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Teaching and Learning
Critical Thinking Workshop All Departments
Q & A: Queer & Augsburg
The Bible...Word of God? Or a Lot of Gibberish?
Leadership Development Sessions for Student Orgs
General Announcements
Make an easy $10
What a Relief Again! (New Orleans Spring Break)
Valentine's forum (Feb. 12 from 5-6 p.m.)
Beware of fee based scholarship search
Interested in affecting social change?
Want to get paid to blog? Blog for Homemade
Need money for day care?
First College Republican meeting of the semester
Wellness Brown Bag Lunch this Thursday
Augsburg's A-List
Study Abroad table in Christensen
Menth named MIAC Player of the Week
Auggie Athletics Update
Discussions in the AugNet Forums...
(Forum access is currently limited to Augsburg faculty and staff.)
Critical Thinking Workshop All Departments
RSVP now. The first of a series of workshops on the four graduation skills begins January 31 with a focus on Critical Thinking. Joan Griffin sent an invitation to department chairs two weeks ago with a note: As we work toward the goal of embedding critical thinking throughout our major curricula, I hope that you will find this workshop helpful and that at least one person from your department will be able to attend.
Subject: Q & A: Queer & Augsburg Message:
Would you like a copy of the new, monthly newsletter, Q & A: Queer & Augsburg, published by LGBTQIA Support Services at Augsburg College? Then click here: http://web.augsburg.edu/~oberry/Q&A_01_15_2007.pdf
The Bible...Word of God? Or a Lot of Gibberish?
Interested faculty and staff members are invited to join librarian Bill Wittenbreer and Religion professor Mark Tranvik in a book discussion group that will entertain this question as well as others that are equally provocative. Group members will discuss the best-selling book "The End of Faith: Religion, Terror, and the Future of Reason", by philosopher and neuroscientist Sam Harris. (Books will be provided free-of-charge to participants.)
Leadership Development Sessions for Student Orgs
The Department of Campus Activities and Orientation will be hosting Leadership Development Sessions for Student Organizations on Friday, Jan. 26 from 1 to 4:30 p.m. in the Minneapolis, Cedar, and Augsburg Rooms on the upper level of the Christensen Center.
Make an easy $10
A senior Psychology and Law student, Robert Tix, needs your participation in his Honors Research Project. Two session: one about 8-10 minutes, the other less than 5 minutes, and for your help youll receive $10. Sign up is in the Psychology department, on the bulletin board (Memorial Hall), or contact Robert Tix at tixr@augsburg.edu
What a Relief Again! (New Orleans Spring Break)
What a Relief Again! New Orleans by Train.
Subject: Valentine's forum (Feb. 12 from 5 - 6 p.m.) Message:
Singles and couples who are excited for Valentine's Day should totally come to this forum. Why? There are three reasons why you should come. First, there will be fun and exciting competitions for all males and females. Second, there will be couple competitions that can make you laugh, cry or bust out the "awwwwwwwww.... how sweet." Third, there are amazing Chipotle's prizes for singles and couples who win the competitions. The event is during dinner, so you can even get your food and come over the East Common to have fun, join in the contests, and a great chance to win prizes.
Beware of fee based scholarship search
Some college students in Minnesota have received a letter from a fee based scholarship search company. The letter is from College Financial Advisory and from the looks of their web site they are a private, for-profit scholarship search company. The logo on the letter is made to look like the U.S. Department of Education's logo (a tree), so it almost looks like it's coming from an official government agency. It's also written in a style that's very authoritative, rather than an honest pitch for a product:
Interested in affecting social change?
Do you have a social justice issue that you would like to see addressed? Are you interested in supporting fair trade, promoting the Peace Prize Forum, and planning an Action at Augsburg day?
Want to get paid to blog? Blog for Homemade.
Would you like to get paid to blog about your life at Augsburg? Do you already blog about it and would like to get paid for what you already write about? Or would you just like some money in exchange for posting a few paragraphs a week about what you're doing?
Need money for day care?
The Enrollment Center still has some state money available. If you have kids under the age of 12 and qualify for the Minnesota State Grant, you may also qualify for day care assistance. To apply, complete the attached application and return it to Diane McQuarry in the Enrollment Center. CB 309 612-330-1755
First College Republican Meeting of the semester Message: The first College Republican meeting of the semester will be this Thursday, Jan. 25 at 9 p.m. in Lindell Library room 301 on the third floor. Everyone is welcome! If you have any questions please contact Virginia at biorn@augsburg.edu. Subject:
Wellness Brown Bag Lunch this Thursday
Message: The Augsburg Wellness Committee invites all interested faculty, staff and students to its first brown bag lunch on Thursday, Jan. 25 from noon - 1 p.m. in the Minneapolis Room. Our first presenter will be Dawn Ludwig, the Director of the Physician's Assistant Program. The program is "Influenza: Fact or Fiction?" and will cover information on colds and flu, vaccines and more. Come and learn what you need to know about the flu season and how to protect yourself. Feel free to bring your lunch. Any questions, please call Dianne in the CCHP office at 612-330-1707. Subject: Augsburg's A-List Message:
Augsburgs A-list
Study Abroad table in Christensen Message:
Visit the Augsburg Abroad table today from 10:30 a.m. - 12:30 p.m. in Christensen Lobby |
Menth named MIAC Player of the Week
Augsburg's Toni Menth named MIAC Women's Hockey Player of the Week
Auggie Athletics Update
Auggie Athletics Update (click on link for story/stats):
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