Security and Facilities Announcements
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Teaching and Learning
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General Announcements
2007 Auggie Days Event Registration
2007 SOAR Showcase Registration
Keeping Track of Auggies
Five Auggies currently traveling in Namibia
Augsburg Athletics
Guest Speaker Elaine Penn on Campus
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Discussions in the
AugNet Forums...
(Forum access is currently limited to Augsburg faculty and
In an effort to collaborate with each of Augsburg's departments and
offices, Campus Activities & Orientation would like to know what
events you have planned that take place during Auggie Days. We will be
using this information as we continue to plan for Auggie Days, our
intention being to create a brochure that will present a comprehensive
schedule of events.
The Department of Campus Activities & Orientation would like to
invite you to reserve a table at the 2007 SOAR Showcase!
Please welcome the Summer Bridge class of 2007! Twenty-seven students
will begin their journey at Augsburg College with the TRIO / Student
Support Services Summer Bridge Program. This five week academic program
is offered to Augsburg first year students who qualify for the TRIO/SSS
program. Summer Bridge runs Sunday, July 8 through Thursday, August 9,
2006. Summer Bridge students will take two college credit courses,
Religion 100: Christian Vocation and the Search for Meaning taught by
Mark Tranvik and COM 111: Introduction to Public Speaking course taught
by Bob Groven. In addition to the college courses, Summer Bridge
students attend Supplemental Instruction courses, workshops about
Augsburg College and college life, as well as social and cultural
activities.TRIO/SSS is funded by the U.S. Department of Education, and
covers the cost of Summer Bridge. The Augsburg College Office of the
Vice President for Academic Affairs provides additional funding for
tuition, text books, room and board, and some activities. |
Subject: Five Auggies currently
traveling in Namibia Message:
If you would like to know more about their travels, please log onto:
Subject: Guest Speaker Elaine
Penn on Campus Message:
Elaine Penn, outstanding speaker, workshop facilitator and singer -
song writer will spend a full day on campus on Monday, September 17,
2007. Her presentations will focus on diversity, leadership and
building an inclusive campus community. Her highly interactive style
and use of music enables her to reach people in profound ways. Those
who experience Elaine's programs leave feeling motivated, informed and
inspired. Please mark your calendar for September 17th and the
following times: |
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