Security and Facilities Announcements
Teaching and Learning
General Announcements
- Dia de los Muertos Versus Halloween
- Apple Jack Orchards
- Spanish Conversation and Lunch
- MN Veterans Job Fair
- Let the Penny Wars Begin!
- Information for Benefits Eligible Staff & Faculty
- McNair Application DUE Tuesday, Nov. 6
- Time off For Voting
- World Visions Staff Book Group - Book Two
- All Saints Day, Thursday
- Departmental Food Drive Challenge
- Online Course Registration Just Got Easier
- Last Day for Halloween-Grams
- Spring Day Registration Is Coming
- Communication Studies Halloween Open House
- New Webmail for Students Is On Its Way
- Becoming Well Within Concert this Sunday, Nov. 4
Keeping Track of Auggies
Auggie Athletics
- (No listings)
Security and Facilities Announcements
Halloween Safety Handouts
Falls and traffic injuries are key risks for kids on Halloween. Halloween safety fact sheets and handouts are available at the Minnesota Safety Council web site:
Halloween Safety Tips fact sheet
Keeping Kids Safe on Halloween/Driving on Halloween
Have a fun and safe holiday!
Teaching and Learning
Augsburg Abroad Faculty Proposal Process Open
Calling all faculty interested in leading a short-term study abroad experience in the 2008-09 academic year! The updated proposal form and process are now available at the Augsburg Abroad web site ( or in the Office of International Programs Public folder under Augsburg Abroad. Those interested in leading a program with a very limited audience (only students from one curriculum/department) or for graduate students only should contact Andrea Wojtanowicz (see below for contact information).
Interested in the idea of leading a program, but not sure how to start planning? Have questions about the proposal requirements? Contact Andrea Wojtanowicz, Faculty-led Programs Coordinator, at or extension x1669.
The deadline for submitting proposals is Dec. 15, 2007. Proposals will be reviewed in January and the roster of short-term programs for 2008-09 will be announced in February.
Classroom Services Needs Your Feedback
During the summer of 2007, staff from Classroom Services and Facilities Management worked together to bring about a transformation of teaching and learning spaces on the Augsburg campus. This work included the "16 Classrooms Project" and the addition of seven new classrooms in the Oren Gateway Center (more information on the project can be found at
Now that we're at mid-semester and everyone has had a chance to get used to these new and renovated spaces, we'd like to get feedback from students, faculty and staff. What do you like about the project? What do you feel could have been done differently or better? What suggestions do you have for future improvements to teaching and learning spaces around campus?
E-mail with your comments, suggestions, criticisms and questions. Your feedback is essential as we continue to work to improve the teaching and learning spaces around campus!
"Deep Learning" Workshop Next Week
What is "deep learning"? What is a "learning paradigm" college? Why are most colleges stuck in the "instructional paradigm" and what can we do about it? This workshop introduces you to definitions, research on approaches to learning, and ideas about how we can encourage our students to be deep learners.
Facilitators: Frankie Shackelford and Scott Krenz. Tuesday, Nov. 6, Lindell 202. Refreshments at 3:15 p.m., workshop at 3:30 p.m.
General Announcements
Dia de los Muertos Versus Halloween
Dear Faculty, Staff and Students,
Another way to understand Hispanics or Latinos, in addition to speaking Spanish, is getting to know their beliefs and myths. This Thursday, there is a great opportunity to accomplish all the above, and in one event youll see the results of traditions being exported to another culture.
Please come, see and hear Día de los Muertos this Thursday, Nov. 1 at 11:45 a.m. in the Minneapolis room. Our presenter is Dr. Juanita Garciagodoy, author of the book Digging the Days of the Dead: A Reading of Mexicos Día de los Muertos, For this Thursday, Dr. Garciagodoys talk is titled Día de los Muertos Versus Halloween: A Fight to the Death? which examines the results of traditions being exported to another culture.
This event is sponsored by the Department of Modern Languages and Hispanic/Latino Student Services.
Please come!
