ACTC registration is from April 21 through May 2. Students must be FULL TIME Day students and are limited to one (1) ACTC course per semester unless you have an ACTC major and have an ACTC major form on file with the Registrar Office. Exceptions must be petitioned through the Student Standing Committee. You must plan ahead to allow sufficient time for your petition to be reviewed by the Committee which meets every 2 weeks during the term.
- Web registration will be begin at 5 p.m. the first day of each new class and will be limited to that class. For example, when the Sophomores begin, it will open at 5 p.m. on Friday, April 11. That night, only Sophomores will have registration capability. Note, students with transfer/pre-requisite issues will be allowed to register only for those classes from Noon through 4:30 p.m. on the first day of registration for their class.
- Students with a hold and/or a balance on their account will not be allowed to register until their balance is paid in full. Please remind your advisees to check the status of their account before registration begins.
- Day students must have completed their initial registration for Fall semester by Friday, Aug. 29 (registered for at least one [1] course).
Call for Submissions to Zyzzogeton
URGO is seeking student submissions for this year's Zyzzogeton presentations. Student submissions may be more than just a poster presentation, as has been the case in years past. Now, you can present a research paper, a poster, an oral/visual presentation, a performance, or other kind of project that summarizes the research work that you have done.
To submit your project, go to the ZYZZOGETON web site at, and fill out the electronic form about your personal information, type of presentation, audio/visual needs for your presentation, etc. Also, don't forget to sign up for a poster-making instructional session, which is located at the bottom of the registration form.
If you have any questions, contact Dixie Shafer at
Women's Studies Student Conference this Friday
Please join us at the second annual ACTC Womens Studies Student Conference on Friday, March 7. Several Augsburg students will join their peers from ACTC campuses to present their research and activist work.
This free conference runs from 3:30 - 8 p.m., and it is not necessary to register in advance:
3:30 - 4 p.m., Welcome and refreshments (Minneapolis Room)
4 - 5 p.m., Presentations (Augsburg and Riverside Rooms); Visual Arts Session (ongoing Minneapolis Room)
5 - 5:15 p.m., Break and refreshments (Minneapolis Room)
5:15 - 6:15 p.m., Presentations (Augsburg and Riverside Rooms); Visual Arts Session (ongoing Minneapolis Room)
6:30 - 7:30 p.m., Dinner (FREE Minneapolis Room)
7 - 7:30 p.m., Panel: "What Can I Do With A Womens Studies Major?" (Minneapolis Room)
7:30 - 8 p.m., Drawings for Door Prizes and iPods (Minneapolis Room)
We hope to see you there! Please contact with questions.
Dean's Summer Scholarship Grant
Summer 2008
Augsburg values faculty research and creative projects and thus is making available this opportunity to support faculty work. The purpose of the Deans Summer Scholarship Grant is to support well-defined faculty scholarship projects that are nearing completion. The expectation is that receipt of the grant will make it possible for a faculty member to accelerate completion of a significant project by providing this substantial opportunity.
Description and Eligibility
Two $4,000 Deans Summer Scholarship Grants will be awarded for summer 2008. One grant will be awarded to a faculty member who received tenure prior to the 2007-2008 academic year. One grant will be awarded to a tenure-track faculty member who successfully passed Third-Year Review prior to the 2007-2008 academic year.
Faculty members who receive a Deans Summer Scholarship Grant are not eligible to teach more than one course total in Summer Session.
Application Process
Please submit a one-to-two-page description of the project, including a summary of work already accomplished and a clear timetable and plan for completion. Explain how receipt of the Deans Summer Scholarship Grant will accelerate project completion. You are asked to attach a curriculum vitae and any directly relevant supporting materials. This information will help the Faculty Development Committee know the applicant and review the history of scholarly activity. Grant recipients submit a progress report in fall 2008 and a short final report by Feb. 1, 2009.
Submit applications as e-mail attachments no later than 5 p.m. on March 14, 2008 to Applications are evaluated by the Faculty Development Committee, recommendations are forwarded to the Dean, and the awards are announced in early April.
Fulbright Applications -- The Process Begins Now
Though next year's Fulbright applications are not due until October, if you are interested in applying, you should begin thinking about your application NOW!
Fulbright grants are made to students and other citizens for a variety of educational activities, primarily university lecturing, advanced research, graduate study and teaching in elementary and secondary schools. The Fulbright Scholar Program sends hundreds of grantees abroad each year to lecture and conduct research in a wide variety of academic and professional fields. Through the program, you can be a teaching assistant, conduct overseas research, or many other enriching possibilities.
