Security and Facilities Announcements
Teaching and Learning
- Inter-Religious Dialog Next Week
- Convocation Schedule for Classes: Friday, Feb. 29
- Convocation: Friday, Feb. 29 at 10 a.m. in Foss
- Dean's Summer Scholarship Grant
- Attend Open Sessions -- Signature Academic Building
- CTL Summer Research Funds Available
- Instructional and Course Design Opportunity
- Final Summer Research Deadline
General Announcements
- Student Feminist Gathering
- Day Student Senate 2008-2009 Elections
- Thank You
- WRC Potluck Lunch TOMORROW: Media and Body Image
- Last Chance for Grief Support Group
- Sodexho Dining Menu
- MBA Open House
- President's Weekly Update
- RAD Self-Defense for Women
- American Indian Storytelling Event
- SOAR 2008
- Spring is Coming
- "dollar/sense" SHARE Tonight
- Mileage Reimbursement/Rochester Flat Rate Change
- Artist Reception for Kelly Connole this Friday
- Community Time TODAY
- Ari Herstand to Perform
- Interested in Student Programming?
Keeping Track of Auggies
- (No listings)
Auggie Athletics
- (No listings)
Security and Facilities Announcements
Security Reminder: Theft from Motor Vehicle
In the early spring, when the weather first improves, we often see an increase in thefts from motor vehicles parked on or near campus. These thefts almost always involve someone breaking a window to take items that are plainly visible inside the car. One such theft has been reported this morning.
I strongly encourage you not to leave ANYTHING visible inside your car. You may know that the bag on your passenger seat contains nothing of value, but a thief does not. I recommend that you remove the bag and the temptation. When you park, take items with you or, better yet, leave them at home. If you must move items to your trunk, try to do so before you park your vehicle.
Please report any suspicious activity to the Minneapolis Police or Augsburgs Department of Public Safety (x1717) immediately. As always, please feel free to contact me directly with questions regarding public safety at Augsburg. My e-mail address is and my direct phone is 612-330-1644.
Teaching and Learning
Inter-Religious Dialog Next Week
Creation: The Common Story
March 3-4, 2008
Join us as we host panelists in an inter-religious dialog on Creation: The Common Story.
The Inter-Religious Dialog is sponsored by Exploring Our Gifts: The Lilly Grant at Augsburg College.
Hoversten Chapel
Foss Center
Augsburg College
Lectures and worship are free and open to the public.
Monday, March 3, 2008
5: - 5:30 p.m. Opening Reception
5:30 - 6:45 p.m. Dinner
7 - 8 p.m. Dr. Mark Throntviet, Professor of Old Testament, Luther Seminary
Tuesday, March 4, 2008
10:00-11:00 Rabbi Lynn Liberman, Beth Jacob Congregation in Mendota Heights
11:20-11:40 Chapel
12:00-1:00 Lunch
1:30-2:30 Dr. Hatem al-Haj, Islamic Scholar and Pediatrician
2:30-3:00 Closing Reception
For RSVP's to the dinner or lunch, please contact Ross Murray at or 612-330-1151. Also contact Ross Murray with any questions.
Convocation Schedule for Classes: Friday, Feb 29
Friday, Feb. 29
Batalden Convocation by Robin Lovin
Class Schedule:
1st Period 8 - 8:50 a.m.
2nd Period 9 - 9:50 a.m.
Convocation 10-11 a.m.
3rd Period 11:10 a.m. - noon
Remaining classes follow regular schedule
A note from Wayne Kallestad, Registrar: The entire year schedule and class time adjustments are viewable anytime through the Registrar web page at Click "Faculty Information," then click on "Convocation Schedule 2007-08."
Convocation: Friday, Feb. 29 at 10 a.m. in Foss
GLOBAL ORDER & GLOBAL WARMING: Thinking with Reinhold Niebuhr about Politics
Batalden Convocation/Symposium in Applied Ethics: Thursday, Friday, Saturday
Feb. 28 - March 1 in the Foss Center
Thursday, 7:30 p.m. "CREATING GLOBAL ORDER: A Niebuhrian View of New Realities "
The landscape of global politics changed dramatically in 2001, but the desire for faith, freedom, and security has a long history. How can we achieve those enduring human goals in the world we have now?
Friday, 10 a.m. "GLOBAL ORDER & GLOBAL WARMING: Thinking with Niebuhr about Politics"
Reinhold Niebuhr lived in a time when the big problem was the balance of power between nations, but he understood the realities of politics in ways that are relevant to new problems like global warming, too.
Saturday at noon "FAITH & POLITICS: A Niebuhrian Perspective" (Minneapolis Room)
Much has been said about the place of religion in contemporary politics, but to sort out those issues, we have to ask first about the place of politics in a life of faith.