Apple Jack Orchards
Join Campus Ministry as we go to Apple Jack Orchards. We're going to have a bonfire, hay ride and some good snacks! We will meet in the Foss entrance at 3 p.m. and we will return at 6:30 p.m. this Saturday, Nov. 3. If you have any questions, e-mail
Spanish Conversation and Lunch
This Thursday, Nov. 1, the Spanish conversation group will meet in the Riverside room, on the 2nd floor of Christensen, from 11 to 11:40 a.m. We are having a shorter session than usual in order to attend the talk being given on the Dia de los Muertos. That talk, which begins at 11:45 a.m. in the Minneapolis room, is open to the public. Hope to see you at either or both of these events! Questions? Contact Emiliano Chagil, Anita Fisher, or Kate Reinhardt.
MN Veterans Job Fair
Minnesota Veterans Job Fair
Where: Earle Brown Heritage Center, 6155 Earle Brown Drive, Brooklyn Center, MN
When: Tuesday, Nov. 6
Time: 11 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.
The job fair features up to 100 employers who are eager to hire veterans.
Let the Penny Wars Begin!
Our fall giving campaign has begun! Let's work hard to fill the jars at the Christensen Center Welcome Desk – students against faculty against staff. All money raised with go to the Community Shares and the United Way. Remember, any coins OTHER than pennies count against that group's total (but will still be donated, of course), so let's see who will win!
Information for Benefits-Eligible Staff & Faculty
The next benefit plan year will begin on January 1, 2008. The month of November 2007 is our annual enrollment period and certain changes in your benefits may only be made during this time. Human Resources will host four Information Sessions to review the benefits and changes. The times and locations for these sessions are:
Wednesday, Nov. 7, 2007 from 11 a.m. noon in Gateway 100
Thursday, Nov. 8, 2007 from 3 4 p.m. in Minneapolis Room, CC
Tuesday, Nov. 13, 2007 from 8:30 9:30 a.m. in Gateway 100
Tuesday, Nov. 13, 2007 from 8 9 p.m. in Minneapolis Room, CC
Human Resources be sending out more detailed information about the 2008 benefit plan this week. If you have any questions in the meantime, please contact Lor at ext. 1052.
McNair Application DUE Tuesday, Nov. 6
Just a reminder that the McNair Scholars Program Application priority deadline will be Tuesday, Nov. 6, at 4 p.m. Applications are available outside Science 116. Please Contact Xia Xiong-Vang, McNair Assistant Director at if you have any questions or concerns.
Time off For Voting
The local general elections will be held next Tuesday, Nov. 6 for some municipalities and school districts. Staff members who are eligible to vote in this election are permitted paid leave for up to 2 hours Tuesday morning. Please remember to have your supervisor approve your voting leave!
Minnesota residents can visit to find out where to vote.
World Visions Staff Book Group - Book Two
"Infidel," by Ayaan Hirsi Ali
A fascinating and controversial memoir by a Somali woman. "Ultimately a celebration of triumph over adversity, Hirsi Ali's story tells how a bright little girl evolved out of dutiful obedience to become an outspoken, pioneering freedom fighter. As Western governments struggle to balance democratic ideals with religious pressures, no story could be timelier or more significant. (publisher description)
The first 10 to RSVP to Emily Cronk at will receive a free book (there are six left!); at the end of our discussion, we will donate the free books to other communities. This book is also widely accessible at book stores and with online retailers.
Here are the two scheduled meeting times for this book:
Nov. 14 and Dec. 5, 2007
Time: Noon 1:15 p.m.
Location: Riverside Room
No need to complete the book to attend the discussion. Please feel free to contact us with your ideas or questions.
Respectfully, the World Visions charter members: Emily Cronk, Lynn Ellingson, Kathy Fagen, Amy Greeley, Holley Locher, and Lisa Roe.
All Saints Day - Thursday
We invite you to a special chapel on Thursday, Nov. 1 at 11:20 a.m., when the Augsburg Community celebrates All Saints Day. We will be remembering those who have died during this past year. We invite you to share with us the names of family and friends who have died, so that we can remember them in prayer in Chapel. You can call the Campus Ministry Office at x1732, or e-mail
- Lil
Departmental Food Drive Challenge
Grab your colleagues, family and friends to come together in the Campus Kitchen's Food Drive Challenge in sponsoring a food item for this year's 600+ TurkeyPalooza Thanksgiving meals!