There is a great deal of thought and work that goes into these applications, so you should begin looking into the application process now. For more information, you can visit the Fulbright web site at:
Or you can visit Augsburg's scholarship information page at:
and click the Fulbright link.
If you have any questions about the Fulbright scholarship, or any other scholarships or fellowships, contact Dixie Shafer at
Zyzzogeton Poster Workshop Dates Changed
The original dates that had been scheduled for the Zyzzogeton poster making workshops have been changed. Two of the dates have already passed, but these are the remaining dates that are still scheduled:
Monday, March 10 from 3:30 - 5:30 p.m.
Thursday, March 27 from Noon - 1:15 p.m.
Make sure to sign up for one of these workshops when you register your submission online at the Zyzzogeton web site at
If you have any questions, contact Dixie Shafer at
General Announcements
Looking for Spring Break Plans?
Then JOIN US in exploring Minneapolis!! Multiple events from Saturday-Thursday, and all are FREE!
Minneapolis Spring Break: Go Away Here!
March 15 - 20
All Events are FREE!
CSWL and Campus Ministry invite you to engage the community right here in this area. This year, we will be particularly focusing on getting to know our neighborhoods!
There will be a service event or a chance to learn more about neighbors in the morning, free lunch at a different local restaurant each day, tutoring and other opportunities in the afternoon, and then a local cultural event each night.
Questions or Interest???
Contact Mary: or Joanna:
Schedule of Events:
11:30 a.m.-2:30 p.m. La Conexion Kitchen Connection!
7:15-10 p.m. Bedlam Theatre: Iron Mermaiden!
noon-1:30 p.m. Brunch at Seward Café
2-4 p.m. Mill City Museum
5:30-8:30 p.m. Campus Kitchens
9:30-11:30 a.m. Waite House
noon-1:30 p.m. Maria's Cafe
3 -5:30 p.m. Safe Place Tutoring
5:30-8 p.m. St. Paul's Kids Club on campus
10:30 a.m.-noon Mosque visit
noon-1:30 p.m. Chai Thai Restaurant
3-5:30 p.m. Safe Place tutoring
6:15-9:30 p.m. Movie at Riverview Theatre
10:30 a.m.-noon Northern Clay and Seward Coop,
12:00-1:30 p.m. Raj Mahal Indian Restaurant
3-5:30 p.m. Safe Place Tutoring
7:30-10 p.m. Eagle's Club (underage Club featuring R & B music and dancing)
9-11 a.m. St. Stevens and the Electric Fetus
11 a.m.-1 p.m. Peace House!
3-5 p.m. individual meal deliveries!
Augsburg's Day of Silence
Every year QSU invites the Augsburg Community to participate in the National Day of Silence, a movement practiced throughout middle schools, high schools, and colleges in America. The purpose of the Day of Silence is to bring attention to the silence and prejudices the LGBTQIA community face daily.
Because the National Day of Silence falls on the last day of school this year, Augsburg is hosting their own Day of Silence on March 6th. If you are interested in participating, stop by the QSU table this week to sign up. Or you can email us at
Table times:
Wednesday, March 5, 1 - 3 p.m.
Thursday, March 6th 11 a.m. - 1 p.m.
Please send emails by 8 p.m. Wednesday night with your name and campus box.
What will you do to end the silence?
QSU Presents the Queer Talent Show
Join QSU on Thursday, March 6 at 7 p.m. in the Coffee Shop for the Queer Talent Show! Come see performers honor and highlight queer artists and choose your favorite! Prizes will be given away to the top two performers AND the audience members! So take a homework break and come hang out with artists of all kinds!
See you there!
Non-Profit Career Fair
All are welcome to attend the free Non-Profit Career Fair on Monday, March 31 from 11 a.m. - 4 p.m. at the U of M, Coffman Memorial Union. The fair itself is an opportunity for job seekers to distribute resumes and speak with nonprofit recruiters about current and future employment, internships, and volunteer opportunities. In addition, there will be free information sessions offering nonprofit career advice to all job seekers. Check out for more information. Co-hosted by MN Private College Career Consortium and the MN College and University Career Service Association.
Tickets on Sale for "The Exception and the Rule"
Tickets are now on sale for the Augsburg Theatre Departments production of The Exception and the Rule, directed by Warren C. Bowles. The show will perform March 11, 12, 13, and 14 at 7 p.m.