Cary Maguire University Professor of Ethics, Southern Methodist University
"Robin Lovin, one of the premier scholars on Reinhold Niebuhr, has written a basic primer [2007] on Niebuhrs life and thought that is unmatched by the many works on this pioneer of Christian Realism. And, it comes at a time when a recovery of key motifs from Niebuhr are demanded by our social and political context. This volume should have an honored place on the scholars shelf and on the novices reading list."
Ph.D., Harvard University, 1978; B.D., Harvard University, 1971; B.A., Northwestern University, 1968
Reinhold Niebuhr and Christian Realism (Cambridge, 1994), Christian Ethics: An Essential Guide (Abingdon, 2000), Reinhold Niebuhr (Abingdon Pillars of Theology) (Abingdon, 2007)
Dean's Summer Scholarship Grant
Summer 2008
Augsburg values faculty research and creative projects and thus is making available this opportunity to support faculty work. The purpose of the Deans Summer Scholarship Grant is to support well-defined faculty scholarship projects that are nearing completion. The expectation is that receipt of the grant will make it possible for a faculty member to accelerate completion of a significant project by providing this substantial opportunity.
Description and Eligibility
Two $4,000 Deans Summer Scholarship Grants will be awarded for summer 2008. One grant will be awarded to a faculty member who received tenure prior to the 2007-2008 academic year. One grant will be awarded to a tenure-track faculty member who successfully passed Third-Year Review prior to the 2007-2008 academic year.
Faculty members who receive a Deans Summer Scholarship Grant are not eligible to teach more than one course total in Summer Session.
Application Process
Please submit a 1-to-2-page description of the project, including a summary of work already accomplished and a clear timetable and plan for completion. Explain how receipt of the Deans Summer Scholarship Grant will accelerate project completion. You are asked to attach a curriculum vitae and any directly relevant supporting materials. This information will help the Faculty Development Committee know the applicant and review the history of scholarly activity. Grant recipients submit a progress report in fall 2008 and a short final report by Feb. 1, 2009.
Submit applications as e-mail attachments no later than 5 p.m. on March 14 to Applications are evaluated by the Faculty Development Committee, recommendations are forwarded to the Dean, and the awards are announced in early April.
Attend Open Sessions -- Signature Academic Building
Many thanks to everyone who attended last Friday's brown-bag lunch that featured a discussion about the signature academic building. Architects from Holabird & Root and the Project Management Team appreciated your feedback on the building design concepts. Barbara Farley will host two additional feedback sessions this week: Feb. 26 brown-bag lunch from noon - 1 p.m. in the Oren Gateway Johnson Conference Center, and Feb. 27 coffee break from 2 - 3 p.m. in the Marshall Room. We will present a comprehensive proposal to the Board of Regents on May 2, and we need your best ideas to make this a great building in the heart of campus.
CTL Summer Research Funds Available
This grant provides support of faculty scholarly activity during the summer months. Scholarship is broadly defined to include disciplinary scholarship, the scholarship of application, interdisciplinary scholarship, and the scholarship of teaching. Examples of previous successful proposals are on file in the Center for Teaching and Learning.
"Scholarship of Teaching" typically goes beyond course development and/or revision and has as its audience other faculty and professionals in the field.
Proposals should show evidence of thorough preparation and meet the following criteria:
Clear statement of realistic goals and objectives
Appropriate and detailed project method/plan for achieving the goals and objectives
Explanation of advance preparation and planning
Clear description of the project's assessment
Detailed timeline and budget
FUNDING: Up to $2,000 is awarded per grant, and two to three awards are typically made per year.
Source: Grangaard Faculty Development Fund.
Funding decisions are made by the Faculty Development Committee. All funds must be requested by the end of the fiscal year in which the grant is awarded.
ELIGIBILITY: These grants are for Faculty. Priority is given to full time tenure track faculty. Priority is also given to faculty who have not received this grant in the previous three year period.
APPLICATION: Please use the Research Application form that is available at the CTL web site and attach a curriculum vita. Send the application and vita as an e-mail attachment to
Application Date: March 14 for the summer 2008.
Requirements of the grant include completion of the following:
Professional Development evaluation form and assessment as described in the project application
Sharing the results with the Augsburg Community; for example, presentation of a community discussion, Faculty Scholarship Roundtables, or another venue approved by the FacDev Committee.
Instructional and Course Design Opportunity
Design Proposal Guidance Sessions
The Instructional and Course Design initiative in the Center for Teaching and Learning offers four Design Proposal Guidance Sessions to help you prepare your I&CD summer proposal, all held in Lindell 202:
Tuesday, Feb. 26, 10 - 10:45 a.m.
Wednesday, Feb. 27, 3:45 - 4:30 p.m.
Tuesday, March 4, 10 - 10:45 a.m.