Here's how it works:
1. Pick a food item
2. E-mail and "register" your item (to help ensure that
27 departments don't all sponsor pumpkin).
3. Everyone bring in that item to your office.
4. On Friday, Nov. 9, bring your food items to the table in
Christensen Center, where Campus Kitchen volunteers will collect your food.
Last year's winner, the Physician Assistant Program, brought in five turkeys and 90 pounds of food!
Needed Food items:
* turkeys
* potatoes/instant potatoes
* gravy mix
* onions
* canned pumpkin
* pie crust mix (or DRY pie crusts - such as graham cracker crusts)
* cream of mushroom soup
* green beans
* French fried onions
* butter
* evaporated milk
There are also LOTS of opportunities to volunteer to help cook or deliver Thanksgiving meals coming up. So gather your colleagues/department/friends and sign-up for a shift! For specific dates and times, e-mail:
Questions? Contact: Joanna;
Online Course Registration Just Got Easier
Day Students - registration for Spring semester is right around the corner! Now is the time to meet with your faculty adviser (check your AugNet account for your assigned adviser), do some academic planning, and get your adviser hold released.
New this year is the Advanced Search Options on AugNet Records and Registration. Just enter 2007-2008 Spring Semester (Day) and then click Advanced Search Options. This will allow you to search for any Core curriculum courses
.Natural Science and Math, Social and Behavioral Science, Fine Arts, Humanities, and all of the Graduation Skill courses Critical Thinking, Quantitative Reasoning, Speaking and Writing.
If you have questions about registration or need some assistance with academic planning, please stop the Enrollment Center for walk-up advising at our window or call 612-330-1025 to schedule an appointment with an adviser.
Last Day for Halloween-Grams
Just in time for the Halloween season! The Augsburg Business Organization is once again sponsoring Halloween-gram treat bags. Buy some for your friends, colleagues, professors and classmates! Buy one for yourself! Support a growing student organization and their annual January trip to Chicago to visit alumni and other friends of the college involved in business and other vocations.
Halloween Grams will be available for sale Tuesday and Wednesday between 11 a.m. and 1 p.m. near the Business Department Open Advising tables in Christensen Center. Cost is $3.00 for one bag or two for $5. Take them with you, or we will deliver for you!
If youd like to order yours via e-mail or have any questions, please contact Samantha Gerhardson at
Spring Day Registration Is Coming
Day students, are you ready for registration? It begins on Nov. 12! Prepare yourself by meeting with your faculty adviser and taking care of any paperwork or financial holds with the Enrollment Center. If you don't know how to check for holds or what the hold means, stop in to the EC, email us at, or call 612.330.1046. Find the registration schedule in the yellow box on the Registrar's web site at
Communication Studies Halloween Open House
The Communication Studies Department is holding a Halloween Open House today from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. in Foss 171. All are invited to stop by for cider and treats!
New Webmail for Students Is On Its Way
Augsburg student webmail will be updated with a new look and feel over the next several days. The new webmail features an updated interface and improved performance as well as calendar features.
Since webmail is simply a way to view e-mail, the change to webmail will not affect e-mail messages or folders students have already created. The old webmail interface will continue to be available from a link on the Inside Augsburg web page for several weeks; students can go back and forth between the two versions seamlessly.
Students needing assistance with the new webmail interface should refer to the Student Computing Desk web site at or contact the Student Computing Desk at 612-330-1400 or
Becoming Well Within Concert this Sunday, Nov. 4
The event "Becoming Well Within: A Tribute to Women with Breast Cancer" is this Sunday, Nov. 4 at 5 p.m. in Hoversten Chapel. Doors open at 4:40 p.m. for general seating. There is no admission charge, but donations will be solicited for the wellness resource center Well Within.
The oratorio "Where I Live" features a 30 member women's chorus and six narrators, including Augsburg's own Vivian Jenkins-Nelsen and Abigail Pribbenow, poets Carol Connolly and Susan Deborah (Sam) King, and actress Katherine Ferrand.
Other musical pieces performed by Lori Dokken & The Girls, Billy McLaughlin, Mila Vocal Ensemble, and Donna Pena.