Tickets are priced at
$5 for General Public
$4 for ACTC faculty and staff
$2 for Augsburg students and children under 12
(Augsburg students need to bring their student ID.)
To make a reservation, please call 612-330-1257.
Christensen Center Task Force Report
The Christensen Center Task Force continue its work on renovating Christensen Center to better meet the needs of the campus community for a student center.
The former bookstore space is slowly being converted to lounge space with pool tables and a ping pong table. Furniture will arrive the week of March 17-20, and we'll have two TVs in the space as well. Eventually, we'll be able to provide games via an Xbox or Playstation.
Watch for news of our grand opening March 24-29.
The Task Force is looking at two options for the coming year.
1.Converting the Marshall room to the 24-hour computer lab
2.Seeing what changes/progress we can make in the food areas, along with the Food Committee and the RFP Work Group.
For more details of our work, or a look at the long-term vision for the building, visit our web site at
Task Force members are Michele Roulet, Ann Garvey, David Draus, Ricky Oudekerk, Cassandra Roschen, Kevin Myren, Will O'Berry and John Pack.
Tara Sweeney and Susan Boecher to Talk TODAY
Learn more about the faculty artwork that is currently on view in the Gage Family Art Gallery, first floor of the Oren Gateway Center. Tara Sweeney will discuss her paintings and drawing, and Susan Boecher will talk about her black and white photographs.
"Midweek ArtSpeak"
12:15-1:15 Gage Family Art Gallery
All are welcome; refreshments will be served.
Volunteer At the Nobel Peace Prize Festival on March 6
Volunteers are needed for the Nobel Peace Prize Festival on March 6 from 8 a.m. - 3 p.m. Hours are flexible and can possibly be used to meet a service learning component for your class. The Nobel Peace Prize Festival is an event where students from around the metro area honor a Nobel Laureate and your help would be greatly appreciated.
Please contact Debra at
Spring WEC Book Orders
All Spring WEC Book orders are now due to the bookstore. Please e-mail Laura at
Nobel Peace Prize Festival on Thursday
Young People Celebrating the Nobel Peace Prize
The annual Nobel Peace Prize Festival is taking place this Thursday, March 6 in Si Melby. The Festival opens to the public at 11 a.m., with the opening stage program beginning at 11:15 a.m. Come see students from around the metro area celebrate Dr. Yunus and other Nobel Laureates through musical performances and displays.
If you have any questions or would like to volunteer at the Festival, please contact Debra at
Free Ice Skating for All Augsburg Students, March 17
Free skate rental, admission, and light-rail tokens for first 50 students!!!
Students can go separately to the Depot if they want on FRIDAY, MARCH 7 from 4:30-11 p.m. Otherwise, Community Advisors will be leaving every half-hour from the U/M lobby starting at 4 p.m. until 7:30 p.m.
Skate time is 4:30 -11 p.m. You can stay as long as you like until the rink is closed.
Only Augsburg students with their IDs will get the free rentals and admissions.
Non-Augsburg students will have to pay $12 at The Depot.
Campus Ministry Pizza and Games Friday
Looking for laid-back Friday Night Plans? Join Campus Ministry for games and pizza -- food, fellowship, catch phrase, charades, sardines or other games -- a fun Friday Night. March 7, 7 - 9 p.m. Meet at the Campus Ministry Office. Questions? Contact
Graduation Fair
On March 14 - 15, the bookstore will be hosting a grad fair from 11 a.m. - 1 p.m. Cap & Gowns will be available to purchase beginning March 14. Diploma frames are 20% off that weekend. This is a perfect time to look at class rings and order announcements as well. The cost of cap & gowns are as follows: undergraduate, $32 plus tax; graduate, $36 plus tax; hoods, $32 plus tax. Please e-mail questions to
Spanish Conversation and Lunch
You are invited to attend a Spanish conversation group that will meet this Thursday from 11 a.m. until 12:30 p.m. in the Riverside room, on the 2nd floor of the Christensen Center. Drop in for 10 mins. or for the whole 90 mins. -- whatever works for you! Whether you're fluent in Spanish or just starting a beginning class, this will be a good practice experience. Bring your lunch if you want. We look forward to seeing you there! Questions? Contact Emiliano Chagil, Anita Fisher or Kate Reinhardt.
Sodexho Dining Menu
March 5, 2008
Veggie Burgers
French Fries
Mushu Chicken
Veggie Mushu
Grilled Salmon
Baby Potatoes
Pasta Puttanesca with Chicken
Deli Bar
Pizza Bar
Soup of the Day - Smoked Chicken Gumbo and Spicy Black Bean
Chicken Bacon
Marinara Sauce
Chicken Fajitas
Veggie Fajitas
Spanish Rice
Refried Beans
Deli Bar
Pizza Bar
Soup of the Day - Smoked Chicken Gumbo and Spicy Black Bean
Menu Subject to Change Depending Upon Availability of Item(s).
Salsa Dance Competition
Sodexho will be sponsoring a Salsa Dance Competition. If you are interested in competing, judging the contest, or just being part of the contagious Latin Fever of The Salsa Dance, contact Michael Pound at
Tonic Sol-fa Concert March 7
Looking for something to do Friday night?
Tonic Sol-fa Concert on Friday, March 7
at Osseo High School Auditorium
Showtime: 7:30 p.m.
Ticket Information:
Reserved Seating $20 (plus minimal handling fee)
Available at
Great seats still available in this intimate 800-seat venue.
Osseo High School is located just off Hwy 169 and CR 81
317 2nd Ave NW
Osseo, MN 55369
Have a great day and remember to "Be Vocal"
Lori York
Official Tonic Sol-fa Street Team
Wanted: Nominations for Employee of the Year
The deadline is fast approaching for submitting your nominations for Staff Employee of the Year. All nominations are due by 4 p.m. on Friday, March 14.* Recipients will be announced during the Staff Recognition and Length of Service Awards Event on Thursday, April 3 at 3 p.m. in the Oren Gateway Atrium
The nomination form can be found in the Staff Senate PUBLIC folder, Employee of the Year file. To make sure we have a broad selection of candidates to consider, each divisions Vice President will be asked to nominate three staff members from their division and supply supporting documentation.
Please return the nomination form and all letters of recommendation to Lisa Roe, Staff Senate, Campus Box #65.
Thank you for your participation.
Staff Senate
* Please note: Current Staff Senate members are not eligible to receive this award.
Homecoming 2008 -- Let the Planning Begin
If your department will be hosting an event during Homecoming Week 2008 -- Sept. 22-27 -- then wed like to hear about it here in Alumni Relations. We can help to publicize the event by including it in the Homecoming brochure which is mailed to ALL OF OUR ALUMNI. Perhaps your department is celebrating an anniversary or some significant milestone. If you want to reach your alumni, then the Homecoming brochure and the information we post on the Alumni webpage will help you do just that. Give me a call today (x1085) or send me an e-mail ( with some brief notes about the event. Ill be in touch with you at a later date for all of the details, but register the event with Alumni Relations NOW. Thank you.
American Indian Storytelling Event TONIGHT!
Wednesday, March 5, 6 - 9 p.m.
East Commons, Augsburg College
Food and Beverages Provided
Special Guests:
Juanita Espinosa, Curator for Two Rivers Gallery
Dennis Jones and 2nd Year Ojibwe Language Students
Mark Erickson, Anishinabe Storyteller
Newio-Gee-Shig Drum and Dance Group
Hosted by: Augsburg AIS 322 Students
Sponsored by: Augsburg Indigenous Student Association,
American Indian Studies, American Indian Student Services, Global Education and Weekend College
Artist Kelly Connole to Talk About Ceramic Bunnies
Want to know what's up with the rabbits currently inhabiting the Christensen Center Art Gallery? Kelly Connole will be discussing her work and her current installation "Where the Sky Meets the Earth" in the Marshall Room this Friday, March 7 at 1:30 p.m.
All are welcome; refreshments will be served.
Volunteers Needed for Sustainability Conference
We need 20 volunteers to help with the Neighborhood Sustainability Conference next Saturday. Please go to: and go to the Neighborhood Sustainability Conference link, then click on the Volunteer link. We need volunteers to direct parking, do registration, assist with break-out room setups, assist with compost project education, direct people around campus to breakout groups and more. If you have questions before registering to volunteer contact Lyn Egolf at: 612-331-1099 Ext. 2 or e-mail at:
Neighborhood Sustainability Conference on Saturday
Neighborhood Sustainability Conference:
Connecting City & Citizen efforts for Sustainable Communities,
Preparing your Community for Climate and Energy Change
Saturday, March 8, 8:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.,
Augsburg College, Minneapolis, MN
Register for the free conference at
The free conference is designed for volunteer leaders from block clubs, neighborhoods, business associations, schools, congregations, garden clubs and lake associations to plan projects they want to carry out in the spring and summer to help reduce global warming and adapt to climate change.