Wednesday, March 5, 3:45 - 4:30 p.m.
All faculty who are considering submitting a proposal should attend at least one session or arrange to meet with Stu Anderson (x1012, prior to preparing a design proposal.
Final Summer Research Deadline
As stated in previous A-Mails and flyers around campus:
Filled out and signed applications can be turned in to the URGO office at SCI 116B no later than 4:30 p.m. on FRIDAY, FEB. 29.
If you have any further questions, contact Dixie Shafer at , or visit the URGO web site at
General Announcements
Student Feminist Gathering
Speak your truth! Let your voice be heard!
We would like to invite you to join us at the Augsburg Student Feminist meeting this Tuesday, Feb. 26 at 6:45 p.m. in the Women's Resource Center (SVE 207). If you are interested in connecting and discussing issues that are important to you, we would love if you could join us for great conversation and wonderful food. Even if you don't identify as a feminist, we would love for you to come and speak your truth because your voice is valued no matter how you define yourself!
Again, the meeting is the Tuesday, Feb. 26 at 6:45 p.m. in the Women's Resource Center (Second floor of Sverdrup).
If you have questions please don't hesitate to contact Elizabeth Hanson at
Day Student Senate 2008-2009 Elections
Day Student Senate Ballot Petitions are now available for Senate, Presidential and Vice-Presidential positions for the 2008-2009 academic year. Four Senate seats will be available per class (ex. Sophomores), as well as one seat for the President and Vice-President of the Day Student Government. Students must collect 30 signatures from members of the same class status(Pres/VP candidates are exempt from keeping same class status), and submit the petition to the Student Senate Office by 5 p.m. on Feb. 27 in-order to appear on the Voting Ballot. Petitions are available at the Christensen Center Welcome Desk, outside of the Student Senate Office and in the kiosk next to the Oren Gateway Welcome Desk. There two different form so be sure to pick up the correct ballot.
Please feel free to e-mail Ricky Oudekerk (Day Student President) with any questions:
Thank You
Augsburg Asian Student Association and Pan-Asian Student Services would like to thank everyone: faculty, staff, and students, who supported our rose fund-raising event during Valentine's Day! Our success would not be possible without all your support.
The money we made will help us attend the Hmong National Development Conference in Denver, CO, from March 26-30. Again, thank you all for your support!!
WRC Potluck Lunch TOMORROW: Media and Body Image
This weeks lunch focuses on the issue of the media and body image. Join us in the Womens Resource Center (207 Sverdrup) on Wednesday, Feb. 27 from 12:30 - 1:30 p.m. for video clips and discussion with Jessica Nathanson of the WRC and Beth Carlson of CCHP. This event is part of Making Peace with Your Body: National Eating Disorders Awareness Week. Please feel free to come late or leave early; this is a relaxed, social lunch. All members of the Augsburg Community are welcome.
Last Chance for Grief Support Group
Please call Counseling & Health Promotion (330-1707) with questions, or e-mail a counselor: Jon Vaughan-Fier ( or A Yang ( The support group is still open!
Sodexho Dining Menu
Feb. 26, 2008
Beef Burrito
Cheese Burrito
Mexican Rice
Steamed Vegetables
BLT Wrap
Steamed Rice
Chicken Chow Mein
Veggie Chow Mein
Soup of the Day - Tomato with Italian Sausage & Potatoes and Vegan Red Beans with Rice
Deli Bar
Pizza Bar
Chicken Nuggets
French Fries
Steamed Vegetables
Stuffed Pepper
Taco Bar
Spanish Rice
Refried Beans
Soup of the Day-Tomato with Italian Sausage & Potatoes and Vegan Red Beans with Rice
Menu Subject to Change Depending Upon Availability of Item(s).
MBA Open House
Master of Business Administration (MBA) Open House
The MBA program is hosting an open house for Augsburg College students on Saturday, March 1 from 11 a.m. - 1 p.m. Please join us to learn more about the Master of Business Administration (MBA) program at Augsburg and how you can complete an MBA in less than 24 months.
This event will feature a sample MBA class taught by faculty member Marc McIntosh on the Global Environment for Business. The sample class will start at 12:15 p.m. and last about 20-30 minutes.
RSVP to Nathan Gorr at 612-330-1390 or If you are unable to attend the open house, but you would like to receive information about the program please contact Nathan at the information above. You can also explore the Augsburg MBA on the web at
President's Weekly Update
The President's Weekly Update has been posted at:
RAD Self-Defense for Women
The Rape Aggression Defense System is a program of realistic self-defense tactics and techniques for women. The RAD System is a comprehensive, women-only course that begins with awareness, prevention, risk reduction and risk avoidance, while progressing on to the basics of hands-on defense training. RAD is not a martial arts program.