After the concert refreshments will be served in the Oren Gateway Center. At 6:30 p.m. photographer Arthur Hand will discuss his and his wife's exhibition "Journey Toward Healing," which will be on view in the Gage Family Art Gallery through Dec. 16.
Keeping Track of Auggies
CSWL's Auggies Engaged in Action: Joshua Harris
Thanks for your patience as we slowly build this tradition of featuring fellow Auggies who are doing phenomenal work out in the community. This week, we feature the inimitable Josh Harris.
You may know Josh as the co-commissioner of the Pan-Afrikan Student Union. You might also have seen him steal the scene in last year's PASU fashion show. You might even know that he's a communications major intending to graduate in May 2008.
What you probably don't know is that Mr. Harris is making Augsburg College proud this semester as a shining star intern with the KMSP FOX 9 Sports News Department.
He's busy interviewing players from the Timberwolves, Vikings, Wild, and Twins, and has already written upwards of five sports stories that have been on the air. He says that it's been great to work with FOX news anchor Robyne Robinson as well as their sports personalities, Jim Rich and Dawn Mitchell.
If you've met him before, you probably now know that it won't be long before we're saying things like, "You know that new SportsCenter anchor, Joshua Harris? That's right. I knew him at AUGSBURG COLLEGE."
Nice work, Josh!
Stay tuned for another student spotlight from the CSWL!
Auggie Athletics
Intramural Volleyball and Soccer Information
Intramurals is no longer taking roster for the fall volleyball season. There are currently 16 teams registered, and that is as many as we can take based on court times and availability. Keep your eyes open for league information within the next couple of days via e-mail and IM board in Melby.
We are still taking rosters for the first eight teams to sign-up for co-ed soccer. We are numbering the rosters in the order we receive them, and based on field availability, we are limited to the first eight teams. Co-ed means there must be a minimum of three women on the field of seven players at all times – what you do with the other four players is up to you. Rosters and other information can be found downstairs in Melby next to the IM board.
Ultimate Frisbee
The last ultimate tryout will be held Friday, Nov. 2 from 8 p.m. to 10 p.m. (please arrive 15 minutes early) on Edor Nelson Field. Tryouts are meant to determine the team(s) that will represent Augsburg College in a booming sport. Potential players are required to make only one of these dates. If these days do not work, please let me, Ben, Justin or Al know ASAP, so we can determine if we need another day of tryouts or something else.
Tryouts will be based on seven core skills of an ultimate player. These include endurance, throwing, catching, defense, offense, overall game-play and teamwork. To test these strengths, there will be several drills and exercises, including a 1-mile run with a target time between 6 and 7.5 minutes. Throwing will include forehand and backhand, nothing else. On the day of tryouts, please bring a white shirt and a dark shirt (people with gray shirts will be punished), a disc (if you have one, put your name on it), cleats (if you don't have cleats, wear flats; barefoot is not acceptable), water, and arrive 15 minutes early, as we will start on time.
*During all tryouts, we will be using UPA Rules
For more information, contact or
Auggie Athletics Update
Auggie Athletics Update (click on link for story/stats):
Tuesday, October 30:
Women's Soccer (MIAC Playoff Semifinals) -- St. Benedict 2, Augsburg 0
Upcoming Events:
Friday, November 2:
Swimming at Augsburg/St. Mary's/Hamline Triangular, 6 p.m.
Football vs. Bethel, HHH Metrodome, 7 p.m. -- LISTEN LIVE:
Men's Hockey at Wisconsin-River Falls, 7 p.m.
Women's Hockey vs. Finlandia (Mich.), Augsburg Ice Arena, 7:05 p.m.
Saturday, November 3:
Swimming hosting Augsburg/St. Catherine/Minnesota-Morris Triangular, at St. Catherine, 1 p.m.
Women's Hockey vs. Finlandia (Mich.), Augsburg Ice Arena, 2:15 p.m. -- LISTEN LIVE:
Men's Hockey at Wisconsin-Stout, 7:30 p.m.
Women's Soccer at MIAC Playoff Championship Game.
Sunday, November 4:
Women's Hockey vs. Lindenwood (Mo.) (EXHIBITION), Augsburg Ice Arena, 2:05 p.m.
No postings