Topic tracks will include- energy, water quality, community gardening, urban forestry, walking/biking & transit use, local & sustainable food, waste reduction, clean air and developing a community-wide sustainability plan. Volunteer teams will also be able to track their projects and share ideas with other groups working on similar projects through the conference web site.
Volunteer teams are encouraged to bring at least three members.
Resource organizations are also invited to exhibit at the event.
For more information on how you can participate in the conference call or email the Alliance for Sustainability 612-331-1099 x 1 .
Please pre-register for this free conference online at
Spring Elections for Day Student Government
Greetings Day Students,
Spring elections for Day student government are Sunday, March 9 through Wednesday, March 12.
A petition was submitted to Day Student Government to place on the Spring Elections ballot a referendum for wind energy. Day Senate voted to approve the referendum. Day Senate asks the Day students to vote on the referendum that reads:
The Day Student Body imposes a non-refundable permanent fee of $14.75 per semester to purchase wind energy.
If the referendum passes, the fee will appear on your tuition as a separate fee, similar to the newspaper readership fee. If the referendum does not pass, no fee will be assessed.
Elect your representatives for the 2008-2009 academic year and vote on the Wind Energy Referendum by clicking the elections icon on Inside Augsburg.
For any questions, e-mail Ricky Oudekerk, Day Student Body President, at:
Day Student Government
AFC Presents: How to Get Hired
The Accounting and Finance Club Presents:
The purpose of the evening is to:
Inform students of the various careers available to them and
help them prepare for their job search.
The representatives will be talking about what their company looks for
in job candidates, how they hire, jobs available to recent graduates and
what students can do now to become better job candidates.
MARCH 6, 2008
6-8 P.M.
**CSWL will also be around to answer
questions about interviews, resumes and
how to prepare for your job-search!
March Wednesday Gathering TODAY
The first Wednesday of the month gatherings support our commitment to building community and practicing common work. They are an opportunity to get to know one another, exchange ideas, and collaborate in new ways.
The March 5 lunch will be served in the East Commons of the Christensen Center from 11 a.m. - 1:30 p.m. The security and custodial night shift employees are also invited to the Wednesday Evening Gathering at 8 p.m. in the Minneapolis Room.
We hope you will invite your colleagues and plan to join us!
Keeping Track of Auggies
No postings
Auggie Athletics
Auggie Athletics Update
Auggie Athletics Update (click on link for story/stats):
Tuesday, March 4:
Softball -- Wisconsin-Stout 7-9, Augsburg 4-5 (1st game 8 inn.)
Baseball -- Wisconsin-La Crosse 8-2, Augsburg 4-1
Upcoming Events:
Friday, March 7:
Wrestling at NCAA Div. III National Championships at U.S. Cellular Center, Cedar Rapids, Iowa, 10 a.m.
Softball hosting Auggie Dome Tourney, Edor Nelson Field -- Augsburg vs. Wisconsin-Stevens Point, 12 p.m.; Concordia-Moorhead vs. Wisconsin-River Falls, 4 p.m.
M/W Track and Field at MIAC Indoor Championships at St. John's, 5 p.m.
Baseball vs. Wisconsin-Whitewater, HHH Metrodome, 10 p.m.
Saturday, March 8:
Softball hosting Auggie Dome Tourney, Edor Nelson Field -- Wisconsin-Stevens Point vs. Concordia-Moorhead, 8 a.m.; Augsburg vs. Wisconsin-River Falls, 12 p.m.
Wrestling at NCAA Div. III National Championships at U.S. Cellular Center, Cedar Rapids, Iowa, 10 a.m.
M/W Track and Field at MIAC Indoor Championships at St. John's, 11 a.m.
Wednesday, March 12:
Softball vs. Waldorf (Iowa), Rosemount Irish Sports Dome, 10 a.m.
Cheap Paintball
I have extra paintball tickets for Paintball USA in Anoka. If you didn't get a chance to buy any yesterday in CC or didn't know you could, then let me know! I have anywhere from 1-40 tickets for sale at $5 each. This includes all day access to the park, gun and safety goggle rental! E-mail if you are interested!