Saturday, March 15 from 2 - 6 p.m. in Melby gym
Saturday, March 22 from 2 - 6 p.m. in Melby gym
Each 4-hour session is free for Augsburg and/or returning RAD students. You may register for one or both classes, as much of the content in the first session will be repeated in the second.
Please reply to DPS Officer Jennifer Kellogg at and indicate which class you would like to register for, or if you're planning to attend both sessions. You will not be considered registered until you have received a confirmation e-mail. Please note: Space is limited to only 10 participants per 4-hour session.
American Indian Storytelling Event
American Indian Storytelling Event
Wednesday, March 5, 6 - 9 p.m.
East Commons, Augsburg College
Food and Beverages Provided
Special Guests:
Juanita Espinosa, Curator for Two Rivers Gallery
Dennis Jones and 2nd Year Ojibwe Language Students
Mark Erickson, Anishinabe Storyteller
Newio-Gee-Shig Drum and Dance Group
Hosted by: Augsburg AIS 322 Students
Sponsored by: Augsburg Indigenous Student Association,
American Indian Studies and Weekend College
SOAR 2008
This is a reminder regarding the dates for SOAR 2008. SOAR 2008 will occur over three sessions. Session I is on Tuesday/Wednesday, July 15-16. Session II is on Thursday/Friday, July 17-18. Session III is on Friday/Saturday, July 18-19. Please hold these dates open if you are AugSem faculty, academic support services, have participated in SOAR in prior years, etc. More information will come as the schedule is developed by the Orientation Board.
Spring is Coming...
...and we'll soon be breaking ground on the Augsburg Community Garden! We have space available if you're looking to garden, and are open to other suggestions you may have for the garden space.
Please contact Tim Dougherty at x1208 ( if you are interested in space or would like to collaborate on the project!
"dollar/sense" SHARE Tonight
Join President Pribbenow for this evening's dollar/sense. presentation SHARE! As always, free Jones soda and great prize giveaways. Come and participate in the conversation.
Mileage Reimbursement/Rochester Flat Rate Change
Effective immediately, Augsburg College will be changing the mileage rate reimbursement from $0.40 per mile to $0.505 per mile. The flat rate when traveling to Rochester will be $82.00. If you should have any questions, please feel free to contact Amy Daugherty at x1031 or
Artist Reception for Kelly Connole this Friday
Ceramicist Kelly Connole will be installing "Where the Sky Meets the Earth" this week in the Christensen Center Art Gallery. Join us for the opening reception this Friday, Feb. 29 from 5:30 - 7:30 p.m. All are invited!
Community Time TODAY
All faculty and staff are invited to Community Time TODAY in the East Commons, 3:45 p.m. - 4:30 p.m. There will be refreshments and a time for sharing community updates.
The last Tuesday of the month Community Time gatherings support our commitment to building community and practicing Common Work. They are also an opportunity to get to know one another, exchange ideas, and collaborate in new ways. Please plan to join us!
Ari Herstand to Perform
After nearly selling out the Varsity Theater (previous venue artists include The Fray, Corrine Bailey Rae, Goo Goo Dolls, Regina Spektor) in his hometown of Minneapolis for his debut CD release in December 2005, Herstand gained an impressive reputation around the city as a "must-see act." Having performed over 200 shows in 2006, this year playing a weekly series at the Varsity Theater and recently performing in front of sold-out crowds around the Midwest opening for artists such as CAKE, Sister Hazel, Phil Vassar, Matt Nathanson and Joshua Radin, Herstand continues to build a loyal following and maintain the grassroots effort in building a fan base. In the past 2 years, he performed showcase slots at the renowned South by Southwest festival in Austin, TX and the Worlds Largest Music Festival, Summerfest, in Milwaukee, WI.
Ari Herstand will perform solo at Augsburg College on March 6 at 7:30 p.m. Doors open at 6:30 p.m. and Nathan Schnipkoweit will be opening.
The show is free for all ages and open to the public.
This event will be held in the Hoversten Chapel of the Foss Center.
Interested in Student Programming?
Applications for 2008/9 Augsburg Student Activities Council (ASAC) President and Vice-President positions are now available! Pick up your application at the ASAC desk in the Auggie's Nest, and turn it in by Friday, Feb. 29 by 5 p.m. to campus box 2491. Questions? Call: Taylor Norman (651-270-2147).
Keeping Track of Auggies
No postings
Auggie Athletics
No postings
Home for Sale
Anyone looking for a cozy house to make their home can contact me for more information. It's a Cape Cod-style 2-story that is in move-in condition! Two Bedrooms, two Bathrooms, and office/nursery! Hardwood floors, deck, big yard, new paint, newer appliances, newer flooring in kitchen and bath, BRAND NEW front porch, and quiet neighborhood just a few blocks from Como!
Please feel free to check out the listing: